Age of Exploration! Hooray!!
State building in Europe ► Plague and internal problems destroy the power of the Holy Roman Empire ► German Princes and Italian City-States have the power – develop two important elements that spread throughout Europe: Direct Taxation and Standing Armies!
State Building throughout Europe ► France and England fight constantly over land (Hundred Years War – ) France taxed sales, hearths and salt England taxed hearths, plows and even individuals (just for being there!) ► Russia – 1480, Moscow prince Ivan the III stops paying tribute to Mongols and in effect declaring independence That’s IVAN THE GREAT to you!
► 1469 – Marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile ► United two most important (and richest) Iberian realms ► The “Catholic Kings” complete the reconquista, and create a hegemony throughout much of the Italian peninsula. Aragon! Castile! Spain!
By 1492, the “Reconquista” or reconquering of Spain is complete. (the Catholics force out the Muslims!)
Bring it all together! ► Competition grows as these areas tighten and defend their authority! ► Conflict is encouraged by rapid development of military and naval technology (gunpowder weapons, ships, etc) ► Arms and technology race strengthened European powers just as they began to venture into the larger world…
Why explore? ► ► Gold: Overland routes were controlled by Mongols and Muslims Merchants sought a profitable trade with Asia ► God: Church leaders wanted to spread Christianity and halt Islam ► Glory: A new “worldly” view had emerged as a result of the Renaissance
Spice Trade ► 1300s – Europeans dependent on spices such as pepper, cinnamon, & nutmeg ► Spices used for flavor, preserving meat, perfumes, cosmetics, and medicine ► Spice trade was controlled by Arab and Venetian merchants
Technology necessary ► Oceangoing ships ► Triangle Sails ► Compass ► Astrolabe ► Sextant ► Accurate Maps ► Training in Navigation
Portugal leads the way… ► Prince Henry the Navigator: campaigns to spread Christianity and increase Portuguese influence. Seized Ceuta Discovered the Madeiras and Azores Discovered islands off West African coast – Cape Verde, Principe, etc Colonized island and began growing sugarcane… ► Not really known as merchants – fisherman with great experience of travelling on the stormy Atlantic
► mid-1400s, Portuguese fleets explore west African coast – each new expedition proceeding a bit further than its predecessor ► Trade develops: Guns, textiles and manufactured items Gold and African Slaves Changed the long- established African commerce in slaves by increasing its volume and sending slaves to new destinations.Changed the long- established African commerce in slaves by increasing its volume and sending slaves to new destinations. Sent thousands of slaves to work their new island sugar plantationsSent thousands of slaves to work their new island sugar plantations
Indian ocean ► Portugal not done – a sea route to Asian markets (with silk and spices) would avoid Muslim and Italian middlemen. ► Looking to participate directly in Indian Ocean trade: in 1497, Vasco da Gama sails around the cape, finds a Muslim pilot to show him how to take advantage of the monsoon winds ► In the following 100 years, Portuguese ships armed with cannons worked hard to control Indian Ocean trade
Around the same time… ► 1492 Christopher Columbus (an Italian, sailing for Spain) discovers new land. (trying to reach Asia by sailing west) ► …he never realizes it.
Columbus ► laid the foundation for Spanish control of potentially rich territories ► second voyage (1493–1496), explored Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Cuba, etc, and attempts to establish a colony on Hispaniola. - poor management and enslavement of natives ► third voyage (1498–1500) Columbus landed on Trinidad, Venezuela, and as governor of Hispanolia, alienated the Spanish colonists and was arrested and sent back to Spain as a prisoner. ► Stripped of any governing authority by Ferdinand and Isabel, 4 th voyage (1502–1504), stranded on Jamaica for more than a year, he returned to Spain with his health ruined. He died two years later (1506), a wealthy but bitter man who felt unappreciated by his king and uncertain of his legacy.
A Question of POV… Hero? Villain?
► Although he returns without gold, silk or spices he is persistent that he had reached islands near Japan and China ► Made 3 more voyages but it was Amerigo Vespucci to later realize he had discovered a new “world” – hence “America”
Spain and Portugal ► Two biggest exploring nations ► Began fighting over land in New World ► Asked Pope to solve dispute ► The Pope divides the New World in half with a line! Pope Alexander VI
Pope’s Solution: Draw a Line ► West of line is Spain’s/East of line is Portugal’s
The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) ► The problem is, they had no idea how much “New World” was out there! ► Became obvious Spain got much more land ► Moved the line west a little…better??
Vasco de Balboa ► Spaniard ► Hacked path across Isthmus of Panama ► 1 st European to see Pacific Ocean
Ferdinand Magellan ► From Portugal, Sailed for Spain ► Looking for El Paso Sea Route thru America to Indies ► Tip of South America = Straits of Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan ► Renamed & crossed the Pacific Ocean ► Landed in Philippine Islands ► Died in a battle w/ natives ► His men become the first to circumnavigate the globe!
Northwest Passage ► Find a passage more northerly than Columbus’ to Asia (i.e. through America)
Northwest Passage Explorers ► John Cabot – (English) Newfoundland ► Jacques Cartier – (French) St. Lawrence River ► Henry Hudson - (Dutch) Hudson River
Dutch East India Company ► Created in 1602 by Dutch Merchants ► Used military to stay in power! ► Set up Colonies East & West Indies, Japan, South & North America (Manhattan)
Spanish Empire Grows!!!
► Columbus returned w/ stories of the natives Easy to convert to Christianity Easy to enslave!
Given ownership but people there already… ► Aztecs in Mexico …and the Inca in South America
Spanish Empire Grows!!! ► Spain sends Conquistadors – Spanish explorers / conquerors ► Sent to bring home riches and slaves
Hernan Cortes ► Took 11 ships & 600 men into Mexico ► Captured Montezuma – Aztec king ► Destroyed Tenochtitlan – Aztec capitol
Aztec Civilization
Agriculture ► Corn ► beans ► Peppers ► squash ► Cocoa ► sweet potatoes ► No beasts of burden – but..turkeys ► Chinampas were floating gardens built on swamps.
Francisco Pizarro ► Landed in Panama w/ 180 men ► Moved South into Peru ► Destroyed Incan Empire ► Captured Atahualpa – King of Incas, and killed him after ransom was paid!
Francisco Coronado ► Explored into North America ► Went as far north as Kansas & Oklahoma
Hernando de Soto ► Was w/ Pizarro in Peru ► Explored North America Started in Florida, went north into Georgia & Tennessee Discovered the Mississippi River & went south to Louisiana
Recap ► What are they looking for? ► Wealth, spices, new sea routes, people to convert to Christians, & undiscovered land.
► Indians considered “sub-human” ► Forced labor systems develop
Colombian Exchange ► many products were carried to and from the New World like: ► to the New World: horses, cows, wheat, rice, & oranges ► from the New World: corn, potatoes, tobacco, cacao (chocolate) ► Europeans carried unknown diseases to the native Americans which killed millions (including Small Pox)
Mercantilism ► ► A theory that a country should try to collect as much bullion (gold and silver) as possible, creating wealth and power. ► ► If a country sold more goods to other countries than it bought from them, it would acquire this bullion. ► Put Simply: To become rich, exports should exceed imports
Mercantilism ► Governments set high tariffs Taxes on Imports ► Colonies Provide raw materials Provide a market for finished goods ► High demand for Gold and Silver! Silver Production in Spanish America
Potosi and Cerro Rico ► The Cerro Rico was literally a mountain of silver in Spanish Peru, now Bolivia ► Nearly 41,000 metric tons of pure silver were mined from Cerro Rico from 1556 to ► Indian laborers, came to die by the thousands, not simply from exposure and brutal labor, but by mercury poisoning ► 30,000 African slaves were taken to Potosí during the colonial era. ► Forced to work as acémilas humanas (human mules). Since mules would die after a couple of months pushing the mills, the colonists replaced every four mules with twenty African slaves
► Spanish Silver and Pieces of Eight
Changing Ways of Life Commercial Revolution ► new business methods for investing money, speeding the flow of wealth, & reducing risks ► rise of free enterprise (modern capitalism), economic system in which money is invested by individuals in business to make profits
More Commercial Revolution ► people who wanted to invest in exploration combined resources in joint-stock companies, or organizations that sold stock & shared in profits & losses ► rise of entrepreneurs, or individuals who combined money, ideas, raw materials, & labor to make goods & services
Activity ► With your partner, visit each station around the room. ► Read each document THEN answer the corresponding questions. ► You and your partner should have the same answers.
Background info ► Plants and Animals What sorts of plants and animals were exchanged? What was the impact of the Columbian exchange on population around the world?
Columbian Exchange
► Native Americans What sort of labor systems were developed as a result of the Columbian Exchange? What was the impact of the Columbian Exchange on Native Americans?
American Indian Societies Destroyed and Transformed ► Encomiendas ► Spanish Crown gave land to Spaniards who promised to pay the Crown taxes ► The Spaniards, extracted tributes from the Indians living on that land in form of goods, metals, money, and labor I ► In return they provided Indians with protection and instruction in the Christian faith ► Mita ► mandatory public service in the society of the Inca Empire. It was effectively a form of tribute to the Inca government, in the form of labor (community-driven projects such as the building of their extensive road network) ► The Spanish utilized this labor system for their own needs – forced labor in the silver mines…
Vanishing Natives ► Indigenous populations plummet! ► Forced Labor and Disease ► Who will do the work?
► Silver Remember Potosi! What happened to the Spanish (and world) economy as a result of the huge influx of Silver? How was China impacted by Spanish Silver?
Silver ► Loss of faith in paper money ► Spanish silver from Potosi to Asia ► Triangle route: Philippines to China to Japan ► Silver floods Chinese Market devaluation of currency & recession devaluation of currency & recession reduces price of Chinese goods in Europe reduces price of Chinese goods in Europe► ► UH-OH……increases interest in Chinese culture… ► Helps encourage Europeans in conquest and trade silver eventually replaced by opium
► Slavery Why was there such a large influx of slaves into the New World? Where did most of those slaves end up? What about “unforced” migration?
Slavery in the New World ► Triangular trade Set of trades between three points The most famous was sugar/rum/slaves ► Begins the transatlantic slave trade: African chiefs sell members of other tribes for guns & alcohol 10 –24 million Africans were brought to America 1 in 5 did not survive the journey (Called the “Middle Passage” because it was the middle leg of the triangle)