Exploration and Colonization of the New World United States History
Early Exploration to the New World Leif Erickson Viking Explorer 1000 A.D. First European to land in the New World Vinland – Newfoundland
The Atlantic World Christopher Columbus Italian explore who convinced Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to sponsor a trip to the East Indies Instead of going East he planned on sailing to the West
The Expedition Columbus set sail in August 1492 with three ships: Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. He sailed to the West for Gold, God and Glory. Reach the Bahamas and San Salvador on October 12, 1492. He capture several “Indians” that he “discovered” and other items from his trip and returned to Europe in March 1493.
Early Explorations When he returned Columbus he announced that he had found a route to the East Indies. As word spread countries and Europe began to send their own explorers to the West. Word of his discovery also started tensions between Spain and Portugal. To end the tension and to prevent war the Pope established a the Line of Demarcation that divided settlement in the New World.
Line of Demarcation 1493
America and the New World Columbus made four trips to the New World. He had promised that he would find gold and spices that would make money for Spain, but he failed. He was always convinced that he had found the East Indies. He died penniless.
America and the New World In 1501, Amerigo Vespucci sailed to the West and discovered the Amazon River and other features in South America. When he returned he said that he discovered a New World. A German map maker Martin Waldseemuller proposed that the new world be named America in his honor.
The Columbian Exchange However, Columbus would not be forgotten because his name is used to describe the transfer of food, animals and disease between the New World and Europe, Asia and Africa.
Food, Plants and Animals from the New World tomato Chile pepper cocoa turkey vanilla tobacco avocado maize (corn) potato sweet potato beans peanuts pumpkin squash
Food, Animals, Plants and Disease from Europe, Asia, and Africa Foods coffee bean bananas sugar cane olives grapes onions peach and pear Grains wheat rice barley oats
Food, Animals, Plants and Disease from Europe, Asia, and Africa cattle sheep pig horses Diseases small pox influenza typhus measles malaria diphtheria whooping cough
Interactions between Europeans and American Indians The explorations and settlements of the English in the American colonies and Spanish in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, often led to violent conflicts with the American Indians (First Americans). The Indians lost their traditional territories and millions fell victim to diseases carried from Europe.