High Energy Physics at UTA Andrew Brandt, Kaushik De, Andrew White, Jae Yu, + 5 post-docs, 6 grad students, and many undergrads.


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Presentation transcript:

High Energy Physics at UTA Andrew Brandt, Kaushik De, Andrew White, Jae Yu, + 5 post-docs, 6 grad students, and many undergrads

What is High Energy Physics?  Matter/Forces at the most fundamental level. STANDARD MODEL  Great progress! The “STANDARD MODEL”  BUT… many mysteries => Why so many quarks/leptons?? => Why four forces?? Unification? => Where does mass come from?? => Are there higher symmetries?? => What is the “dark matter”??

Why High Energy Physics At UTA?? YOU can perform fundamental research using world’s highest energy particle accelerators: UTA’s four HEP faculty, many grad students and post-docs are part of collaborations at Fermilab, CERN, and Brookhaven, investigating the Origin of Mass (Higgs Searches), Supersymmetry, Extra-dimensions, QCD and Forward Physics. YOU can build state-of-the-art detectors: UTA’s Swift Center Detector Laboratory is a fully equipped 10,000 sq ft construction facility; in 2004 there will be new facilities at a brand new Science Building. YOU can develop “The GRID”, the next step beyond the Internet: UTA faculty leading international efforts in this area, we have a 50 processor high performance computing farm, and a GRID test-bed. (Visit us at UTA Science Hall or

The DZero Experiment  World’s highest energy collisions (2 TeV) X >120 Physics papers published! (includes Top quark discovery in 1995)  Now starting new 5-year run => look for “Higgs Boson”, Supersymmetry and many other possible new phenomena X UTA faculty has leadership roles: Andrew Brandt: Forward Proton Detector Leader Andrew White: Intercryostat Detector Leader Jae Yu: Remote Analysis/GRID computing coordinator  Many opportunities for good Ph.D. theses !!

One of the DØ Forward Proton Detectors built at UTA and installed in the Tevatron tunnel Tevatron: World’s Highest Energy Collider Fermilab DØDØ

Search for the Higgs: the Origin of Mass? For M H < 135, H  bb decay mode dominates –FNAL Tevatron: Discovery? H  bb M H <135 GeV Maybe H  WW/ZZ M H >135 GeV –CERN LHC: look for H  WW or ZZ Depending on what is found at FNAL Run II

Supersymmetry (SUSY) Supersymmetry (SUSY) is an elegant extension of the Standard Model (SM) Solves the Higgs mass fine tuning problem by introducing super-partners Allows Grand Unification of low energy gauge couplings Provides candidate for cold dark matter

The CERN Large Hadron Collider Location of LHC in France and Switzerland, with lake Geneva and the Alps in the background The ATLAS detector is currently being built at UTA and at 100's of other institutions all over the world Proton-proton collisions at 14 TeV

Building Calorimeter Modules at UTA Project led by Kaushik De Built 130 modules at UTA Several year project Many students involved

Largest offsite computing facility for Run I Current UTA system:  24 dual 866MHz processor Linux PC’s  0.5GB RAM per machine  0.61 TB total disk storage UTA developed MC job control & monitoring software To date over 3.3 million events generated in 6 Mo. for Run II Second farm of five dual 866MHz Linux cpu in CSE recently added Promotes inter-departmental collaboration UTA CSE interested in GRID development Human resources: Four faculty members Two Research scientists 1 Computing professional consultant (20hr/week) 3 FTE CSE undergraduate and graduate students UTA HEP Computing Resources

High Energy Physics Training + Jobs EXPERIENCE: 1)Problem solving 2)Data analysis 3)Detector construction 4)State-of-the-art high speed electronics 5)Computing (C++, Python, Linux, etc.) 6)Presentation 7)Travel JOBS: 1)Post-docs/faculty positions 2)High-tech industry 3)Computer programming and development 4)Financial

HEP farm at UTA CSE farm at UTA ATLAS farm at UTA Remote desktop machines Existing infrastructure Planned expansion – Short Term Planned extension – Longer Term (can be anywhere in the world) 24 dual 866MHz Ten 866MHz …… UTA PC FARM

US ATLAS Data Grid Testbed Calren Esnet, Abilene, Nton Abilene ESnet, Mren UC Berkeley LBNL-NERSC ESnet NPACI, Abilene Brookhaven National Laboratory Indiana University Boston University Argonne National Laboratory HPSS sites U Michigan University of Texas at Arlington University of Oklahoma

Structure of Matter cm m m m u < m m MatterMoleculeAtomNucleusQuarkBaryon Electron < m protons, neutrons, mesons, etc.  top, bottom, charm, strange, up, down Chemistry Atomic Physics Nuclear Physics High Energy Physics (Hadron) (Lepton)

Particle Detection EMhadronic B  Interaction Point Scintillating Fiber Silicon Tracking Calorimeter (dense) Wire Chambers Absorber Material electron photon jet muon neutrino -- or any non-interacting particle missing transverse momentum Charged Particle TracksEnergy Muon Tracks We know x,y starting momenta is zero, but along the z axis it is not, so many of our measurements are in the xy plane, or transverse

The Standard Model Current list of elementary (i.e. indivisible) particles Antiparticles have opposite charge, same mass the strong force is different! new property, color charge confinement - not usual 1/r2 Standard Model has been very successful but has too many parameters, does not explain origin of mass. Continue to probe and attempt to extend model.

Series of 18 Roman Pots forms 9 independent momentum spectrometers allowing measurement of proton and anti-proton momentum and angle. Q4 D S Q3S A1A2 P 1 UP p p Z(m) D1 Detector Bellows Roman Pot P 2 OUT Q2 P 1 DN P 2 IN D2 Q4Q3Q2 FPD Scintillating Fiber Detector The DZero Forward Proton Detector

Time “parton jet” “particle jet” “calorimeter jet” hadrons  CH FH EM Highest E T dijet event at DØ l Fixed cone-size jets l Add up towers l Iterative algorithm l Jet quantities: l Fixed cone-size jets l Add up towers l Iterative algorithm l Jet quantities: Jet Production

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