How We Live… Changes in Technology since 1960
Types of Technological Change Examples of Improvements in Existing Technologies –Black & White TV to Color TV –Faster, more efficient, safer cars; better roads (completion of Interstate Highway System) New Products: –Microwave oven; Walkman; VCR, DVD player; cell phone; microcomputer; jet plane; xerox machine
Types of Technological Change Which may also be innovations made by combinations of new and existing technologies: –Air conditioning –Cable TV –Cell phones –…..
Locus of Change Business and Industry –Computers –Xerox Machines –Air Travel –Air conditioning Home and Consumer products –Microwave oven, cell phone, microcomputer, VCR, Walkman, air conditioning
International Jet Air Travel International Commercial Jet Travel, Pan Am to London; British Air; Aeroflot
Domestic Jet Air Travel Soon followed by domestic intercontinental air travel (1959) Deregulated, 1978; prices drop 10-20%
Plain Paper Copier, 1959: Xerox 914
Cellular Phones 1983 to 2006
Microwave Oven: 1970s Along with the dishwasher and clothes drier, a new addition to the American home of the 1970s
Air Conditioning: Heating to HVAC 1970s room air conditioner Central air conditioner unit
Entertainment Innovations: Analog 1979 Walkman 1970s Video Cassette Recorder
Digital Computers Eniac (WWII) to UNIVAC (1950) UNIVAC
Processing the 1950 Census: UNIVAC
ILLIAC: U. of Ill. Computer
IBM Mainframe, 1960s-1970s
Keypunch Machine
Hal: 2001, A Space Odyssey, 1968
Altair Personal Computer
Apple II
Kaypro: Early 1980s PC
IBM Personal Computer
The PC developed… Apple Macintosh and the Mouse and GUI: Graphical User Interface IBM contracted with Bill Gates to program DOS for the IBC PC, and then Windows for the IBM PC
The Internet 1950s-1960s: National Science Foundation and Defense Department created ARPA, Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA for scientists to share information and research 1980s: DARPANET expanded 1980s: proposals for new interface
The World Wide Web: early 1990s A new conception of distributed computingdistributed computing Chips get faster Networks develop The GUI becomes standard Intensification of Digital Information Systems to image, video, audio, and the creation of content for the Web Yahoo, Google and organizing the web
Implications of Change Lessened the natural advantages of old industrial centers of the US: air conditioning; air travel Intensified the networking of the home and reliance on electricity grid Intensified the importance of energy networking of the home; and oil and gas dependence Strengthened the shift in work from blue collar to white collar (Improved women’s work prospects?)
Implications…. Redefined “entertainment” Intensified “globalization” of communication and industry