Focus on Numeracy
2 Categories of Software 1.Reinforcement Software Numeracy 2.Interactive Books 3.Content-free Software 4.Exploratory Software 5.Reference Software 6.Assessment Software 7.Access Tools / Software
3 Numeracy Software Pre-numeracy - focuses on early numeracy skills such as: –Colour /Shape /Patterns –Matching –Sorting –Sequencing –One to one correspondence –Recognition of numbers
4 Pre-Numeracy Software Examples include: BuildIt! Patterns Byo Bytes ChooseIt! Maker DK Counting Early Learning Suite Foundation Counting Songs Flip It & Slider
5 Pre-Numeracy Software Get into Shapes with Percy My World -Animal Sorting My World – Blocks Making Sense with Numbers Pond Teddy Games Tizzy’s Toy Box
6 Basic Numeracy Software Basic Numeracy - focuses on basic number concepts such as: –Comparing and ordering –Number patterns –Concept and Conservation of Nos 1-5 –Basic addition of numbers 1-5
7 Basic Numeracy Software Examples include: Bubble Reef DK Adding and Subtracting Learn More about Maths Maths Made Easy Number Time NumberTrain Spider and Friends Easy Maths
8 Developing Numeracy Software Developing Numeracy- focuses on extension of basic numeracy skills such as: –Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, –Mathematical Reasoning –Problem Solving
9 Developing Numeracy Software Examples include: Blob for Windows 1&2 Heinemann Maths 1&2 Maths Blaster Maths Workshop Numbershark Primary Maths 1&2
10 Concept Software Concept - focuses on mathematical concepts such as: –Time –Money –Weight, Capacity, Measurement –Fractions –Data Handling
11 Concept Software Examples include: Adding and Taking Away Animated Clock Clockwork Easy Peasy Learning Time with Percy Let’s Explore Money
12 Concept Software contd. Examples include: My World : Early Maths Numbertime Pictogram Pick a Picture PicturePoint Percy’s Money Box Talking Clocks Talking Tables
13 Concept Software contd. Examples (Cont.): Junior Pinpoint Maths Explorer series Supermarket Talking Clocks Plus Trudy’s Time and Place
14 Maths Adventures Software Maths Adventures- maths practice through adventure games Examples include: Land Before Time –Kindergarten Adventure Mia: Search for Grandma’s Remedy Oscar and the Secrets of the Forest. Pajama Sam Richard Scarry’s Busytown
15 Functional Mathematics Software Functional Mathematics- focuses on functional maths skills, usually aimed at older students. Topics include: –Handling money –Telling time –Shopping and travelling –Banking
16 Functional Mathematics Software Examples include: Life Skills -Smart Spender Life Skills - Time and Money Money Talks Out and About Supermarket
17 On-Screen Calculators Benefits of on-screen calculators: –Auditory Feedback –Change layout, font size, and colours –Facilitates student rechecking of work –Printing Option
18 On-Screen Calculators Examples include: Big Calc Edmark Calculator Collection