Provisional schedule Agro-food processing Modern housing LogisticsMechatroni cs 1 st SWG Sofia (PP4 BEF) 25-26/11/2010 Maribor (PP5 MRA) 26-27/11/2010 Budapest (PP6 ITDH) 16/11/2010 Bologna (PP2 Emilia Romagna 18 January ND SWG Dubrovnik – IPA PP3 DUNEA+local conference Second half of February Venice (LP Veneto) January 2011 Venice (LP Veneto) 1 st half of February Nis (IPA PP2 City of Nis+local conference) March rd SWG 2011Udine(PP1 FVG)+study tour to S.Daniele Friuli Agro food Park April 2011 Banja Luka (IPA PP3 RARS)+local conference End of March 2011 Budapest (PP 6 ITDH) End of March 2011 Bucarest(PP8 IPE) April 2011 PEV Sofia (PP4 BEF) June 2011 Maribor (PP5 MRA) End of May 2011 Budapest (PP 6 ITDH) End of March 2011 Bologna(PP2 Emilia Romagna) September 2011
SWG meeting 2 Place: Dubrovnik, Croatia – IPA PP3 DUNEA Date: February 2011 Duration: 2 days (meeting + local conference) Title: Added values from transnational clustering in agro- food processing
SWG meeting 2 Proposals for the agenda: Presentation and discussion of the partners’ activities on promotion of transnational networking – results of meetings, interviews Presentations of best practices Information on the Food Cluster Initiative Conference (8-10 December, Ghent, Belgium) Cluster manager profile (draft) First draft of the transnational clusters agreement Preparation of PEV – proposals for the participants by countries/regions, proposals for the programme, proposal for list of advantages from participation to be communicated to the potential participants, final versions the registration form and for the promotional flyer, ideas about the radio clip
SWG meeting 3 Place: Udine, Italy – PP1 FVG Date: April 2010 Duration: 2 days (meeting and a study tour to San Daniele Fruili Agrofood Park) Title: Business match-making promotion
SWG meeting 3 Proposals for the agenda: Presentations of best practices SMEs/clusters on site visit Cluster manager profile (draft) Finalization of the transnational clusters agreement Preparation of PEV- programme, services to be offered to different stakeholders, radio clip (Bulgarian), proposals for information on the project website and the partners’ websites, proposals for criteria for successful PEV
PEV Place: Sofia, Bulgaria- PP4 BEF Date: June 2010 Duration: 2 days Title: Impetus to the future Agro-food Processing Network Participants: EU officials, partner country officials, branch associations, cluster representatives, SMEs, participants in private capacity
Programme (PEV): Presentation of SWG results Signing of transnational agreement Future Agro-food Processing Network Ideas for future projects Match-making meetings