SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 2 HIP CMS PROGRAMME CMS PHYSICS ANALYSIS PROJECT Project Leader: V.Karimäki CMS TRACKER PROJECT Project Leader: Eija Tuominen
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 3 1. PHYSICS ANALYSIS PROJECT Physics simulation, study of the discovery potential of CMS, preparation for event reconstruction and physics analysis in CMS CMS computing at HIP CMS user support coordination Software alignment of the CMS tracker GEANT4 simulation tools
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 4 Project personnel Veikko Karimäki, PhD Project LeaderHelsinki Jorma Tuominiemi, Prof. Programme Director CERN/Hki Ritva Kinnunen, PhD Senior ScientistHelsinki Kati Lassila-Perini, PhD Senior ScientistCERN Sami Lehti, PhD Senior scientistHelsinki Tomas Lindén, PhD Senior scientist Helsinki Tapio Lampén, PhD PostDoc scientistHelsinki Aatos Heikkinen, MSc PhD StudentHelsinki Jukka Nysten, MscEngPhd StudentCERN Mikko Voutilainen, MScEng PhD studentFermilab Lauri Wendland, PhD StudentHelsinki Pekka Kaitaniemi StudentHelsinki
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 5 Physics Analysis, Status and Plans 1.Development and maintenance of tagging package with impact parameter for CMSSW 2. Analysis of the H ± -> , -> hadrons+ in fully hadronic channel from gg -> tbH ± for 1 fb -1 - Trigger development and tests, in progress - Particle flow method for jet measurement, in progress - Analysis of fake track measurement for identification - Top reconstruction - Reconstruction of jet-MET transverse mass and m H± measurement - Background measurement from data, exploiting W-> events R. Kinnunen, S. Lehti, L.Wendland
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 6 Physics Analysis, Status and Plans. 3. Continuation of the H/A-> -> 2 jets analysis for a PhD work (LW) 4. Development of a Neural Network Analysis tools for and b tagging 5. Joint project with HIP phenomenologists for Higgs boson searches in SUSY cascades with non-universal gaugino masses (almost finalized) 6. Participation to the Les Houches 2007 Workshop ”Physics at TeV Coolliders”
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 7 Trigger definition for the PTDR (ORCA) studies: Level-1 : jet, E T > 93 GeV HLT: Missing E T > 67 GeV, primary vertex reconstruction with pixel lines, regional reconstruction in the full tracker around the Level-1 jet, p T > 25 GeV for the leading track, isolation in a cone around the leading track CMSSW development: optimization of the L1 and HLT thresholds for heavy charged Higgs bosons with H ± -> , -> hadrons + Development and tests of the Single Tau + MET trigger tagging package with impact parameter CMSSW vs ORCA tests for 1-prong ’s: - agreement found for transverse impact parameter distributions (ip T ) - uncertainty estimated more accurately in CMSSW CMSSW ORCA CMSSW Tracks from ± n
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 8 Particle flow method for - jet measurement Background suppression in the H ± -> , -> hadrons+ channel is largely based on the helicity correlations in the H ± -> versus W ± -> decays. These correlations be exploited applying the cut p leading track /E jet > 0.8 Improvement of the p leading track /E jet resolution is expected from -jet reconstruction with Particle Flow methods Principle of the method for 1-prong decays: - reconstruct ECAL clusters (from ) - add to the momentum of the charged pion A significant tail due to HCAL resolution was observed in the p leading track /E jet distribution with jet reconstruction in calorimeters Benchmark result from the official CMS EFlow package for the energy resolution of single in the detector Application of the package to gg -> tbH ±, H ± -> , -> hadrons+ in progress
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 9
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 10 Computing status CMS Tier2 funding status Cooperation with Finnish IT Centre for Science (CSC) Hardware Software and manpower T.Lindén
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 11 Funding for LHC computing The cost estimate for 2008 needs further iteration until it balances. 84%93%59%Ratio 0.95 MEUR0.86 MEUR1.35 MEURApplied 0.8 MEUR Granted Good news: Ministry of education granted funds for HIP CMS Tier2 acquisition
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 12 Computing status Acquisition of hardware together with CSC Most centers have an annual acquisition process which gets price benefits, but can lead to heterogeneous computing resources. This needs to be agreed on with CSC weather to make one big acquisition or several smaller. Steering board for the Acquisition group to be nominated by 16th of May HIP - CSC Contract to be written, CSC drafts Technical acquisition specifications to be written by beginning of June 2006 New CSC machine room not ready by 1st of April Exploring alternative temporary machine room solutions Tough time schedule to have a production system by 1st of April, because of EU-acquisition regulations
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 13 Computing status New manpower NDGF has one CMS middleware developer, Erik Edelmann Hardware CSC loans to FTL, HIP and KL 128 AMD Opteron 2,2 GHz CPUs to be connected to ametisti, which will have 260 CPUs in total Disk space is a limiting factor, HIP own purchase or purchasing at CSC
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 14 Computing status Software Building CMSSW works now on ametisti dCache pool moved to NDGF production dCache server, needs some work New PhEDEx installed, but needs testing Squid server installation in progress on silo3 ProdAgent plugins for ARC middleware under development Remaining issues CSA07 contribution is vital Manpower Disk space in 2007 Implement CRAB/ASAP CMS plugins to ARC middleware Balance aqcuisition between computing power and operations costs
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 15 User Support clients User Support task definition passive support: documentation active support: solving problems Our interests in support provided through EGEE CMS User Support by HIP Kati Lassila-Perini CMS User Support Coordinator Helsinki Institute of Physics
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 16 Typical CMS User Support client A physicist doing analysis AND developing analysis software s/he wants to know the details of the software, such as - where a track comes from - with which algorithm it was reconstructed - what is the efficiency of the algorithm s/he does not want to know any computing details, such as - where the data is stored - which procedures provide the access to the data Two different approaches are needed for computing and software issues
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 17 User Support task definition Provide use support for analysis Help desk, triaging of problems organize and provide documentation organize tutorials provide guidance to user for trouble shooting analysis jobs define what is needed for users to monitor and track jobs and data in the system user accounts and VO management Coordination based at CERN team at CERN involvement of SW developers involvement of physicists user support front-end at each T1/T2
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 18 Passive and active support Passive support: documentation - getting started - detailed software guide monitoring and trouble shooting tools making the existing documentation easily available Active support: help desk savannah portal for user question contact hypernews forums Aim at organizing good passive support to minimize the need for active support – always needed anyway for problem reporting
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 19 The CMSSW documentation consists of WorkBook: to get started and up to first analysis. WorkBook Reference Manual - technical documentation: Reference Manual - class lists - brief description of content and purpose of each package - data formats - default configuration files and sequences. CMS Offline Guide - the rest, i.e.: CMS Offline Guide - description of algorithms and software architecture - documentation which is too detailed for the WorkBook - instructions for analysis and validation. The CMSSW documentation
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 20 Track based tracker modules alignment PhD thesis April 20, 2007 : Tapio Lampén: ”Detector Alignment Studies for the CMS Detector” Many CMS groups active in the application of the H.I.P. algorithm: CERN (F.Ronga et al., CMSSW) Johns Hopkins (A.Gritsan, survey constraints) Fermilab (J.Pivarski, muon chambers alignment) INFN (R.Covarelli et al., TIB alignment at TIF, cosmics) Vienna (C.Bloch, TOB alignment) Karlsruhe (F-P.Schilling, alignment framework) Strong cooperation between different groups! Other two algorithms used in CMS are ‘Millepede’ and Kalman Filter algorithm. The H.I.P. algorithm is computationally simple, and it has the most robust approach. It has been used in most of the alignment studies in CMS. T.Lampén, V.Karimäki
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 21 CMS Pixel Near future work Studies of HIP algorithm (and comparisons with other algorithms) with real data from Cosmic Rack setup (CERN and Helsinki C-Racks) CMS Pixel other real (cosmic) data? Update of misalignment simulation of CMS (tools for standard misalignment scenarios) benefit from the strong experience on SW development of the existing misalignment scenarios (T.Lampén) CSA07 alignment exercise Cosmic Rack SiBT
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 22 Geant4 hadron showers The problem: Hadronic showers simulated with standard Geant4 physics lists are too short and narrow in comparison with test-beam data for LHC calorimetry. Solution: Significant amount of work has been done to understand and improve the Geant4 simulation quality. A key observation was made: inclusion of intra-nuclear cascade models of Bertini-type (or Binary cascade) to Geant4 physics list will: Provide larger visible energy, the best resolution and the lowest e/ ratio Generate longer and wider hadronic showers A.Heikkinen
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 23 High resolution Geant4 modeling for LHC calorimetry Double differential crosssection for neutrons produced in proton scattering off aluminum. Bertini models vs. experimental data. (From A. Heikkinen with T. Koi et al., Validation of Hadronic Models in Geant4, In proceedings of Hadronic Shower Simulation Workshop, September 6- 8, FERMILAB.)
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 24 High resolution Geant4 modeling for LHC calorimetry J. Apostolakis et al.: Hadronic Shower Shape Studies in Geant4, CERN-LCGAPP , March 22, 2007 summarizes these studies, and gives new recommendations for choosing optimal physics models for LHC simulations: Suggested physics list is based on Geisha models (LHEP) Use combination of QGSP and Bertini cascade (QGSP BERT) if more precise physics is needed (e.g. for energy response and resolution) Studies validating Geant4 physics still continue (in CMS and ATLAS, for example) and significant improvements are expected in June 2007 release of Geant4 9.0.
SAB Jorma Tuominiemi 25 Publications & Conferences List of publications Conferences