SOLUTIONS The Transferability of Sustainable Urban Mobility Solutions from Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean region


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Presentation transcript:

SOLUTIONS The Transferability of Sustainable Urban Mobility Solutions from Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean region

 SOLUTIONS stands for: Sharing Opportunities for Low carbon Urban transportaTIONS  Funded by: Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission  Consortium Partners: 27 Partners form 18 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa  Duration: May 2013 – April 2016 SOLUTIONS: The project and team

SOLUTIONS: Objectives Make a substantial contribution to the uptake of innovative sustainable mobility solutions in cities around the world by…  Facilitating dialogue and creating networking opportunities, and sharing experience  Promoting successful urban policy solutions from around the world  Providing guidance and tailored advice to city officials through several regional analyses,  Fostering future cooperation on research, development and implementation,  Promoting innovative platforms for knowledge exchange between European cities and cities across the world.

SOLUTIONS Objectives  Assess the transferability of sustainable urban mobility solutions from around the world  Assess their uptake potential in:  Europe  Asia  Latin America  The Mediterranean region  Foster the implementation of sustainable urban mobility solutions in four cities in:  China  India  Brasil  Mexico

SOLUTIONS: Deliverables  Stocktake report on sustainable urban mobility solutions from Europe, Asia, Latin America:  Focusing primarily on policy and the regional policy environment  Feasibility studies for four cities in China, India, Mexico and Brazil  Guidelines on the uptake of innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions and technologies in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean  Recommendations for the European Commission on future research opportunities

SOLUTIONS thematic areas  Public transport  Transport infrastructures  City logistics  Integrated planning/Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP)  Network and mobility management  Clean vehicles The thematic depth and focus will take into account the different levels of maturity of sustainable mobility policy in the partner regions and the ability to adapt solutions. Slide 6

Fostering future cooperation  Deployment of innovative sustainable transport solutions ‒ Feasibility studies ‒ Knowledge sharing events ‒ Training for professionals ‒ E-learning for professionals ‒ Development of project proposals  Transfer to innovative transport solutions ‒ Identify key innovations and examine transferability  Dialogue among policy makers and practitioners  Fostering thematic dialogues and capacity building Slide 7

SOLUTIONS Cities  Cities participate in SOLUTIONS as Leading Cities, Take-up Cities or Training Cities  Leading Cities will share their expertise in the development and implementation of sustainable urban mobility solutions; selected as they are relatively advanced in implementing a sustainable urban transport system and have practical experience  Take-up Cities will prepare the actual implementation of innovative and green urban mobility solutions in cooperation with Leading Cities, local take-up coaches and cluster experts  Training Cities are invited to participate in training events and capacity building workshops on innovative and green mobility solutions Slide 8

Leading Cities Leading cityClusters BarcelonaPublic Transport, City Logistics, SUMP BremenPublic Transport, SUMP, Mobility Management, Clean vehicles BudapestPublic Transport, SUMP CuritibaPublic Transport, SUMP, Infrastructure, Clean vehicles HangzhouPublic Transport, SUMP, Clean vehicles Curitiba Barcelona Bremen Budapest Hangzhou

Take-up cities Take-up cityClustersTake-up coach León, MéxicoPublic TransportEMBARQ México Belo Horizonte, Brasil Public Transport, SUMP, City Logistics, Clean vehicles EMBARQ Brasil Guiyang, ChinaSUMP, Clean VehiclesCATS Kochi, IndiaPublic Transport, SUMPICLEI - SA Kocaeli, TurkeyPublic Transport, SUMP, City LogisticsEMBARQ Turkey León Belo Horizonte Kocaeli Kochi Guiyang

Training cities Latin AmericaAsiaMediterranean Durango, MexicoXi‘an, ChinaCasablanca, Morocco La Serena, ChileHanoi, VietnamSfax, Tunisia São José dos Campos, Brazil Matale, Sri LankaAmman, Jordan Durango La Serena Amman Hanoi Casablanca Sfax Matale São José dos Campos Xi‘an

SOLUTIONS Training Programme Slide 12 DatePlaceEventClusters/Themes 23 September 2014CasablancaCIVITAS ForumSUMP, Transport Infrastructures, Public Transport October 2014Mexico City Congreso International de Transporte Sustentable (CITS) Public Transport, City Logistics, Bike Sharing 11 November 2014Chengdu Michelin Challenge Bibendum Public Transport, Network Management, Clean Vehicles 5 February 2015IstanbulCODATU XVINetwork Management, City Logistics, Clean Vehicles February 2015Brussels Joint event with TIDE & CH4LLENGE projects SUMP, Clean Vehicles  Training & Knowledge Sharing workshops during major events & conferences in the target regions open to all training cities  Free e-learning courses for transport professionals led by SOLUTIONS partners, courses will start January 2015  Contact: Karsten Marhold, Polis,

Contacts Visit our website and get involved! All SOLUTIONS partners are available to be contacted through Polis or