8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP51 Heavy-ion physics at LHC New states of matter ? (QGP, sQGP, bsQGP, CGC,…) New probes
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP52 SPS: ”New State of Matter created at CERN” (10 Feb. 2000) 7 dedicated experiments (NAxx, WAyy) Compelling evidence for the existence of a new state of matter ( 3.2 GeV/fm 3 ] > c, strangeness enhancement, J/ψ suppression, direct thermal photon radiation,…) Interpretation in terms of QGP formation not unique Pb+Pb √s NN = 17.3 GeV NA 49
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP53 RHIC: “The discovery of the QGP at RHIC” (M. Gyulassy QM 2004) 4 multipurpose experiments (BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS, STAR) Empirical lines of evidence: Energy density (5 GeV/fm 3 ) well beyond critical value Large elliptic flow: early collective behavior at partonic level Jet quenching, mono jets: absorption of partons in a color dense opaque medium dA control experiment Interpreted in terms of a strongly coupled QGP and a new QCD state (?) C olor G lass C ondensate Au+Au √s NN = 200 GeV STAR
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP54 LHC: “The closest approximation of the Big Bang” (J. Ellis 02/2005) One heavy ion experiment, ALICE, + CMS & ATLAS; In 04/2007, LHC will deliver first pp at 14 TeV collisions, and soon after PbPb collisions at √s NN = 5.5 TeV. “It is dangerous to make predictions, especially about the future." G. Marx
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP55 What will be new at LHC SPSRHICLHC √s NN (GeV)17200 dN ch /dy 0 QGP (fm/c) 10.2 T/T c (GeV/fm 3 ) 35 QGP (fm/c) ≤22-4 f (fm/c) ~ V f (fm 3 )few 10 3 few 10 4 few 10 5 bigger 5500X ? 0.1faster hotter 15-60denser ≥10 longer “The biggest step in energy in the history of heavy-ion collisions” G. Rolland
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP56 Formation of the real vacuum of QCD Weakly interacting gas of mass less quarks (3 flavors) and gluons with restored Chiral symmetry m u = m d = m s m u = m d m u = m d ; m s m u,d HQ suppressed exp(-m c,b,t /T) s (T)=4 /(18log(5T/Tc)) RHIC SPS LHC Not yet a S tefan B oltzmann gas
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP57 A new kinematical regime X<<1 Determines the properties of the medium (Q S =0.2A 1/6 √s = 2.7 GeV) The QGP at LHC might evolve from a Color Glass Condensate in the initial state of the collision J/ψ ALICE PPR CERN/LHCC ² x Q 2 (GeV 2 ) 100 GeV “LHC: The color glass machine” L. McLerran
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP58 A new kinematical regime Q >> 1 Determines the probe of the medium Q >> QCD, T ( , r ~1/Q) ; p t > 2 GeV/c
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP59 Hard probes Particle production dominated by hard processes Heavy quarks and weakly interacting probes become accessible Happen at t=0 → initial stage of the collision Have a large virtuality → short formation time Probe matter at very early times → QGP Can be calculated by pQCD → predictions LHC: hard / total = 98% (50% at RHIC)
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP510 Dynamics of hadronisation : in vacuum The medium modifies the vacuum dynamics Modifications are imprinted in the hadronic final state ETET hadronic final state L hadr ~ E T /Q 2 hadr
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP511 Dynamics of hadronisation: in medium The radiated energy ( E) depends on the properties of the medium (the transport coefficient q ) The competition between thermalisation ( E=E) and hadronisation depends on the hard parton transverse energy. ETET hadronic final state L hadr ~ E T /Q 2 hadr EE L therm ~ √(E T /q ) ^ ^
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP512 Dynamics of hadronisation: in medium L therm < L hadr < L medium The hard parton is thermalised in the heat bath Bulk properties of the medium from low p h t ( ≤ 2 GeV/c) hadrons, leptons, photons ETET E ~ E T Experimental requirements: low p t threshold
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP513 Bulk properties of the LHC medium Monotonic extrapolation from RHIC but changes in Expansion dynamics and (elliptic flow, transverse volume, event by event fluctuations, …) Freeze out (temperature, charm, …) Thermal photons (real & virtual) 150
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP514 Dynamics of hadronisation: in medium L therm ~ L hadr ~ L medium The medium is a tool to modify the hadronisation process Dynamics of hadronisation (p h t ~2-7 GeV/c) ETET hadronic final state L hadr ~ E T /Q 2 hadr EE L therm ~ √(E T /q ) ^
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP515 Medium modified fragmentation Fragmentation, recombination ? Experimental requirements: PID up to ~ 10 GeV/c p/ P t [GeV/c]
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP516 Dynamics of hadronisation: in medium L therm > L hadr > L medium The parton looses additional energy ( qL 2 ) The multiplicity, transverse momentum of the shower broadens ( qL ) Leading hadron ETET hadronic final state EE L therm ~ √(E T /q ) ^ ^ ^ xE T
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP517 Leading hadron (qL 2 ) Probe the reduced energy of the parton with the reduced energy of the leading hadron. … But surface emission limits the sensitivity to the medium properties Eskola, Honkanen, Salgado, Wiedemann Nucl Phys A, hep-ph/ Experimental requirements: high p t ^ q=5 GeV 2 /fm ^ q=10 GeV 2 /fm ^
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP518 Mass and color charge dependence Experimental requirements: high p t electrons, vertexing ArmestoArmesto, Dainese, Salgado, Wiedemann hep-ph/ Dainese SalgadoWiedemann “Death of the dead cone”, I. Vitev
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP519 Jet heating (qL ) At LHC jets can be reconstructed in the HI environment The measurement of the jet structure provides a better sensitivity to the medium properties ^
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP520 Jet heating Sensitivity of jet energy distribution weak Broadening of k t Modified longitudinal fragmentation function: (Z)-jet tagging Salgado, Wiedemann, hep-ph/ k t
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP521 -jet tagging Pb+Pb 40GeV → -jet R=0.3; p t > 2 GeV/c E jet /E x T =p T /E R AA Experimental requirements: jet calorimetry, low x t hadrons, high p t , e
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP experiments at the LHC ATLAS CMS ALICE
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP523 ALICE Physics Program Deconfinement: charmonium and bottomium spectroscopy Energy loss of partons in quark gluon plasma: jet quenching high p t spectra open charm and open beauty Chiral symmetry restoration: neutral to charged ratios resonance decays Fluctuation phenomena - critical behavior: event-by-event (√N) particle composition and spectra pp collisions in a new energy domain
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP524 Heavy ion experiment at LHC ALICE will meet the challenge to measure flavor content and phase-space distribution event-by- event: Most (2 * 1.8 units ) of the hadrons (dE/dx + ToF), leptons (dE/dx, transition radiation, magnetic analysis) and photons (high resolution EM calorimetry); Track and identify from very low ( 100 GeV/c; hard processes); Identify short lived particles (hyperons, D/B meson) through secondary vertex detection; Identify jets;
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP525 ALICE: the dedicated HI experiment Solenoid magnet 0.5 T Central tracking system: ITS TPC TRD TOF MUON Spectrometer: absorbers tracking stations trigger chambers dipole Specialized detectors: HMPID PHOS Forward detectors: PMD FMD, T0, V0, ZDC Cosmic rays trigger
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP526 Proposed ALICE EMCAL EM Sampling Calorimeter (STAR Design) Pb-scintillator linear response -0.7 < < 0.7 /3 < < Energy resolution ~15%/√E
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP527 Alice uses ~all known techniques! p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) TRD e / PHOS / 0 TPC + ITS (dE/dx) /K K/p e / HMPID (RICH) TOF Aerogel Cherenkov 10 GeV/c ALICE PID EMCAL
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP528 Jet Phase Space p t (GeV/c) Bulk properties Hard processes Modified by the medium T= QCD QsQs ALICE Tracking & PID Jets from Correlations and Leading Particles Reconstructed Jets Mini-jets 100/event 1/event 100K/year CMS&ATLAS calorimetry “Jet physics will dominate the LHC heavy-ion program”, ALICE will be the main contender of the “race for jet quenching” I. Vitev
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP529 LHC
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP530 LHC
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP531 ATLAS
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP532 CMS
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP533 ALICE
8-12 Feb. 2007Yves ICPAQGP534 More at ICPAQGP6 The first 15 minutes; L int =1 b -1 Event multiplicity, low p t hadronic spectra, particle ratios The first month; L int =0.1-1nb -1 Rare high p t processes: jets, D,B, quarkonia, photons, electrons The following years: pA, A scan, E scan PbPb = 8barn; L PbPb cm -2 s -1 ; t 0 =04/2007