ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are the effects of racism/sexism?
KERNER COMMISSION Gov. study claims that racism/sexism cause: Higher levels of poverty. Lower levels of education. Higher arrest and incarceration rates.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are issues that affect women?
PAY EQUITY Women get paid 77% of what men get paid.
GLASS CEILING Women don’t often get top jobs. EXAMPLES: Only 4% of Fortune 500 CEO’s. No female presidents. Only 20% of Congress are women. Only 33% of the Supreme Court.
E.R.A. Equal Rights Amendment to Const. failed.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are some victories for feminism?
FEMININE MYSTIQUE Explains women’s general dissatisfaction of being relegated to wife/mother.
ROE V. WADE U.S Supreme Court rules abortion is legal.
TITLE IX Schools must provide equal opportunities for males and females. EXAMPLE: Increase in women’s sports.
FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Can not be fired for being pregnant. Businesses must grant leave to those who take care of other family members.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are civil rights victories for Latinos?
CESAR CHAVEZ Hispanic labor leader. Organized United Farm Workers labor union.
E.L.L. Provide instruction in public schools to those who learn English as a second language.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are some gains in civil rights for Native Americans?
A.I.M. American Indian Movement. Represents Native Americans on treaty rights, reservations and banning Indian mascots.
PUBLIC LAW 103 Native American reservations can make own laws. Own courts, school systems, taxes.
TRAIL OF BROKEN TREATIES Natives strive to gain the promises made by the U.S Government.
GAMBLING RIGHTS Native Americans have monopoly on legal gambling in many states.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How does the U.S Gov. deal with discrimination issues?
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION Part of gov. that enforces workplace discrimination laws against race, color, national origin, sex, age or disabilities.