Rural(Country) Urban (City) Mostly older citizens. Farmers, Oil Riggers. Population:2 Million + Low Crime. Mostly younger Citizens. Railroad Techs and Factory Jobs. Population: 19Million+ High Crime. Rural vs Urban
Factors that led to the Rural Push! High Poverty Rate in Rural Areas, with few jobs. More people were moving to the city because of job opportunities. During the 20 th Century few countries were staying Rural.
Factors that led to the Urban Pull! More jobs in the cities. More people with College degrees, which brought higher salaries. Government allowing places like military bases to open for more job opportunities. Oil boom in Texas.
Prohibition/Suffrage Drinking during the early part of the 20 th Century, led to domestic abuse, child abuse and job losses. In addition to Gambling and Bootlegging. In 1920 the U.S. passed the 18 th Amendment, stopping the selling and distribution of Alcohol. However, the 21 st Amendment repealed Prohibition in Suffrage: the right or privilege to Vote. 19 th Amendment gives Women the right to Vote
World War One Map In Europe.
World War One The “Great War” began first with France, Great Britain and Russia at war with Germany and Austria- Hungary in U.S. remains neutral until 1917, a coded message from Arthur Zimmerman was intercepted. The Zimmerman note stated that if Mexico sided with Germany in the war, they could get Texas back.
Texans prepare for War Texas sends nearly 200,000 soldiers into the “War to end all Wars.” Military training camps were held in Houston, Fort Worth and San Antonio. Many recruits from the farms received dental and medical care for the first time. African Americans were treated more fairly in Europe, than in their own country.
“Do your Bit” People bought Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds and planted Victory Gardens to help with the war effort. Many soldiers had horrific experiences during the war; many saw things they had never seen before. New War techniques were invented; German U- Boats, Mustard Gas and Trench Warfare.
Ending the War Following the U.S. involvement, the war ended in 1918 with an Allied (U.S.) Victory. The War ended essentially the way it began. Russia leaves the war in 1917 because of their Civil War. Germany is blamed for the war, and is forced to disarm their army and pay for the war. President Wilson does not get his war preventatives passed, and leaves the world open to a ruthless Dictator.