Nypro University Massachusetts Jobs and Workforce Summit June 22, 2010 Public House Sturbridge Ma
“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision” - Theodore Hesburgh-
To enable a learning environment that delivers dynamic educational and training opportunities in support of our Global Strategic Missions Nypro University Mission
“What”...Strategic Umbrella for Educating Employees, Customers, Suppliers “How”...Learning Laboratory for the Organization “Why”...Nypro’s Attributes Knowledge Trust Desire to be Premier Employer Customer Focused World Leader in Target Markets Nypro University…Cultural DNA of the Organization
How does Nypro’s operational training differ from the Nypro University? Reactive Decentralized Wide Audience, Limited Depth Operates As a Staff Function Product Line: 80% Tactical 20% Strategic Proactive Centralized Learning Philosophy Strategic Alliances Customized Curricula for Key Jobs Operates as a Business Unit Product Line: 20% Tactical 80% Strategic HR/Operations Nypro University
Leadership Development Global program Expansion Target Certifications 6 Sigma/Safety Master Molder/Tech Training Strategic Collaborations Strategic Initiatives FY 11
653 Number of Students
19,943 Number of Program Hours
Stages in Building a Corporate University/College/Vendor Partnership Identify Need State Vision Define Selection Criteria Craft an Operating Plan Define Educational Offering Address Intellectual Property Issues Implement Offering Design Offering Pilot Offering Evaluate Offering Deepen Collaboration Expand Offerings Participate Collaborative Research Launch High Level Consulting
Where success takes shape
Target Certifications Nypro U/Mount Wachusett Community College Product Design and Quality Control example: Mold and Parts Design Engineering Graphics SPC Materials Properties and Testing Outcomes: Rapid prototyping capabilities will speed up the innovation process and get designs in the hands of customers early, ahead of finalizing designs.
Target Certification Nypro U/Mount Wachusett Community College Advanced Processing and Robotics Example: Master Molder Computer Integrated Manufacturing Blueprint Reading Injection Molding Robotics Outcomes: Advanced processing capability provides the medical market with enhanced validation protocol and process stability.
Target Certification Nypro U/Mount Wachusett Community College Industrial Maintenance Example: Hydraulics and Pneumatics Electric Motor Control OSHA Outcomes: Support technology will drive competitive advantage through advanced secondary equipment providing additional value added opportunities.
Nypro University of the Future Themes Future Direction of Nypro University Portable Competencies Grant degrees in partnership with higher education in targeted geographic regions Train the Value Chain Extend the University to customer, suppliers, consortia members Learning is Shared Responsibility Administer a personal development program. “Personal mastery” Operate As A BusinessBecome a professional service firm within Nypro. Learning Investment Is A Marketing Advantage Recommend how to leverage the University for competitive advantage Distance Learning Expansion Enhance Web-based learning through strategic global alliances
“Re-Educating the Corporation” Daniel Tobin “Changes in corporate management and structure are so dynamic that we can no longer wait for, or rely on the intellectual treatises of academics to tell us how corporations of the future will be managed. Now it’s the people in the corporations themselves who provide that thinking. Learning is the principle motivator of everyone. The most important thing you can do for an employee is to give them an opportunity to learn. Gordon Lankton Chairman Nypro Inc.