Unit 7 Past Continuous And other time words _______________________________ Was working now Past Present
Warm-up: What were you doing at 5pm yesterday? We were playing soccer. We were celebrating a birthday. We were playing golf. I was swimming. Ahmad was selling a cat to his friend. I was riding a bike. We were talking. We were playing Ping-Pong. I was ironing my shirts. I was instagramming. I was chatting online. I was reading my novel.
When, Until, While When immigration slowed down, Ellis Island was closed. When it reopened, visitors could see the history of immigration. (When means at that time or starting at that time.) Ellis Island was closed until 1990. (Until means before that time.) Immigrants could not enter the U.S. until they passed an inspection. We were studying English until 3pm yesterday. While they waited, they were often tired, confused, and hungry . (While means during that time.) New arrivals waited while inspectors checked their documents. While they were crossing the ocean, they thought about their uncertain future. (sometimes when is also used in speaking)
When and Whenever PAST (or Present) When I went to New York last year, I visited Ellis Island. When means at that time or after that time. PRESENT Whenever I visit New York, I go to the theaters there. Whenever means any time or every time. Whenever I play soccer, I usually win. Whenever I listen to music, I prefer love songs. Whenever I cook, / I use fresh vegetables. I use fresh veggies/ whenever I cook.
Time Words On (specific date or day) We came to the U.S. on April 16, 2008. We came on a Monday. In (specific year or month) Ellis Island closed in 1924. My cousins came in August. In vs. After ( use In to mean after a period of time) ( use after with an activity) My brother will come to the U.S. in 2 months. My brother will come to the U.S. after he gets his visa. During (with an event or period of time) During the class, I did my homework. I did my homework during the class. During + Noun Many immigrants came to the U.S. during the war. Ellis Island was open from 1892 to 1924. During that time, 12 million immigrants passed through there. For (with quantity: years, months, weeks, days, etc.) For many years, Ellis Island was the main entrance for immigrants to the U.S. My grandfather waited at Ellis Island for 10 hours. Before vs. By Before 1990, Ellis Island was closed. By 1990, restoration of Ellis Island was complete. Before vs. Ago (before- with date, time or event) S he got married before she came to the U.S. Ago- before now She got married 3 years ago. Three years ago, he came here. From… (From with starting time) Ellis Island was open from 1892 to 1924. To , Till, Until (to, till, until with ending time) Ellis Island is open from 9:30 until/till 5:15.
Past Continuous Subject + was/were + verb-ing— Jarry was sleeping this morning. In 2007, I was living in the U.S. In 2007, my parents were living in Ecuador. In 2007, they were living in California. They weren’t living in New York. Were they living in Los Angeles? Where were they living? Why weren’t they living in Los Angeles? Who was living in New York?
Past continuous Terence was working in a hospital in 1993. Charlotte and Terence were living in Zambia in 2003. Terence was working in a hospital when he heard the news. (Use past continuous with simple past to show a longer action with a short action.) They were living in Zambia when they got permission to come to the U.S.
While While Einstein was living in Switzerland, he developed his theory of relativity. While Einstein was visiting the U.S., the Nazis took power in Germany. (while with the longer action) Einstein was living in the U.S when he died. While he was living in the U.S., he wrote many papers. (Use while with the longer action; and when with the shorter action.)
Was/Were Going to + verb Einstein was going to return to Germany, but the Nazis came into power. (Was planning to return, but didn’t) I was going to call you, but I lost you phone number. (planning to call but didn’t) I was going to come early this morning, but I woke up late. I was going to meet him, but I forgot. I was going to go back to Vietnam last summer but I didn’t. (I was gonna go) I was going to fix my car but Masood’s dealership was closed. I was going to sleep but I had to study.
Simple Past vs. Past Continuous with WHEN 1 2 When Einstein graduated from college, he tried to get a job as a teacher. 2 1 When Einstein entered college, he was living in Switzerland. While he was living in Switzerland, he entered college. 2 1 Einstein came to live in the U.S. when he lost his German citizenship. Einstein was living in the U.S. when he died. 1 2 When Terence got permission, he came to the U.S. When Terence got permission, he was living in Zambia.
Simple Past vs. Past Continuous While they lived in the refugee camp, they studied English. (Use while to connect to past actions that happened in the same time period.) While Einstein worked at an office, he studied and wrote. AND While I was reading the story about Terence and Charlotte, I was underlining the verbs. While we were doing the last exercise, the teacher was helping us. (Exact same time- Use while and past continuous) When they got permission, they came to the U.S. (Use when to mean at a specific time and use the simple past tense.) When they came to the U.S., they started to study English.
Using the –ing form after Time words Sometimes we can delete the subject of the time clause Einstein left high school/ before he finished his studies. Einstein left high school/ before finishing his studies. After he left high school, he studied math and physics. After leaving high school, he studied math and physics. Terence and Charlotte studied English while they lived in a refugee camp. They studied English/ while living in a refugee camp.
Action verbs in class Studying Writing Tapping hugging Listening Hiding Clapping kissing Chatting Sneezing Climbing holding hands Googling Dreaming Facebooking playing with Cheating Snoring` Tweeting texting Drinking Scratching Checking shouting/yelling Sleeping Crying Gambling online shopping Eating Yawning putting on make-up Juggling Laying down twirling hair belching/burping Chewing Stretching focusing passing gas Fighting Cracking daydreaming
Teacher and Student activity Jerry was hugging Aziz while Monica was cooking. The students were laughing while Aziz was crying. While Azuz was shopping online, Aziz was drinking alcohol. The students were laughing when Azuz hit the wall. While Jerry was doing push-ups, Azuz was checking out a girl. While Nuong was crying, Aziz and Jerry were laughing. While the teacher was speaking, Naser ate lunch. While the teacher was fighting, the students were recording. When the teacher spoke, the students were thinking about lunch.
I was going to ….but (gonna) I was going to fight with Aziz, but I love him. I was going to ask a question, but Naser did it first. I was going to punch Aziz, but Lauren screamed. I was going to go to the beach, but I don’t have a swimsuit. I was going to travel to Madrid, but I didn’t get a visa. I was going to eat pizza, but I ate pasta. I was going to shop, but I didn’t have money. I was going to write a paragraph, but I forgot the idea.