One Flew Over the Cuckoos’ Nest By Ken Kesey
Setting: a mental institution in Portland, Oregon Late 1950’s
Narrator: Chief Bromden Been in the institution longer than any other character Suffers from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Pretends to be deaf-mute Schizophrenic: sees fog Height: 6’7 Weight:over 300
Protagonist: RP McMurphy Newest patient in the ward Has an obsession with gambling, fighting Independent thinker Insubordinate Pretending to be “insane” to stay out of jail Con artist Kesey’s idea of the “perfect” human
Antagonist: Nurse Ratched Over bearing and passive-aggressive Author uses “machine imagery” to describe her Ex-army Nurse Symbolizes Kesey’s opinion of the US Government Turns the patients against each other to keep control of her ward
Minor Characters: Harding- an acute patient who is obsessed with his wife infidelity Billy Bibbit-”Mama’s Boy” with a stuttering problem and lacks confidence Martini-schizophrenic patient in a constant state of hallucination (comic relief)
Hospital Practices Patients are divided into two categories: Acutes or Chronics All Patients are Male Common forms of therapy: Group Therapy Electric Shock Therapy Lobotomies (still practiced in parts of Europe)
Things to Annotate Character Development Author’s use of machine imagery Topics: the role of individuality in society the impact of government Syntax and Diction Symbolism