Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 2 All of the information in this document is the property of Ex Libris Ltd. It may NOT, under any circumstances, be distributed, transmitted, copied, or displayed without the written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. The information contained in this document has been prepared for the sole purpose of providing information for training. The material herein contained has been prepared in good faith; however, Ex Libris disclaims any obligation or warranty as to its accuracy and/or suitability for any usage or purpose other than that for which it is intended. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2006
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 3 Goal To demonstrate changes between versions 17 and 18 of the ALEPH OPAC application.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 4 Tools ALEPH Web OPAC, version 18 Demo databases: USM01 (bibliographic), USM50 (administrative) PuTTY, free Telnet/SSH client available from putty/download.html Handout: Version 18 Overview of Changes: OPAC
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 5 Additional Documentation Ex Libris Documentation Center, where the following documentation is found: ALEPH Version 18 Release Notes ALEPH Version 18 User Guide ALEPH Version 18 System Librarian Guide ALEPH Version 18 Configuration Guide ALEPH Version 18 Oracle Tables Documentation available upon request.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 6 Agenda 1.New Borrower Registration 2.Search/Browse 3.Requests 4.My Library Card 5.Miscellaneous
1. New Borrower Registration
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 8 New Borrower Registration It is now possible to include Additional ID and Additional ID Verification in the "New Borrower Registration Form" in the Web OPAC, by adding the following section to the bor-new HTML page: Additional ID: <input name=N_ADDITIONAL_ID_DATA size=30 maxlength=20 value="$6800"> Additional ID Ver: <input type=password name=N_ADDITIONAL_ID_VER size=30 maxlength=20> Add.ID Ver.Repeat: <input type=password name=N_ADDITIONAL_ID_VER_CHECK size=30 maxlength=20> These fields are not mandatory, except that if an Additional ID is provided, it must have verification. The type of the Additional ID is taken from the tab100 variable ADDITIONAL-ID-TYPE in the data_tab directory of usr_libarary.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 9 The registration page (bor-new) can now be set up to require the registering patron to fill in the home library. To do this, the following is added to the bor-new page: Library 1 Library 2 If you do not want the home library to be a mandatory field, either use N_Z303_HOME_LIB instead of M_Z303_HOME_LIB, or replace: With: In the event that the home library is not filled in, the library that is registered with patron privileges (‘Library Branch’) will be used as the patron’s home library
2. Search/Browse
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 11 Combined Search/Browse 1.Replace the scan-include-2 include file with find-e-head, in the following files: /alephe/www_f_eng/scan /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-acc-head /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-acc-head-hesci /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-acc-head-liedu /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-acc-head-usm10 /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-acc-head-usm30 /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-acc-head-usm90 /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-acc-ug-head /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-ind-head /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-sys-head /alephe/www_f_eng/scan-word-head 2.Replace the find-b-head include file with find-e-head, in the following files: /alephe/www_f_eng/find-b /alephe/www_f_eng/find-b-list-head Replace find-b-0 with find-e-0 in the following files: /alephe/www_f_eng/base-list /alephe/www_f_eng/base-list-usm90 /alephe/www_f_eng/find-b-head /alephe/www_f_eng/find-b-top /alephe/www_f_eng/find-include-buttons /alephe/www_f_eng/find-include-buttons-usm90 /alephe/www_f_eng/head-1-bor /alephe/www_f_eng/head-1-bor-ext-ill /alephe/www_f_eng/head-1-nobor /alephe/www_f_eng/head-1-nobor-ext-ill /alephe/www_f_eng/head-1-nobor-ext-ill-pds /alephe/www_f_eng/head-1-nobor-pds /alephe/www_f_eng/head-replace
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 12 Combined Search/Browse – Cont. 4.Remove the Browse link from the head-1-bor/head-1-nobor files. As search and browse options exist on the same page simultaneously, if a search index is chosen, all the special character functionality will be available. If any of the browse indexes is chosen, the Words Adjacent option will be irrelevant. Both scan and find codes are configured in find-e-code-include with prefixes as shown in the following example: Browse Title Browse Author Browse Subject Browse System Number Browse Place of Publication Browse ISBN Find in All Fields Find Title Words Find Actual Title
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 13 Browse Results List-No Match The browse results list can be configured to display a message in the list when no match is retrieved. 1.Set the new variable, BROWSE-NO-MATCH=Y (tab100) for the message to display. The default value is N. 2.Configure the message to be displayed in the aleph/error_eng directory under www_f_heading. This message will not appear in the results list if the browse was made on a remote database using the Z39.50 server.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 14 Summary Holdings A new field, HLD, can now be presented in the full view, HLD may contain: Electronic location (856): Summary holdings information (866): Summary index holdings (868): Summary supplement holdings (867) These fields are not included in the default Full View setup.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 15 Summary Holdings - Configuration USM01/edit_field.lng ! !-!-!!!!!-!-!-!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!! 1 # HLD## L B 2 h ^+ 2 i ^+ 2 k ^-^ ^;^ USM01/edit_doc_999.lng ! !!-!!!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!!!-!-!!!!!-!-!!-!! ## HLD L LHLD Location Y L E USM01/tab_expand ! !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> WEB-FULL expand_doc_bib_loc_usm USM60/tab_expand ! !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> WEB-FULL expand_doc_hld_stmt GET_Z30_BY=HOL WEB-FULL expand_doc_hol_86x
3. Requests
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 17 Hold Requests – Bib Request The link to the BIB Request function has been removed from the following web pages and replaced with Title Request: direct-head full-set-head-bor full-set-head-bor-ext-ill full-set-head-ext-ill full-set-head-nobor
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 18 Hold Requests – Group Item Holds Parallel Group: The patron identifies a group of requests that are equally suitable for his needs. After the patron receives the first available item in the group, the other items are no longer of interest to him. The Call Slips (cir-12) service and the ue_06 daemon have been enhanced to handle parallel requests in the following manner: Only one list is printed for a group of parallel requests. A wait letter is only created if all of the group's requests cannot be filled. The Recall Items on Loan (cir-13) service has been enhanced to handle parallel requests as follows: A recall only takes place if all of the group's requested items are checked out. If a recall takes place, only one item is recalled.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 19 Hold Requests – Group Item Holds Serial Group: The patron identifies a group of requests to be supplied in a given order. Enhanced Status column for My Library Card, showing hold request’s position in queue and due date of loan
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 20 Hold Requests – Group Item Holds Entire group - The patron identifies a group of records for which he wants to place a request, and clicks Request. This places a request on each of the records. All Group Item Requests use the following form.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 21 Booking Single drop down list in Booking form for pick-up and delivery locations, with the “Delivery Needed” checkbox acting as the toggle.
4. My Library Card
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 23 My Library Card Single ADM patrons can not have the Summary column displayed. Author/year column added to Bib table.
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 24 Renew New column for non-Renew reason
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 25 SDI/RSS Can receive SDI updates through RSS (Really Simple Syndication), from My Library Card>SDI Profiles.
5. Miscellaneous
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 27 Miscellaneous Clicking the Back button after a session has expired will always take you to the Sign-in page
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 28 My e-Shelf Records saved to e-shelf as a guest user are no longer lost once logged in
Version 18 Upgrade: Web OPAC Customization 29 Fonts CJK Extension A and B characters can be displayed in the Web OPAC when using Netscape 7.2 and Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP, Chinese version 5-character Unicode values can now be displayed
The End Thank you!