Trader Derivatives Simon Brown 13 th October 2011
Wealth warning Trading derivatives can offer significant returns BUT also subject you to significant losses if the market moves against your position. You may, in a relatively short time, sustain more than a total loss of the funds placed by way of initial margin. You may be required to deposit a substantial additional sum, at short notice, to maintain your margin balance. If you do not maintain your margin balance your position may be closed out at a loss and you will be liable for any resulting deficit.
Before you start System Risk management Product knowledge Realistic expectations Psychology Equities
Correlation You want to trade non-correlated assets BUT confirm the lack of correlation AND know the product
Market Maker Buying and selling at fair value Ensures products tracks underlying Other traders can get in the ‘middle’ of the market maker
Expiry Know expiry date Near dated vs. Further dated? Does your broker; close you out? roll your contract?
Costs All costs? % underlying value Flat brokerage Roll over costs?
Single Stock (SSF) Equities ETF’s
Options Warrants Index (including barrier) Equities Currency Commodity Instalments Equity
Agri futures Maize (white and yellow) Bread milling wheat Soyabean Sorghum Sunflower
Commodity futures Corn WTI Crude Copper Silver Platinum Gold Licensing agreement with CME Group
Currency Futures US $ Euro Sterling Australian $ All vs. The Rand
IDX Berkshire Hathaway Apple Nokia Shell Citi Dell Rio Tinto
Interest rate futures Bond futures Jibar futures Index futures
Re-cap WMD Know you product Know yourself
Trader Derivatives Simon Brown 13 th October 2011