Austin Millsap, Perry Brown, & Shani Richert
What is a Chemical Reaction A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances are changed into others.
What Causes a Chemical Reaction When you mix an acid with a base they cancel each other out and react to create a different substance.
Reaction A process in which one or more substances are changed into others.
Density How much something of a fixed volume weighs.
The pH Scale A scale of acidity with lower numbers being more acidic and higher numbers being more basic
Acid Substance that gets rid of hydrogen ions when dissolved in water
Bases Substance that gets rid of hydroxide ions when dissolved in water
Neutrals A solution that has a pH of 7. It is neither an acid or a base
Experiment Video GXktUUIGZ0
Experiment Instructions 1. Put ½ cup of cold water into 2 liter bottle 2. Then ¾ cup of vinegar into the bottle 3. Stretch out the balloon so it inflates better 4. Put 2 Tb of baking soda into the balloon 5. Attach balloon to the top of the bottle with rubber band 6. Lift the balloon so baking soda pours into liquid mix 7. Watch as the mix blows up the balloon
Works Cited students/phscale.html students/phscale.html al-reaction.php fair/article/balloon-gas-chemical-reaction/