RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION Epidemiology 51% >65y 10-15% <45y ν Afro-caribbean and Asian descent in UK Pathogenesis Primary retinal venous disease/ endothelium Thrombus secondary event (Hypercoaguability)
AETIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS COMMON SYSTEMIC LOCAL 1. BP Glaucoma 2.Hyperlipidemia Trauma 3.DM Orbital lesions 4.Smoking Oedema-drusen optic disc RARER 1.MM and Waldestrom 6.Secondary causes of 1, 2, 3 such as acromegaly cushing, hypothyroidism 2.CRF 3.Vasculitis 4.Thrombotic disorders 5. Oral contraceptives (oestrogen)/ no HRT
DIAGNOSIS Painless loss of vision- unilateral Asymptomatic
BRVO Arteriovenous crossings Macular branch (DD from diabetic maculopathy) ACUTE CHRONIC Haemorrhages Venous sheathing Retinal oedema Exudates Cotton wool spots Collaterals Tortuous veins CMO >5 dd non-perfusion: NVE
CRVO ACUTE CHRONIC Dilated tortuous retinal veins Swollen optic disc Intraretinal haemorrhage Cotton wool spots Retinal oedema Sheathing of veins Absorption of haemorrhage Disc collaterals Macular oedema
MECHANISMS OF VISUAL LOSS Ischaemic (direct- indirect) Exudative (macular oedema) 30% non-isch. Convert to ischaemic type first 4/12 Eyes at High Risc for Ischaemic Complications 1.RAPD 2. VA 3. FFA >10DD, 5-10 DD 4.Cotton wool spots >10, 5-10 5. Deep dark haem. (infarct) 6. Elderly ( rubeosis)
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS 1.Accelerated hypertension 2.DM 3.Slow-flow retinopathy 4.Peripapillary telangiectasia 5. AION 6.Lupus/ radiation retinopathy 7. CMV retinitis 8.Ocular ischaemic syndrome
MEDICAL INVESTIGATIONS ALL PATIENTS FBC, ESR, U&E, LFT, GLC, Lipid profile Protein electrophoresis ECG TFT MORE SPECIALISED CXR Cardiolipin, Lupus anticoagulant CRP, ACE, FTA-ABS RF, ANA, DNA, ANCA MRI: orbit, brain
MANAGEMENT OCULAR BRVO Argon laser for macular oedema if foveal vasculature intact (FFA), VA 6/12-6/60 3-6/12 after the initial event Sectoral PRP for proliferative complications or if areas of non-perfusion >5DD FU: 6/52, up to 2years after (collaterals)
CRVO Prevention of neovascularisation Grid: no benefit FFA and Laser: haemorrhages sufficiently resolved Monthly FU/ total of 2years >40DD: PRP 10-40DD: no <10 (non-ischaemic): no Non-ischaemic cases convert to ischaemic 13%: 6/12 18%: 18/12 CHECK RAPD ALWAYS IN FU
MEDICAL Maximise visual outcome cardiovascular morbidity/ mortality (risk factors) Prevent recurrence to other eye (15% over 5 years) + Aspirin/ dipyridamole