Windows 7 Darko Kljajić Solution Specialist Microsoft Srđan Starović OEM Lead Microsoft
At their deskAt their desk In a branchIn a branch On the roadOn the road Protect data & PCsProtect data & PCs Built on Windows Vista foundation Easy migrationEasy migration Keep PCs runningKeep PCs runningVirtualization
Responsive, reliable performance Intuitive UI and navigation Search your PC and intranetSearch your PC and intranet Internet Explorer 8 retrieves data beyond the page DirectAccess ™ mobile connectivityDirectAccess ™ mobile connectivity BranchCache ™ network boostBranchCache ™ network boost
Consistent user experience for finding data from multiple locations, including SharePoint IT can pre-populate links on Start menu and Explorer to preferred sites with “Enterprise Search Scopes” Current desktop and Enterprise search solutions are good, but not integrated Users need to take different steps to find data on PC and data on servers Data sources are hard to discoverData sources are hard to discover
Enterprise Search
New network paradigm enables same experience inside & outside the office Seamless access to network resources increases productivity of mobile users Infrastructure investments also make it easy to service mobile PCs and distribute updates and polices Difficult for users to access corporate resources from outside the office Challenging for IT to manage, update, patch mobile PCs while disconnected from company network HomeOfficeHomeOffice
Caches content downloaded from file and Web servers Users in the branch can quickly open files stored in the cache Frees up network bandwidth for other uses Application and data access over WAN is slow in branch offices Slow connections hurt user productivity Improving network performance is expensive and difficult to implement
Compatibility with Windows Vista hardware, software, tools New tools speed image creation, migration, and deployment PowerShell & Group Policy management ease configuration Troubleshooting platform reduces help desk issues Improve VDI experience with multi-monitor and mic supportImprove VDI experience with multi-monitor and mic support Same tools to manage and service VHD & WIM imagesSame tools to manage and service VHD & WIM images
Use the same powerful tools for automation of servers and PCs New graphical editor makes it easy for IT pros to learn and use scripting Run automated tasks remotely across your entire organization IT Pros rely on scripting to automate repetitive tasks Previous Windows scripting languages were limited in scope and difficult to use PowerShell helps IT professionals achieve greater control and productivity in managing servers
Deployment Image Servicing and Management User State Migration Tool Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Application Compatibility Toolkit Windows Deployment Services
AppLocker ™ controls what applications run Internet Explorer 8 helps keep users safe online BitLocker To Go ™ protects data on removable drives BitLocker ™ simplifies encryptions and key management for all drives User Account Control prompts lessUser Account Control prompts less Security Development Lifecycle for defense in depth
User provides explicit consent before using elevated privilege Disabling UAC removes protections, not just consent prompt Users can do even more as a standard user Administrators will see fewer UAC Elevation Prompts Reduce the number of OS applications and tasks that require elevation Refactor applications into elevated/non-elevated pieces Flexible prompt behavior for administrators System Works for Standard UserSystem Works for Standard User All users, including administrators, run as Standard User by default Administrators use full privilege only for administrative tasks or applications
Protect data on internal and removable drives Mandate the use of encryption with Group Policies Store recovery information in Active Directory for manageability Simplify BitLocker setup and configuration of primary hard drive + Worldwide Shipments (000s) Gartner “Forecast: USB Flash Drives, Worldwide, ” 24 September 2007, Joseph Unsworth Gartner “Dataquest Insight: PC Forecast Analysis, Worldwide, 1H08” 18 April 2008, Mikako Kitagawa, George Shiffler III
Eliminate unwanted/unknown applications in your network Enforce application standardization within your organization Easily create and manage flexible rules using Group Policy Users can install and run unapproved applications Even standard users can install some types of software Unauthorized applications may:Unauthorized applications may: Introduce malwareIntroduce malware Increase helpdesk callsIncrease helpdesk calls Reduce user productivityReduce user productivity Undermine compliance effortsUndermine compliance efforts
BitLocker to Go And AppLocker Darko Kljajić Solution Specialist Microsoft Corporation
Srdjan Starović Direktor prodaje OEM
Premium SKUs include all features of the lower SKUS Načini prodaje Windows 7
Windows® 7 Home Premium Preporučena edicija za kućne korisnike, koja pruža punu funkcionalnost na najnovijem hardveru, lake načine za razna povezivanja, i vizuelno bogato okruženje. Windows® 7 Ultimate Najjača edicija za sve korisnike, uključujući i poslovne, koji žele sve funkcionalnosti Windows® 7 Starter Edicija ograničenih mogućnosti za PC-e skromnih specifikacija Za one koji traže osnovno Windows® 7 Home Basic Za one koji traže osnovno od Windows- a na PC-u standardnih specifikacija Windows® 7 Professional/ Enterprise Edicija za preduzeća, kao i sve korisnike koji imaju potrebe za umreženjem, backup-om, većom bezbednosti, i više računara ili servera. Za kućnu upotrebu na jeftinim PC Kućni korisnici Poslovni korisnici Novo u Windows 7: Svaka sledeća jača Windows 7 edicija zadržava skup funckionalnost nižih verzija Oni koji žele vrhunsko Specijalizovane edicije
Windows® 7 Ultimate Windows® 7 Professional Windows® 7 Home Premium Zaljubljenici u tehnologije koji bi inače izabrali Home Premium izabraće Ultimate jer... Preduzetnici i Small Business kupci koji bi mogli izabrati Home Premium izabraće Professional zbog… Kućni kupci ili preduzetnici izabraće Home Premium zbog… Kupci standardnih PC-a koji bi inače izabrali Starter izabraće Home Basic zato što… Windows® 7 Home Basic Windows® 7 Starter Kupci niskobudžetnih računara izabraće Starter jer… Ultimate pruža sve što Windows 7 ima da ponudi kombinujući funkcionalnosti Home Premiuma i Enterprize-a Mogućnost korišćenja više jezika Mogućnost korišćenja više jezika Ultimate pruža sve što Windows 7 ima da ponudi kombinujući funkcionalnosti Home Premiuma i Enterprize-a Mogućnost korišćenja više jezika Mogućnost korišćenja više jezika Mogućnost pridruživanja zajedničkoj mreži sa Domain Join Zaštita podataka sa naprednim backup-om na mreži i Encrypted File System Štampanje na pravom štampaču i kod kuće i na poslu sa Location Aware Printing Mogućnost pridruživanja zajedničkoj mreži sa Domain Join Zaštita podataka sa naprednim backup-om na mreži i Encrypted File System Štampanje na pravom štampaču i kod kuće i na poslu sa Location Aware Printing Aero Glass & napredna navigacija kroz Windows Lako povezivanje & i deljenje između svih vaših PC-a i uređaja Unapređenja Windows Media Center-a i media streaming-a, uključujući Play To, i poboljšanu podršku za media format Multi-touch i unapređen prepoznavač rukopisa Aero Glass & napredna navigacija kroz Windows Lako povezivanje & i deljenje između svih vaših PC-a i uređaja Unapređenja Windows Media Center-a i media streaming-a, uključujući Play To, i poboljšanu podršku za media format Multi-touch i unapređen prepoznavač rukopisa Bez restrikcija funkcionalnosti Live Thumbnail Previews & unapređen vizuelni doživljaj Napredna podrška za konekcije ( wireless mreže i deljenje internet konekcije) Bez restrikcija funkcionalnosti Live Thumbnail Previews & unapređen vizuelni doživljaj Napredna podrška za konekcije ( wireless mreže i deljenje internet konekcije) Široka kompatibilnost programa i uređaja Pouzdan, bezbedan, sa podrškom Mogućnost pridruživanja Home Group-u Široka kompatibilnost programa i uređaja Pouzdan, bezbedan, sa podrškom Mogućnost pridruživanja Home Group-u Ključne funkcionalne razlike između edicija po grupama korisnika
Nabavka kroz Volume license upgrade na PC-ovima sa kvalifikovanim OS-om Upgrade Windows 7 Pro/Ent je namenjen malim, srednjim i velikim firmama Omogućen downgrade na sve starije verzije PC mora unapred imati „podlogu“ tj. odgovarajuću OEM licencu Upgrade - nije zamena za nabavku pune licence kroz OEM Windows XP mode kao rešenje za kompatabilnost starijih aplikacija – manja preduzeća i sistemi Za velike sisteme treba koristiti Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization DVD Codec and Media Center Dostupnost kroz sve Volume License programe Standalone Upgrade license dostupna kroz Select License, Select Plus, and Open License
Windows 7 Enterprise (N,K, KN) xxxx Professional (N, K, KN, Diskless) xxxx Ultimate xxxx Windows Vista Enterprise (N,K, KN) xxxx Business (N, K, KN, Blade) xxxx Ultimate xxxx Windows XP Professional xxxx Windows 2000 Professional xxx Windows NT Workstation 4.0 xxx Windows 98 (including 2nd Edition) xxx Apple Macintosh xxx
Za velike sisteme: Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization Za manja preduzeća: Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 Professional Volume License omogućava downgrade prava rights na bilo koju raniju verziju Windows-a Windows 7 Professional /Ultimate OEM licenca ima downgrade pravo na Windows XP u prvih 6 meseci posle pojavljivanja Win 7 a zatim samo do Windows Vista
VL Downgrade prava Volume licenca omogućava downgrade pravo na bilo koju raniju verziju Windows 7 Enterprise/ Software Assurance Coverage Windows 7 Professional Upgrade License Without Software Assurance Windows Vista Enterprise or Business Windows XP Professional Windows 2000 Professional Windows NT 4.0 & NT 3.51 Windows 98 Windows 95 Windows Vista Business Windows XP Professional Windows 2000 Professional Windows NT 4.0 & NT 3.51 Windows 98 Windows 95 OEM Downgrade prava OEM licenca omogućava ograničen downgrade Prvih 6 meseci nakon pojave Windows 7> 6 meseci od pojave Windows 7 Windows 7 ProWindows 7 UltimateWindows 7 ProWindows 7 Ultimate Windows Vista Business Windows XP Pro Windows Vista Ultimate Windows XP Pro Windows Vista Business Windows Vista Ultimate