Singular Nouns A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. A singular noun names only one person, place, thing, or idea. one boy one boy one forest one forest one apple one apple one piece one piece
Plural Nouns A plural noun names two or more people, places, things, or ideas. some boys some boys six forests six forests two apples two apples many pieces many pieces What do you notice about each of the words in the plural list above?
Tell whether each of the following nouns is singular or plural. breakfastssquirrelcarpenters feathersstrangersgalleys guidesweatersguitar heartterritorieskittens lawyersvolcanolocket mountainswristpartners passengerswriterpickle plantationsceneschildren
Activities games/singular-or-plural-1.html games/singular-or-plural-1.html games/singular-or-plural-1.html games/singular-or-plural-1.html
Practice Singular or Plural Nouns om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural2.pdf Singular or Plural Nouns om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural2.pdf om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural2.pdf om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural2.pdf
Rule 1 To form the plural of most nouns you simply add an s to the end of the noun. SingularPlural boyboys hair hair hair s trap trap trap s girl girl girl s door door door s voice voice voice s wood wood wood s
Rule 2 If the noun ends in sh, ch, x, s, or z add es to make it plural. Notice that these words all end in a “hissing” sound. Notice that these words all end in a “hissing” sound. SingularPlural brush brushes lunch lunches fox foxes success successes buzz buzzes
Activities Plural Rules /spelling/plurals/pluralrules/game.sht ml Plural Rules /spelling/plurals/pluralrules/game.sht ml /spelling/plurals/pluralrules/game.sht ml /spelling/plurals/pluralrules/game.sht ml Singular Plural Nouns _arts/games/singular_plural_nouns.jsp Singular Plural Nouns _arts/games/singular_plural_nouns.jsp _arts/games/singular_plural_nouns.jsp _arts/games/singular_plural_nouns.jsp
Practice Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html Regular Plural Nouns Worksheet Regular Plural Nouns Worksheet
Rule 3 If a noun ends in a consonant plus y, the y changes to i before es is added. Note: If the noun ends in a vowel plus y, just add s. What are the vowels? aeiou All the other letters are consonants.
So Play ends in a (vowel) and y therefore the plural form is plays. Monkey ends in e (vowel) and y therefore the plural form is monkeys. Likewise Party ends in t (consonant) and y therefore the plural form is parties. Candy ends in d (consonant) and y therefore the plural form is candies.
SingularPlural boy boys baby babies lily lilies family families pony ponies day days
Activities Tic Tac Toe y/plural/index_pre.html Tic Tac Toe y/plural/index_pre.html y/plural/index_pre.html y/plural/index_pre.html
Practice Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html
Rule 4 Most of the words that end with f, ff, or fe are made plural by changing the ending to -ves. SingularPluralloaf loaves thief thieves wolf wol ves life li ves half hal ves knife kni ves
There are exceptions that must be memorized or looked up. SingularPlural chief chiefs cliff cliffs proof proofs belief beliefs gulf gulfs roof roofs safe safes sniff sniffs chef chefs ref refs giraffe giraffes cafe cafes chief chiefs
Online Activity Practice with Rules 1, 4, & 2 wf/y5_activity1.swf wf/y5_activity1.swf
Practice Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html
Rule 5 Words that end in o are usually made plural by adding s. SingularPlural auto s autos kangaroo s kangaroos kilo s kilos memo s memos photo s photos piano s pianos pimento s pimentos poncho ponchos pro s pros solo s solos soprano s sopranos studio s studios tattoo s tattoos video s videos tobacco tobaccos zoo s zoos
There are exceptions that must be memorized or looked up.. SingularPlural echo echoes hero heroes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes torpedo torpedoes echo echoes veto es vetoes embargo es embargoes
There are two helpful rules: All words that end in a vowel plus o (ao, eo, io, oo, uo) have plurals that end in just s. All words that end in a vowel plus o (ao, eo, io, oo, uo) have plurals that end in just s. All musical terms ending in o have plural ending in just s. All musical terms ending in o have plural ending in just s.
Online Activity Practice with Rules 3 and 5 tivities_y5/activity2.shtml tivities_y5/activity2.shtml
Practice Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html
Rule 6 Some words are the same in both the singular and the plural forms. SingularPlural sheepsheep moosemoose deerdeer perchperch salmonsalmon fishfish tunatuna trouttrout bisonbison seriesseries swineswine corpscorps
Practice Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html Worksheet Generator sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html sh/partsofspeech/nouns/singular- plural.html
Rule 7 Some words form their plural by changing the whole word. These are called irregular nouns. With irregular nouns, you have to memorize the plural form. SingularPlural mousemice childchildren manmen toothteeth footfeet goosegeese personpeople oxoxen louselice womanwomen
Activities Concentration with Irregular Plurals urals1-mw.html Concentration with Irregular Plurals urals1-mw.html urals1-mw.html urals1-mw.html Plural Nouns y/language_arts/goforgold/content_bu ilder/dswmedia/g2c8/nadia.htm Plural Nouns y/language_arts/goforgold/content_bu ilder/dswmedia/g2c8/nadia.htm y/language_arts/goforgold/content_bu ilder/dswmedia/g2c8/nadia.htm y/language_arts/goforgold/content_bu ilder/dswmedia/g2c8/nadia.htm
Practice Plural Nouns that Don't Follow the Rules om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural3.pdf Plural Nouns that Don't Follow the Rules om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural3.pdf om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural3.pdf om/nouns/nouns- singularandplural3.pdf
Activities The Plural Girls x.html The Plural Girls x.html x.html x.html Plural Spellings (Multiple Choice Quiz) z f8.html Plural Spellings (Multiple Choice Quiz) z f8.html z f8.html z f8.html
Resources –Worksheet Generator partsofspeech/nouns/singular-plural.html partsofspeech/nouns/singular-plural.html partsofspeech/nouns/singular-plural.html – –Singular & Plural Nouns (List of rules) /Singular%20&%20Plural%20Nouns.pdf /Singular%20&%20Plural%20Nouns.pdf –Flashcards ral%20cards.pdf ral%20cards.pdf ral%20cards.pdf