English Vowel Sounds and Colors A Fun, Colorful Pronunciation and Spelling Guide for ESL Students BEGIN with INTRO. SKIP INTRO & GO TO COLORS
Vowel sounds are made in different parts of your mouth. English Vowels Chart Vowel sounds are made in different parts of your mouth. FRONT, near your teeth BACK, near your throat / iy / beat pit / uw / boot / I / / / / ey / / U / MIDDLE put bait but / E / / ow / Mouth opens Mouth closes pet boat / ae / / o / bat pot / a / OPENSay AHH! NEXT
Click on a Color below to practice its vowel sound and spellings Front Vowels GREEN Back Vowels PINK BLUE Mixed Vowel Sounds BEIGE SOOT WHITE PURPLE RED BONE BROWN WHAT?? BLACK COPPER TURQUOISE You are HOME. Click on the HOME button at any time to come back here and choose a new color to practice its vowel sounds. BACK to INTRO NEXT COLOR HOME
BEIGE a + “silent e” lake, rate, cape a + “y” pay, day, relay Click on the speaker to hear the color: BEIGE COMMON SPELLING PATTERNS WORDS to LEARN and PRACTICE a + “silent e” lake, rate, cape a + “y” pay, day, relay “ai” bait, train, raid “eigh” weight, sleigh, neighbor HOME BACK NEXT
BLACK a stack, flat, scrap, sat band, ham, plan, Japan “an” “am” Click on the speaker to hear the color: COMMON SPELLING PATTERNS WORDS to LEARN and PRACTICE a + “n” / a + “m a stack, flat, scrap, sat band, ham, plan, Japan “an” “am” HOME BACK NEXT
GREEN ee street, feet, deep ea clean, eat, beak Click on the speaker to hear the color COMMON SPELLING PATTERNS WORDS to LEARN and PRACTICE ee street, feet, deep ea clean, eat, beak ie thief, relief, believe ei * conceive, receive, deceive * Spelling rule: “i ” before “e ” except after “c ” HOME BACK NEXT
RED e bed, bled, test, sell “ea” head, thread, breath Click on the speaker to hear the color e bed, bled, test, sell “ea” head, thread, breath HOME BACK NEXT
WHITE i + “silent e” kite, spike, dice ie pie, tied, identified Click on the speaker to hear the color COMMON SPELLING PATTERNS WORDS to LEARN and PRACTICE i + “silent e” kite, spike, dice ie pie, tied, identified igh high, light, might HOME BACK NEXT
PURPLE ur fur, turn, burp ir first, stir, bird er teacher, eraser Click on the speaker to hear the color ur fur, turn, burp ir first, stir, bird er teacher, eraser ear earth, pearl, heard or doctor, operator, odor HOME BACK NEXT
PINK i bit, spit, crisp, twist “ink” “ing” stink, string, bring Click on the speaker to hear the color COMMON SPELLING PATTERNS WORDS to LEARN and PRACTICE i bit, spit, crisp, twist “ink” “ing” stink, string, bring HOME BACK NEXT
COPPER o stop, spot, forgot “aw” claw, awful, raw Click on the speaker to hear the color o stop, spot, forgot “aw” claw, awful, raw “au” author, audio, auditorium HOME BACK NEXT
BLUE ue due, true, sue ew grew, screw, threw oo boot, scooter, troops Click on the speaker to hear the color ue due, true, sue ew grew, screw, threw oo boot, scooter, troops u + “silent e” mute, parachute HOME BACK NEXT
BROWN ou round, about, surround ow how, frown, downtown Click on the speaker to hear the color ou round, about, surround ow how, frown, downtown HOME BACK NEXT
SOOT oo hoof, stood, took ould would, could, should Click on the speaker to hear the color oo hoof, stood, took ould would, could, should HOME BACK NEXT
TURQUOISE oy boy, toy, enjoy oi boil, oink, hoist Click on the speaker to hear the color oy boy, toy, enjoy oi boil, oink, hoist HOME BACK NEXT
BONE o + “silent e” tone, phone, role “oa” boat, roam, moan Click on the speaker to hear the color o + “silent e” tone, phone, role “oa” boat, roam, moan “old” gold, sold, told “ow” tow, grow, yellow HOME BACK NEXT
WHAT? u but, cup, stuck “ough” tough, rough, enough Click on the speaker to hear … what?? u but, cup, stuck “ough” tough, rough, enough o + “silent e” love, come, money o + “th” nothing, brother, mother HOME BACK END
Please come back and practice again soon! Well done! You have learned colors, vowel sounds, and English spelling patterns. Please come back and practice again soon! English Vowel Sounds and Colors Pronunciation and Spelling Practice for ESL Students Designed by: Li-Lee Tunceren, ESL Instructor, St. Petersburg College HOME EXIT