Let’s Review! “Sneaky e” makes the vowel before it ___. Name the vowels How many syllables are in these words? –reindeer –elf –tree –present
What letter makes this sound? voiced or unvoiced consonant or vowel or both? Review alphabet
Echo these words: yes yellow yet yam yarn
“Y” has three sounds! Sometimes “y” is a consonant, sometimes “y” is a vowel. Think about these words: –yarn –cry –candy
When “y” is at the beginning of the word, it usually acts like a consonant –yellow When “y” is at the end of the word, it usually acts like a vowel –candy
If “y” is at the end of a word, it can sound like long i or long e cry candy
It usually sounds like long i in one syllable, short words: –cry –try –my –dry It usually sounds like long e in two syllable words: –candy –happy –silly
Can you think of words with “y”? _______________
How do we write “Yy”?
Let’s practice! Magic wand
Can you make a word? t n a c y s r h p p d
Let’s watch the “y” music video! phabet-videos/letter-y-video phabet-videos/letter-y-video phabet-videos/letter-y-video