Università degli Studi di Pavia Dipartimenti di Studi Umanistici, Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione, Scienze Economiche e Aziendali Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interdipartimentale in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale. Employee engagement and social technologies. Creating shared value. Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Azzoni Correlatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Maccarini Valeria Mangiaracina A.A. 2012/2013
Globalisation Competitive markets Volatile economic climate Constant changes Economic contest
Sustainable values Economic dimension Environmental dimension Social dimension Traditional organisation Emergent organisation
Social dimension Stakeholders Employees Creating shared value Dow Jones Sustainability Index (RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment) Corporate Citizenship & Philanthropy Human Capital Development Labor Practice Indicators Social Reporting Talent Attraction & Retention Occupational Health & Safety Stakeholder Engagement
What? “Employee engagement is an individual employee's cognitive, emotional, and behavioural state directed toward desired organisational outcomes.” Employee engagement Involvement Commitment Passion Enthusiasm Focused effort and energy Attitudinal and behavioural component Employee engagement
Engagement Organisatio- nal commitment Employee satisfaction and OCB Empowerment and Employee voice Involvement New blend of old wines or old wines in new bottle? New blend of old wines?
Academic perspective Consultancy perspective How?
Academic perspective Consultancy perspective Trust & integrity Recognition Compensation & benefits Development and training opportunities Good work relationships Leadership & managerial skills Career growth Work-life balance Recognition Open and trusting relationship Solid and transparent organisational culture
Why? Employee outcomes Organisational outcomes
Stress - Psychological and physical disorders - Behavioural disorders Low quality of products/services - Lower productivity Absenteeism - Lower profit Higher accidents rate in not engaging organisation -65% accidents at work -85% Turnover rate in engaging organisations Well-being Absenteeism Health & Safety Turnover
Customer satisfaction Advocacy Loyalty Creativity Personal initiative Positive attitude -Negative attitudes +Proactivity +20% Productivity Better products quality -Complaints Clients Innovation Productivity
Better organisational performances Profit + Diluted earnings per share + Total shareholder return + 12% Profits
Human resources Strategic asset Social technologiesMass collaborationSocial organisation Toward social organisation
Organisational assessment Cultural assessment Communities Social media Value proposition Social organisation principles Openness Autonomy Decentralisation Bottom-up approach Meritocracy Transparency Social organisation principles Openness Autonomy Decentralisation Bottom-up approach Meritocracy Transparency The social organisation
Social tools Networking Intranet Forum BlogWiki Intranet Virtual workplace Full social portal Forum Idea management Knowledge management Social
Social tools Networking Intranet Forum BlogWiki Blog – Beyond traditional communication Bidirectional channels Microblog – Communication flow from one to many Enterprise social software Wiki Problem solving Sharing experiences
Unlocking value trough social technologies Matching talent to roles $900 billion $1300 trillion
Social technologies inside organisations Internal communication Employer branding & Recruitment online Social learning & Gamification To improve interpersonal dynamics and communication processes To coordinate outgoing messages and attract best workers enhancing brand value Recruiting strategies and professional media Integrated training (Repository, social net., wikis) Integration of absorbing mechanics into non-games platforms and experiences in order to improve engagement and participation.
A case for excellence: Eni Mattei School and Eni Corporate University Local communities Our People Policy People assessment tools (Feedback 360°) Management review Employees Inclusion Non-discrimination Equality Diversity Online training E-learning Community of practice Collaboration tools and portals Training
A case for excellence: Eni Corporate publishing My Eni Portal & My Eni International Cascade Program Climate analysis Communication Crèche Summer camp (Summer campus in the City) Enitogether Welfare My Trainer Online Well-being Eni in safety Zero fatalities Eni Wellness Program Safety & Security Attraction People leaderships Compensation & Benefits Employer branding
The economic contest is changing Lack of open conversation kills companies. Almost invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to obsolet notions of command and control. Social technologies allow a people-powered communication, today inescapable Today, the org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical. Respect for hands-on knowledge wins over respect for abstract authority. Benefits are too relevant to ignore them Don't worry, you can still make money. That is, as long as it's not the only thing on your mind.” Conclusion The Cluetrain Manifesto, 2000
Organisational trend or transient fad? Employee engagement is the best-fit model of management.
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