The National Centre of Excellence for Sport and Exercise Medicine VAS Workshop
Background and Context 1 London Olympic Bid CMO New Faculty of SEM Olympic Health legacy commitments Call for bids to form UK National NCESEM network Launch of NCESEM by Andrew Lansley Jan NCESEM network partners: London/ Loughborough and Nottingham/ Sheffield- each with discrete themes
Background and Context 2 Formation of NCESEM Sheffield Key Stakeholders: – STH - NHS Sheffield – UoS - Sheffield International Venues – SHU - Voluntary Action Sheffield – SCC - Chamber of Commerce
NCESEM - Sheffield Creating a physical activity legacy: A whole city approach
“ To be recognised as the City that created a Culture of Physical Activity within it's communities and individuals through the Legacy of London 2012 Olympic Games” (A 20 year vision spread over the next 5 Olympic Games) Where are we going?: Our Vision
NCESEM Sheffield The key principle underpinning this initiative, in light of the experience of previous Olympic legacies: “The Sheffield NCESEM will become a vehicle for the key stakeholders to come together to provide a cohesive Sheffield City-wide approach to developing a sporting culture, economic growth and healthier lifestyles for the population as a whole “
1% stepped change year on year in physical activity at a population level 30% Reduction in incidence and cost of back pain related absenteeism in 5 years A significant reduction in the incidence and cost of preventable disease particularly in the NHS acute sector in 5 years Substantial Increase in number of sports- related jobs and elite athletes in the city within 5 years Measures of success: Some key outcome targets
World Class Health and Research; A Core City Superb legacy of Sporting facilities from World Student Games A major UK English Institute of Sport Centre Discrete population and diverse demography Promising Change4Life outcomes for large City Positive Sport England survey outcomes Innovative Healthy Communities and Health Champions strategy dealing with Health Inequalities Good and long- established partnership working Shared governance and determination for success Where are we starting from?
Physical Activity across the city Workplace Wellness throughout the city A thriving Sporting Economy (Business case development to attract Sponsors and other funding sources) How do we get there?: 3 Key Themes
Provide targeted and universal support Focus on Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions A whole city approach to establishing legacy Utilise the demonstration & festival effects of London 2012 Three Interconnected Projects
Development of a combination of physical activity programmes and motivational initiatives at an individual, group and population level Systematic co-ordination, promotion, and implementation of active rehabilitation for cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal and other relevant health disorders Promotion of grass roots engagement and marketing Removal of economic, social and cultural barriers to involvement Devolution of powers to communities 1 Physical Activity 1
Evidence based DVD/on-line programmes presenting a universal strategy to promote activity legacy Sign post to Project Stretch, Workplace Wellness and existing Physical Activity provision City-wide distribution including schools Physical Activity 2
A way of reaching people in their home Consistent with NICE guidance on Behaviour change interventions Interactive nature is key to the success: The user has choice and control Uses case studies to demonstrate getting physically active is possible Value based Web signposts to other activities Underpinned by theory of planned behaviour, TTM and motivational interviewing principles Engaging and supporting individuals to take the first step to become physically active. Physical Activity 3-Be Active - DVD At 3-month follow-up, 81% (n=110) increased their activity by at least 30 minutes per week
Evidence based approach to supporting people in their work (workplaces, schools, homes) Access to high quality wellness and responsive OH services Health screening Workshops Peer support Consistent educational messages Embedded within organisational culture Training to ensure a legacy of skilled workers in city Workplace Health champions Focus on ' tomorrow’s workforce ' i.e. all Sheffield schoolchildren to complete ‘Back2School’ programme 1 'Workplace' Wellness 1
Reduced absenteeism and increasingly more productive workforce Reduction in workplace costs and Benefits system Training & development opportunities Insurance benefits/rewards programmes Environmental sustainability Access to city Legacy expertise Be part of something bigger & beyond Sport - ' how we do thing's around here' Businesses key to sustainability Workplace Wellness 2: Benefits for Business
Sporting Economy 1 To promote Sheffield as a City of Sport and Activity and boost the local economy by attracting elite sports, sport and exercise research and sporting events through the legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games. The development of state of the art Sports Medicine facilities will increase further the attractiveness of Sheffield to elite athletes and serious sports participants.
Sporting Economy 2 the combination of world class sports facilities, research based sports medicine, university level under-graduate and post-graduate educational programs and a vibrant research and development portfolio in sports and physical performance will support the Cities ambition to be a "City of Sport". Such an initiative has a significant opportunity of promoting economic growth for the city particularly in and around the Sports Industry. Advanced Manufacturing Centre
Utilise a brand that the whole City can instantly recognise wherever they are and buy in to. Hold a focus on identifying an individual’s value structure to motivate them to be active rather than the usual ill-health avoidance strategies utilising the demonstration and festival effects of London 2012 and subsequent Olympic and other events in our approach Consistent messages and Branding
Whilst NHS led the programme fully engages a wide range of core and associate Partners in the City including Voluntary Action Sheffield; South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive, the South Yorkshire Police and the new Clinical Commissioning Consortia This is a major OD project in partnership working with Masterclass events and facilitation/ evaluation Engage & Utilise Partners
Undergo a robust programme of effectiveness and cost- effectiveness evaluation 'we will understand what helps a British community to use activity to improve health'. Build a model/product of best practice Broadcast nationally & internationally Develop reputation Evidence the legacy Bid for IOC Research Centre status Link into CLAHRC/ VPH/NIHR/Research Strategies etc R Research and Evaluation
Next Steps 1 National NCESEM: – Governance arrangements being finalised- next meeting of Management Board in Sheffield 12 March 2012 – meeting with major Olympic Games sponsors end April 2012 to secure significant funding – Service/ Research and Education/Training strategies being developed – Website development in place
Next Steps 2 NCESEM Sheffield: – Initial Governance and Project Management arrangements in place – Draft Business cases completed by early March 2012 for discussion with key stakeholders – Capital development project brief April 2012 – Branding being agreed March 2012 – Launch events prior to and during Olympic Games
Opportunities for VAS A key role to play at the place where it really matters- on the ground and in the community Service innovation and development Enormous expertise and experience in delivery Networks in place Leading and shaping real and meaningful partnership working across Sheffield Commitment and enthusiasm
High quality services and enhanced skills legacy Sustained through 'buy-in' from communities & businesses Outcome and cultural change Value based approach Consistent brand & message Robust evaluation Summary: Building the Legacy