World Banana Forum WG01 Sustainable banana production and environmental impact One of five WBF Working Groups: (1) Sustainable Production & Environmental Impact (2) Distribution of Value (3) Labor Rights & Workplace Issues (4) Certifications (5) Use of Agrochemicals
World Banana Forum WG01 Sustainable banana production and environmental impact Core Group – Coordination Jeroen Kroezen (SOLIDARIDAD) Sylvain Cuperlier (DOLE) George Jaksch (CHIQUITA) Inge Van den Bergh (BIOVERSITY/PROMUSA) Iain Farquhar (BANANA LINK) Sébastien Zanoletti(UGPBAN) Volunteers (with staying power) are most welcome!
WG01: Our Goals Contribute to a better understanding of the main issues Develop a road map towards improving sustainability Build consensus on key issues and solutions Scope: Production and export up to FOB Differentiation for regions and scale of production can be taken into account
WG01: Our specific objectives A definition of sustainable banana production (SBP) To identify the most important sustainability issues To compile and exchange information and knowledge To list and discuss potential solutions Develop a priority list of most promising options Take action towards identified solutions Set up pilot projects around at least one solution Exchange information with other WBF WGs and externally.
Matrix Used A. Key sustainabilit y issues B. Description of ‘ideal situation’ C. main problems (GAP between ideal situation and reality) D. best practi ces E. ongoing and promising research and pilot projects F. needs and opportuni ties to improve sustaina bility G. next steps in order to improve (action plan) 1. f.e. pollution through use of pesticides 2. f.e. soil conservatio n 3. f.e. loss of biodiversity 4. f.e. water footprint Etc
Roadmap jfmamjjasondjfMamjjasond WG set up XXX Core group meeting X Towards event 1 XXX Event 1 XX Towards event 2 XXX Event 2 XX Cross WG meeting XX Towards event 3 XXX Event 3 X To be defined XXXXXXXX Reporting to WBF X
World Banana Forum WG01: Looking for solutions Event 1 Jul/10 –Definition of sustainability (not conclusive) –List of issues –Description of ideal situation per issue –Identification of main problems; Gap between ideal and reality –Ideas for pilot projects (too early) Cross WG meeting Nov/10 –Exchange of information and ideas. –What are the main areas in which the WG’s are interrelated. –Make sure WGs are complementary Event 2 Nov/10 -Identification of best practices -Promising research and pilot projects -Identification of multi-stakeholder/cooperation initiatives -Identification of initiatives focusing on training & education -Ideas for pilot projects Event 3 Mar-Apr/11 –A plan for next steps –Who will do what? –Kick off pilot projects Event 4?? Report to WBFDec 2011
Preliminary Results Event #1 IssueImportanceFeasibility Resource Management Best Practice Chemicals / Crop Protection Biodiversity and Ecosystems’ Health Training and Education R&D Cooperation / Multistakeholder Participation Knowledge Management Land Use Diversification of Crops2.82.7
Our task Event 2 - Identification of best practices - Promising research and pilot projects - Identification of multi-stakeholder/cooperation initiatives - Identification of initiatives focusing on training & education - Ideas for pilot projects