A series of clues will appear on the screen. As soon as you know the answer, fill out an answer sheet and bring it to me at the front. I’ll give you a new answer sheet and a present worth: 5 points after the first clue 4 points after the second clue 3 points after the third clue etc You won’t lose points for guessing, but you can only have one guess per clue!
Whilst the game is in progress you must cut out the presents NEATLY and glue them onto the sleigh. At the end of the game add up the numbers on the NEATLY GLUED IN presents & the team with the highest number wins. Any presents not NEATLY glued in fall off the sleigh!
This area of the world makes up 1/3 of Finland and the most northerly part of Sweden. The sun here is visible around the clock for 73 days of the summer. Anagram: dnallpa Santa Claus lives in Rovaniemi in this place
These are birds but they cannot fly The male of this species takes care of the babies They eat snow as a source of fresh water They have adapted to live in the coldest places on the planet
This effect is caused by the Earth’s magnetic field The correct word for this is the Aurora Borealis You can view this in Scotland, but to be certain of seeing it you need to travel further north This effect happens during our winter time
The capital city of this country is Reykjavic. This is the northernmost capital in the world This country caused chaos earlier in the year when UK airports closed This country was created by undersea volcanoes that grew up above sea level They speak Icelandic here
These animals can grow 10 feet tall and weigh over 1400 pounds. In the wild they live up to age 25 These land animals are very good swimmers This animal has white fur for camouflage in ice and snow and black skin to absorb heat from the sun's rays to help keep them warm This animal lives where there are no plants so it has adapted to a carnivorous diet (mainly seals)
This sport was first developed in the 1960s and 1970s. It first became a winter olympic sport in 1998 It involves using a piece of equipment that is similar in principle to a surfboard, but with a boot that is set into the board for the feet. The most common injuries in this sport are to the wrist, shoulder, and head There are many tourist resorts in Europe that cater for this sport
This is the driest continent on Earth. It receives less than 2 inches of precipitation a year. There are no native people living here. Anagram: ttniccraaa This continent has no government and is not owned by any country.
I contain ice crystals that can be as large as baseballs I cover 10% of the Earth’s land area I am the largest moving object on the planet I am actually white, but I often look blue
These aren't always white. Years ago, when coal was used in factories and homes, these were often gray. The average one falls at a speed of 3.1 miles per hour. Each one has its own unique shape These are made up of ice crystals
He was born in 1868 and he was a Naval Officer (he was a Naval Cadet at the age of 13) His middle name was Falcon He died of starvation and exposure in his tent in Antarctica on 29 March He raced the Norwegian Roald Amundsen to the South Pole. Amundsen got there before him.
This can only take place in very cold places This test uses compacted snow This is a test for CO 2 emissions and global warming
This DVD was released in 2002 It stars a stupid sloth named Sid, a woolly mammoth named Manny, a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, and an acorn-loving saber- toothed squirrel named Scrat The film was the first of a trilogy. The third film had the words ‘dawn of dinosaurs’ in its title The film is set at a time when the Earth was much colder than it is today
Anagram: aaadnc This is the second largest country in the World in terms of land area (9,971,000 square km) The capital city is Ottawa The northern coast of this country is permanently ice-bound or severely obstructed for most of the year.
This month holds the shortest day of the year This is a month of the year that ends in the letter R Until 46 B.C., this month only had 29 days. But the Roman statesman Julius Caesar added two days, which made it 31 days. The name of this month comes from the Latin for “ten”, as it was the 10th month in the Roman Calendar
This is a USA state beginning with A. Anagram: lkaaas This is the state flag This is the most northerly US state
These animals are herded by the Sami people of Northern Europe Santa has one called Rudolf Male of this species drop their antlers at the end of the Winter and re-grow them again in January or February Their hair is hollow to insulate them from cold. Their feet are large to be able to support them on snow. Their sense of smell is good to be able to find food under snow
These kill more than 150 people worldwide each year Most deaths result from suffocation 90% of people caught in these hazards start them themselves Statistics show that 93 percent of victims survive if rescued within 15 minutes. After 45 minutes, only 20 to 30 percent of victims are alive. After two hours, very few people survive