9 years of the regional Women’s Network 1997 – 2006 Short presentation of the main achievements
1. ESTABLISHMENT November 14-15, 1997 in Gdansk, Poland November 14-15, 1997 in Gdansk, Poland At the beginning it was consisted of 12 women’s structures/trade union confederations from 9 CEE countries. At the beginning it was consisted of 12 women’s structures/trade union confederations from 9 CEE countries. After the unification of the ICFTU and WCL CEE and NIS women’s networks on 30 October 2005, it gathers together 43 women’s structures in 43 trade union confederations from 24 countries. After the unification of the ICFTU and WCL CEE and NIS women’s networks on 30 October 2005, it gathers together 43 women’s structures in 43 trade union confederations from 24 countries. Today it has extended its activities to the Caucasus and Central Asia, putting together 49 women’s structures from 28 countries. Today it has extended its activities to the Caucasus and Central Asia, putting together 49 women’s structures from 28 countries.
GROVING OF THE NETWORK November 1997: November 1997: 12 women's groups 9 countries 2000: 2000: 23 women's groups 15 countries 2002: 2002: 27 women's groups 18 countries 2004: 2004: 33 women's groups 22 countries August 2006: August 2006: 49 women's groups (308% more!) 28 countries (211% more!)
2. REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN IN TRADE UNIONS 2000/2006: Resolution on the minimum gender positive policy action plan (PAP – on the basis on the ICFTU global PAP policy) for the trade unions in Central and Eastern Europe: To introduce and implement the ICFTU target quota for the representation women at decision making bodies and activities at all levels at minimum 30%; To introduce and implement the ICFTU target quota for the representation women at decision making bodies and activities at all levels at minimum 30%; To implement the ICFTU policy on introduction of reserved seats for women in decision making bodies; and To implement the ICFTU policy on introduction of reserved seats for women in decision making bodies; and To respect the parity of women in trade union education activities at all levels and all issues. To respect the parity of women in trade union education activities at all levels and all issues.
Women representation: Average proportion of the women trade union members is getting higher ( %; %); Average proportion of the women trade union members is getting higher ( %; %); The average proportion of women attending their confederal congresses 2006: 31,3 %; 2000: 27, 8%), The average proportion of women attending their confederal congresses 2006: 31,3 %; 2000: 27, 8%), The share of women among the presidents of the branch affiliated (2006: 21.0% 2002: 20.7%), The share of women among the presidents of the branch affiliated (2006: 21.0% 2002: 20.7%), Visibly higher level of the representation of women in the highest trade union executive decision making bodies (2005: 22.4%; 2000: 15.5%); Visibly higher level of the representation of women in the highest trade union executive decision making bodies (2005: 22.4%; 2000: 15.5%); Average women’s parity representation rate (2005: 48.7; 2000: 41,8%). Average women’s parity representation rate (2005: 48.7; 2000: 41,8%). The strong change has been achieved related to the position of the trade union women’s structures: The strong change has been achieved related to the position of the trade union women’s structures: - 36 of them have a statutory position, - 23 of the women’s structures have a reserved seat in the decision making bodies - 26 has office
3. STRATEGIES – Gender Missions Gender missions to the highest leadership of the confederations with the lowest representativity rate or with worrying tendencies. Gender missions to the highest leadership of the confederations with the lowest representativity rate or with worrying tendencies. So far such gender missions were held in 9 confederations in total. So far such gender missions were held in 9 confederations in total.
STRATEGIES – report of women’s representation The updated report on the representation of women in trade unions in the region is prepared annually and it is sent to all the women’s structures (affiliates of the Network) The updated report on the representation of women in trade unions in the region is prepared annually and it is sent to all the women’s structures (affiliates of the Network) The reports are presented and disseminated once a year on the meeting of the CEE Coordinating Committee The reports are presented and disseminated once a year on the meeting of the CEE Coordinating Committee It became quite regular that at least 5-10 leaders report at such meetings about the activities and position of their women’s structures. It became quite regular that at least 5-10 leaders report at such meetings about the activities and position of their women’s structures.
STRATEGIES - Campaigns Every year women organise campaigning on different issues: The largest regional campaign was launched on the health protection three years ago, which is still going on in many countries. The largest regional campaign was launched on the health protection three years ago, which is still going on in many countries. In 2004 a campaign was launched on informal economy and women, and it is still going on. In 2004 a campaign was launched on informal economy and women, and it is still going on. In 2007 we expect launching a new campaigning against discrimination in the workplace. In 2007 we expect launching a new campaigning against discrimination in the workplace.
STRATEGIES - sustainability During the last six years the Network was supported through the projects and had a permanent regional coordinator; and has established a certain level of sustainability at the national level, still being very fragile at the sub-regional level. During the last six years the Network was supported through the projects and had a permanent regional coordinator; and has established a certain level of sustainability at the national level, still being very fragile at the sub-regional level. The Women’s Network got a reserved seat in the Executive Committee of the CEE Trade Union Council (but, initially, expected to take floor only in the issues related with gender). The Women’s Network got a reserved seat in the Executive Committee of the CEE Trade Union Council (but, initially, expected to take floor only in the issues related with gender). Network became visible inside the ICFTU structures, especially in cooperation with the Women’s Committee. Network became visible inside the ICFTU structures, especially in cooperation with the Women’s Committee. The Network was the first ICFTU structure which started good, regular and even formal cooperation with similar WCL structures. The Network was the first ICFTU structure which started good, regular and even formal cooperation with similar WCL structures.
4. MAIN PROJECTS “The Promotion of a gender specific policy within the trade unions of Central and Eastern Europe“ “The Promotion of a gender specific policy within the trade unions of Central and Eastern Europe“ January 2000 – March 2002 “How to Oppose Discrimination on the Labour Market in South East Europe” “How to Oppose Discrimination on the Labour Market in South East Europe” “Women’s Network In Central and Eastern Europe” (The „ILO Project on Collective Bargaining“) “Women’s Network In Central and Eastern Europe” (The „ILO Project on Collective Bargaining“) February 2004 – January 2006 Discrimination of Women in the workplace“ (Ongoing ILO-ICFTU-WCL Project) Discrimination of Women in the workplace“ (Ongoing ILO-ICFTU-WCL Project) February 2006 – December 2007
“The Promotion of a gender specific policy within the trade unions of Central and Eastern Europe“ Main products/outcomes: 15 national reports were developed by the national teams of experts; 15 national reports were developed by the national teams of experts; Based on the 15 completed questionnaires from 14 countries, the regional report was prepared –„The Male Face of Trade Unions in CEE” Based on the 15 completed questionnaires from 14 countries, the regional report was prepared –„The Male Face of Trade Unions in CEE” A training manual was developed : „Empowering Union Women“ (translated into at least 15 local languages); A training manual was developed : „Empowering Union Women“ (translated into at least 15 local languages); 79 women trainers has been trained 79 women trainers has been trained At 23 national seminars 463 women had been trained (only within the project but the trainings are still are being organised and there is an estimation that more that 1,500 women were trained so far). At 23 national seminars 463 women had been trained (only within the project but the trainings are still are being organised and there is an estimation that more that 1,500 women were trained so far).
“Women’s Network In Central and Eastern Europe” Main products/outcomes: 1. A training kit for trainers:” Negotiating Better Working and Living Conditions. Gender Mainstreaming in Collective Bargaining“has been developed and it consists from 4 parts: 1. A training kit for trainers:” Negotiating Better Working and Living Conditions. Gender Mainstreaming in Collective Bargaining“has been developed and it consists from 4 parts: Manual 1: Company level Manual 1: Company level Manual 2: Over the company walls: Community level, Sectoral collective bargaining, National social dialogue Manual 2: Over the company walls: Community level, Sectoral collective bargaining, National social dialogue Manual 3: Collective negotiating at European level Manual 3: Collective negotiating at European level Manual 4: Strategy and techniques of negotiations Manual 4: Strategy and techniques of negotiations
“Women’s Network In Central and Eastern Europe” – cont. 4 sub-regional trainings 84 trainers - women and men (male quota: 30%) were trained 4 sub-regional trainings 84 trainers - women and men (male quota: 30%) were trained The manuals (mostly no 1 and no 4, in some case all four) have been already translated into 16 national languages of the Region (Data from January 2006) The manuals (mostly no 1 and no 4, in some case all four) have been already translated into 16 national languages of the Region (Data from January 2006) Until January 2006 at least 35 national training activities based on the manuals took place in 15 countries (There are estimations that so far more than 1,200 trade unionists, women and men, were trained on the basis of the manuals. Until January 2006 at least 35 national training activities based on the manuals took place in 15 countries (There are estimations that so far more than 1,200 trade unionists, women and men, were trained on the basis of the manuals. In some countries the manuals were printed as their own manuals, and even used by the employers’ organisations. In some countries the manuals were printed as their own manuals, and even used by the employers’ organisations.
Discrimination of Women in the workplace“ (Ongoing ILO-ICFTU-WCL Project) Objectives: Long-term objective: Long-term objective: To promote women’s human rights in the workplace in CEE and NIS region; To promote women’s human rights in the workplace in CEE and NIS region; to develop adequate trade union policies against discrimination of women in the workplace and on the labour market; to develop adequate trade union policies against discrimination of women in the workplace and on the labour market; Short term objective: Short term objective: To collect data and conduct different surveys on discrimination of women on the labour market and on trade union anti-discrimination policies; To collect data and conduct different surveys on discrimination of women on the labour market and on trade union anti-discrimination policies; to define typical forms of discrimination against women in employment and in the workplace; to identify good practices or actions to combat discrimination; to define typical forms of discrimination against women in employment and in the workplace; to identify good practices or actions to combat discrimination; to produce background material to propose anti-discrimination measured/policies within trade unions in the region, to produce background material to propose anti-discrimination measured/policies within trade unions in the region, and to coordinate launching the campaigns in the region. and to coordinate launching the campaigns in the region.
5. The International Women's School Annual women’s trade union school: is the focal point for the strategic planning of the future activities concerning the position of women is the focal point for the strategic planning of the future activities concerning the position of women at the integrated annual regional conference, women adopt decisions which, together with the resolutions or declarations of the School, they transmit to their leaderships. at the integrated annual regional conference, women adopt decisions which, together with the resolutions or declarations of the School, they transmit to their leaderships. It is foreseen that the School could become a common meeting point for the women from the West and East (ETUC Women’s Committee members plus the Women’s Network members). It is foreseen that the School could become a common meeting point for the women from the West and East (ETUC Women’s Committee members plus the Women’s Network members).
The International Women's School – topics and achievements 1 st : “Challenges women are facing in transitional societies: The role of trade union women”, 2000, Croatia (60 participants) 1 st : “Challenges women are facing in transitional societies: The role of trade union women”, 2000, Croatia (60 participants) 2 nd : “Women and Social Rights”, 2001, Croatia (70 participants) 2 nd : “Women and Social Rights”, 2001, Croatia (70 participants) 3 rd : “Negotiating for Issues of Concern to Workers with Family Responsibilities“, 2002, Croatia (90 participants) 3 rd : “Negotiating for Issues of Concern to Workers with Family Responsibilities“, 2002, Croatia (90 participants) 4 th : “Women Workers at Atypical Jobs and in Informal Economy”, 2003; Croatia (100 participants) 4 th : “Women Workers at Atypical Jobs and in Informal Economy”, 2003; Croatia (100 participants) 5 th : “The Impact of Social Reforms on Women and Collective Bargaining”, 2004; Croatia (120 participants) 5 th : “The Impact of Social Reforms on Women and Collective Bargaining”, 2004; Croatia (120 participants) 6 th : „International and European Social and Gender Standards“, 2005, Macedonia (165 participants) 6 th : „International and European Social and Gender Standards“, 2005, Macedonia (165 participants) 7 th : “Health and Reproductive Rights”, 2006, Montenegro (160 participants) 7 th : “Health and Reproductive Rights”, 2006, Montenegro (160 participants)
OTHER ACHIEVEMNTS OF THE NETWORK – Political declarations – examples “The globalisation and fair transition for working families”. “The globalisation and fair transition for working families”. Resolution on the minimum gender positive policy action plan for the trade unions in Central and Eastern Europe, 2002 Resolution on the minimum gender positive policy action plan for the trade unions in Central and Eastern Europe, 2002 Resolution “How to Oppose Discrimination on the Labour Market in the SEE Region”, 2003 Resolution “How to Oppose Discrimination on the Labour Market in the SEE Region”, 2003 Declaration on Maternity Protection in the South- Eastern European Countries, 2006; etc. Declaration on Maternity Protection in the South- Eastern European Countries, 2006; etc.
OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS: With leaders and members of women's trade union groups there was a significant increase in the awareness of the discrimination of women in society, With leaders and members of women's trade union groups there was a significant increase in the awareness of the discrimination of women in society, Self-awareness and the respectability of women's trade union groups in trade unions and the public Self-awareness and the respectability of women's trade union groups in trade unions and the public Women in trade unions identified priorities and began thinking of their own strategies and policies to address those priorities Women in trade unions identified priorities and began thinking of their own strategies and policies to address those priorities Co-operation between women's trade union groups with the academic community, as well as with non-government organizations and government institutions Co-operation between women's trade union groups with the academic community, as well as with non-government organizations and government institutions Women's trade union groups have become visible in their own trade unions and have achieved a greater influence on the process of the democratic transformation of trade unions as well as on the regular activity of the trade union Women's trade union groups have become visible in their own trade unions and have achieved a greater influence on the process of the democratic transformation of trade unions as well as on the regular activity of the trade union
OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS – cont. In numerous trade unions, gender positive policies and mechanisms in trade unions have been introduced In numerous trade unions, gender positive policies and mechanisms in trade unions have been introduced Co-operation with the training departments of trade union confederations for a greater involvement of women in regular programs Co-operation with the training departments of trade union confederations for a greater involvement of women in regular programs The Women’s Network has strengthened and developed The Women’s Network has strengthened and developed Cross-border co-operation of the women's trade union groups Cross-border co-operation of the women's trade union groups numerous conflict prevention activities have been carried out numerous conflict prevention activities have been carried out The visibility of the CEE Women’s Network within ICFTU, has also been achieved The visibility of the CEE Women’s Network within ICFTU, has also been achieved A quality level of co-operation with ILO and support was granted for various projects, A quality level of co-operation with ILO and support was granted for various projects,
7. PROBLEMS Political/financial problems at different levels: Issue of the formal position of the Women’s Network within the future Pan-European Trade Union Council; position of the Regional Women’s School; Issue of the formal position of the Women’s Network within the future Pan-European Trade Union Council; position of the Regional Women’s School; Position of the Network at the global level (Women’s Committee of the New International); Position of the Network at the global level (Women’s Committee of the New International); Enabling conferences and activities at sub-regional level (6 sub- regions) of the Women’s Network; Enabling conferences and activities at sub-regional level (6 sub- regions) of the Women’s Network; Financing the permanent regional coordinator of the Network; Financing the permanent regional coordinator of the Network; Fundraising for the projects (future of the CEE Unit); Fundraising for the projects (future of the CEE Unit); Providing statutory position of the women’s structures at national level; Providing statutory position of the women’s structures at national level;
7. PROBLEMS – cont. Problems of giving formal support or reserved seats, or if giving not really allowing the implementation at national level; Problems of giving formal support or reserved seats, or if giving not really allowing the implementation at national level; Preventing/reacting on the cases of the pressure imposed on the women activists/leaders by the highest trade union leaders in their confederations due to their trade union activities within the women’s structures, at the congresses, during campaigns or in occasion of the International Women’s Day activities; Preventing/reacting on the cases of the pressure imposed on the women activists/leaders by the highest trade union leaders in their confederations due to their trade union activities within the women’s structures, at the congresses, during campaigns or in occasion of the International Women’s Day activities; Male leaders in some countries still want to interfere into the internal affairs of the women’s structures or even they try to nominate-elect-manipulate women leaders; Male leaders in some countries still want to interfere into the internal affairs of the women’s structures or even they try to nominate-elect-manipulate women leaders; The Network and its members sometimes are being marginalized as they are allowed to discuss only on the gender issues (starting from CEETUC ending on such practice in many countries). The Network and its members sometimes are being marginalized as they are allowed to discuss only on the gender issues (starting from CEETUC ending on such practice in many countries).