Lesson 1 Day 1 Question of the Day What do you do when you want to make new friends? When I want to make a new friend, I _______. T28.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 1 Day 1

Question of the Day What do you do when you want to make new friends? When I want to make a new friend, I _______. T28

Read Aloud Set a Purpose: Why might we listen to a story? to learn or to enjoy Along with enjoying the story, you should listen to understand how the main character is feeling.

Read Aloud T29 Transparency R1

Read Aloud T29 Transparency R1 What happens to Alex in the story? Alex moves to a new town. How do you think Alex feels? nervous, scared, lonely, sad Why do you think he feels that way? He doesn’t know anyone.

Phonics and Spelling Short Vowels a, e, i, o, u ă The letter a can stand for the short vowel ă sound, as in pat. ĕ The letter e can stand for the short vowel ĕ sound, as in Ben. ĭ The letter i can stand for the short vowel ĭ sound, as in tin. ŏ The letter o can stand for the short vowel ŏ sound, as in top. ŭ The letter u can stand for the short ŭ vowel sound, as in cup. T30

Phonics and Spelling Short Vowels a, e, i, o, u can ten pin top cut cvc cvc cvc cvc cvc Notice the consonant-vowel-consonant pattern. The vowel is closed in by consonants. Words with this pattern have a short vowel sound. T30

Phonics and Spelling Short Vowels a, e, i, o, u magnet basket picnic mag net bas ket pic nic Each syllable has a vowel sound. T30

Phonics and Spelling Short Vowels a, e, i, o, u You Try! napkin kitten contest cannot nap kin kit ten con test can not You have 2 minutes to create nonsense words by mixing up the syllables in the previous words. Write them in your journal. T30

Spelling Pretest this went jump still last dust tell drop shut lamp stop felt drink clock stand T31

Characters and Setting Turn to page 16 in your book. I know I usually find out about the characters and setting in the beginning of a story. If the story takes place at a school, I know I might read about children in a classroom or on a playground. As I read a story, I think about what a character says and does. I think how I would feel if I were a the character. Let’s read pages together. T32

Characters and Setting CharactersSettings T32 Jen firefighters school Turn to page 2 of your practice book.

Characters and Setting T32 Practice page 2

Listening Comprehension Read Aloud Good readers try to read every word correctly, or accurately. When they realize that they have read a word incorrectly, they go back and reread it so that the sentence makes sense. Think about your first day at a new school. Turn and talk to a partner about your first day at a new school. “First Day Jitters” is the title of the story I am going to read to you. Jitters – to be nervous Did you have jitters on your first day? T34

Listening Comprehension Read Aloud Does a story about a first day at school sound like real life? Stories about things that could happen in real life are called realistic fiction. I know that realistic fiction is like real life. I expect that the characters in this story will be like people I know. I expect that the school will be like my school in many ways. T34

Listening Comprehension Read Aloud Two important parts of every story are the characters – people in the story – and the setting – when and where the story takes place. Listen to identify the characters as I read “First Day Jitters”. Just as in real life, the characters do not stay in one place; so one story can take place in several settings. t34

Listening Comprehension Read Aloud Respond! What is Realistic Fiction? A story that could happen in real life. Who were the characters in the story? Where did the story take place? Why was Sarah nervous about teaching? Thumbs up if you enjoyed the story, thumbs down if you didn’t. t34

trudged The word is… trudged What is the word? trudged We trudged through the tall grass to get to the lake. Which would you trudge through, a pool or a swamp? Sarah trudged into the kitchen because she did not want to get up for school. If you walked slowly as though your feet were stuck in the mud, you trudged. T35

gushed Mrs. Burton gushed at Sarah to show how glad she was to see her. When you were excited about something and talked a lot about it, you gushed. The word is…. gushed What is the word? gushed Jason’s parents gushed whenever he scored a goal in a soccer game. When would you gush over a puppy – when it obeyed you, or when it chewed your shoe? t35

Daily Proofreading 1. we have a new student today? 2. She will sat in the frunt row T36 W. sit front.

Daily Proofreading Check your work! 1. We have a new student today. 2. She will sit in the front row. T36

Grammar: Sentences: Statements & Questions A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete thought. You make sentences all the time when you talk. Sarah tumbled out of bed. Notice: the words are in order they make sense to tell a complete thought It begins with a capitol letter ends with an end mark (period) t36

Grammar: Sentences: Statements & Questions Sarah tumbled out of bed. One part of the sentence tells who or what Sarah and the other part tells what the who or what is or does. tumbled out of bed t36

Grammar: Sentences: Statements & Questions

Complete each incomplete sentence in your journal. used the markers. My friend liked the CD. is in the drawer. The dog The boys t36

Writing: Descriptive Paragraph t37

Writing: Descriptive Paragraph t37 A Descriptive Paragraph… uses words that help readers see, hear, feel, smell, and sometimes taste what is happening. includes plenty of details.

Writing: Descriptive Paragraph t37 Let’s brainstorm some descriptive words for a trip to the park. Draw this chart in your journal. SeeFeelHearSmellTaste