Use all the information given to you.
One mark for any valid statement. Likely answers: Loss of arctic habitats Wildlife affected e.g. Polar Bears facing extinction. Increased flooding Rising sea levels Reduced sea water salinity For example: one impact would be an rise in coastal flooding
One point for each valid statement. Answers must be applicable to the UK. Likely answers: Hotter summers Increased tourism in seaside resorts More droughts Less snow More storms Increased flooding (coastal and river valley) Changing crops / plants Changing wildlife Collapse of Scotland Ski industry
2 from the following: Sunspots – Indicate the amount of energy released from the sun. Volcanic Eruptions – Emissions block out sunlight lowering temperatures, or CO2 emissions increase concentrations of greenhouse gases. Orbital Changes – Changes from a circular to an oval orbit can affect the amount of sunlight the earth receives.
Higher example
1 mark for each appropriate impact. Additional mark(s) can be award for extending statements. At least two impacts must be described for full marks. Likely responses include: Ski industry collapses Increased cost of sea defences Higher insurance premiums due to greater flood risk New crops provide farmers with new opportunities Tourismboomsduetohighertemperatures Increased cost of maintaining water supply Cheaper household bills due to lower central heating needs. NOTE must refer to a place to gain full marks: Example answer: UK Climate change could impact the UK by causes more coastal flooding there fore we could have economic effects of having higher costs for sea defences, and higher insurance. However tourism could start to boom in the south with warmer summers. Higher example
Volcanic Circular
Higher example
Named example could be Banagaldesh Higher example