CCG Strategy Update Lewisham Children and Young People Strategic Partnership Board 26 th January 2015
Background CCG strategy agreed October revisions through Strategy & Development Committee Progress: population health needs, the outcomes of public and membership engagement, and equalities analysis, developing the vision for Best Care Developments at national, London, and south east London level
Vision & Ambitions Better Health To reduce the gap in key health outcomes between Lewisham and England by 10% over the five year period Best Value To commissioning more effectively with the most efficient use of resources Best Care High quality care for everyone - Care should be provided at the simplest level and ‘at the right place’; that is, so that it is least restrictive to patients and carers, localised where possible, and at the most appropriate setting.
Case for Change Summary The changing health needs of the Lewisham population will increase demand on services We need to improve our health outcomes We need to improve quality and accessibility of local services to all We need to shift the balance of care from emergency responses to care that is proactive and planned We need to develop advice, care and support services that empower people to want to take control and be responsible for their health and wellbeing The current configuration of health services is not likely to be sustainable There will be gap in finances, between resources available and expenditure
Strategic Priorities Strategic ThemesStrategic Priorities Healthy Living for All – helped to live healthy lifestyles, make healthy choices and reduce health inequalities Health promotion and prevention Maternity and children’s care in hospital Frail and Vulnerable People - supported and cared for with dignity and respect Vulnerable and frail older people including end of life care Long Term Conditions – empowering people with greater choice to manage their condition Long Term Conditions pathways – eg COPD, diabetes, CVD, dementia Mental Health care Deliver Services Differently Community based advice, support and care Integrated neighbourhood community teams based in each of the four localities Primary care development and planned care Urgent Care Cross Cutting Areas – enabling high quality and integrated care High quality care, Public engagement, Research and innovation, Better outcomes, Governance arrangements, Partnership working, CCG leadership Annual Delivery Objectives Commission high quality care services today 2.Ensure robust governance arrangements are in place 3.Public engagement is intrinsic to all commissioning activities 4.Strong Primary Care focused on population based commissioning and developing improved outcomes 5.Establish Neighbourhood care networks as part of Adult Integrated Care
National Policy - Key Messages The NHS ‘Five Year Forward View’ The importance of preventative action on obesity, smoking, alcohol and other major health risks to achieve better population health. There should be greater support for patients to control their care, and for carers. Steps should be taken to break down barriers in how care is provided, between health and social care, and between different health sectors. CCG Strategy Better Health ambition Strategic theme: Healthy living for all Long terms conditions and delivery of neighbourhood networks Adult integrated care programme Best Care ambition
London Health Commission - Key Messages Better Health for London recommendations: Health improvement and workplace health initiatives Integration of services Ensuring public engagement, shared decision-making and care and support planning Self management of long-term conditions Increased spending on primary and community services, with new quality standards and encouragement networking of GPs Access to digital mental support and psychological therapies Better use of data analysis Improved budgeting for transformation and specific population groups CCG Strategy Better Health ambition Strategic theme: Healthy living for all Adult integrated care programme Public engagement enabler and delivery objective Long terms conditions and delivery of neighbourhood networks Strategic priority and objective on primary care development Mental health within strategic priorities and neighbourhood networks
Alignment with Our Healthier South East London The aims of the strategy will support the CCG’s vision: To improve health, reduce health inequalities and ensure the provision of health services across south east London that meet safety and quality standards consistently and are sustainable in the longer term The CCG and SEL case for change have same conclusions: Population health Quality of care Patient experience Financial sustainability 6 Clinical Leadership Groups that closely match our strategic priorities Community Based Care Urgent and Emergency Care Maternity Children and Young People Planned Care Cancer
Summary We have refined our vision for Best Care We have reviewed our case for change We have reaffirmed our strategic priorities Our approach is supported by the NHS Five Year Forward View and Better Health for London CCG and Our Healthier South East London are aligned in their goals, case for change summaries, and priority areas