Resilience Personal, Team and Organisational Workshop Series 3 Copyright of lifetimeswork 2009/2011
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Outcomes Increased understanding of what drives your organisation’s ups and downs A clear evaluation of your organisation’s current resilience Increased understanding of the barriers to your organisation’s resilience Increased awareness of how the 8 core elements of organisational resilience are connected A sharing of best practice in helping develop and maintain organisational resilience A prioritisation of what needs to change now for your own organisation An action plan of how you take your organisational learnings back into the workplace Work through how to bring your increased understanding of the organisation’s resilience to help deliver towards your sponsoring organisation’s outcomes
lifetimeswork Organisational Resilience OR = Resilience of Top Team + 6 Organisation Factors ConsistencyCollaborative CultureLearning CultureEmotional contractPrioritisation to reduce stress/workloadSharing difficulties/ambiguity with staff ? Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Personal, Team and Organisational Our Starting Point
Organisational Resilience What is it? Policies, Structures, Processes Culture Senior Team Senior Team Senior Team
‘Strategic Resilience is what dynamically prevents the organisation from falling into decline, thus ensuring that a crisis never comes. It therefore includes the capacity to exploit opportunity.’ (Hollnagel & Woods 2006) Resilience Defined Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience What is it? ‘If I knew where the next challenge will come from, I would be able to defend against it. But it is the challenge I cannot anticipate that we need grassroots resilience capability for. (Anon CEO of USA company) ‘I know it when I see it’ (from ‘The Resilience Organisation’, Liisa Valinkagnas)
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience What is it? Strategic Resilience The capacity to Traditional Resilience The capacity to Change without first experiencing crisis Change without a lot of accompanying trauma Take action before it is a final necessity Recover after experiencing crisis Persist in face of threat; not to yield; tenacity Survive trauma From ‘The Resilience Organisation’; Valikangas, 2010
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience What is it? Used to battle decline, or address opportunities near and long term Capacity to sustain and accomplish strategic change Capacity to create positive surprises Sustainability, flourishing Escalation avoidance Strategic ResilienceTraditional Resilience ; ‘ Fall back’ Used when disturbance is sudden! Accidence avoidance Robustness Proactive ‘what if’ From ‘The Resilience Organisation’; Valikangas, 2010
Resourceful Adaptive Robust Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Characteristics
Resourceful Adaptive Robust Prioritisation Sharing difficulties/ambiguity Collaborative Culture Learning Culture Prioritisation Consistency Emotional Contract Sharing difficulties/ambiguity Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience Characteristics – How?
Resourceful Adaptive Robust Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience Characteristics & How? Resilience of Top Team Senior Teams Other teams
Team Resilience Very early insights Leverage Resilience Defined Boss’s Resilience Boss’s Boss Organisation Market Team Factors Individual Resilience Health Warning! All ideas for Team Resilience are too early to be evidenced
Team Factors Team Resilience Very early insights 1. Trust in the team 2. Authority of each team member inside and outside of the team. Includes clarity of role, value and purpose in the team 3. A Compelling Team Purpose 4. Consistency of action. Alignment of Vision/ Values/ Action / Communication 5. Collective capability in 3 areas: Learning/ Perspective/ Pacing Health Warning! All ideas for Team Resilience are too early to be evidenced
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Characteristics - Adaptive Strategy is formed with expectations of adjusting, changing is ‘in discovery’ is beyond current performance Willing to stop things that are no longer delivering
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Characteristics - Adaptive
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Characteristics – Adaptive. Mindfulness Aware of what is happening around and to them => situational awareness Be free of denial, nostalgia, arrogance Embraces diversity to ensure against stuck mindsets Takes realistic view Unlearns & learns Is not hostage to past performance I
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Characteristics - Mindfulness
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Characteristics - Mindfulness
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience Wayne K. Hoy, (2003) "An analysis of enabling and mindful school structures: Some theoretical, research and practical considerations", Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 41 Iss: 1, pp How do you efficiently promote positive outcomes of organisation, while limiting negative consequences that are often associated with bureaucratic structures? (how authority is structured)
Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 How to promote Organisational Mindfulness Be preoccupied with failure to guard against creeping complacency Be reluctant to simplify and become simple minded Foster situational awareness and reporting of errors Commit to resolving rather than being overcome by errors Defer to expertise not hierarchy (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2006)
OR = Resilience of Top Team + Senior Teams + Resilience of Middle Management + Consistency + Emotional Contract + Culture = MindfulCollaborative CultureLearning Culture Working within capacity whilst embracing stretch. (Prioritisation) Sharing difficulties/ambiguity with staff Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience Current Thinking
Resilience Personal, Team and Organisational Workshop Series 3 Copyright of lifetimeswork 2009/2011
Mediocrity High Success Very low Resilience Workshop Series, Workshop 3 Organisational Resilience Past Performance Traps
High Success Overconfidence Arrogance Undue attribution of merit to self Structural hardening, rigidity Immoderation, escalation of success formula Lost capacity for experimentation Attention complacency Past Performance Traps
Mediocrity Conventional thinking Best people leaving Lowered aspirations Refer to other unambitious groups Interest groups perpetuate status quo Control of resources by those who benefit from mediocrity Past Performance Traps
Poor performance Caught in failure Threat-rigidity response Extreme risk taking in case survival threatened Inward focus No-one cares, people give up Past Performance Traps
Poor performance Caught in failure Threat-rigidity response Extreme risk taking in case survival threatened Inward focus No-one cares, people give up Past Performance Traps: Exercise Mediocrity Conventional thinking Best people leaving Lowered aspirations Refer to other unambitious groups Interest groups perpetuate status quo Control of resources by those who benefit from mediocrity High Success Overconfidence Arrogance Undue attribution of merit to self Structural hardening, rigidity Immoderation, escalation of success formula Lost capacity for experimentation Attention complacency Consider your organisation’s past performance in relation to the energy graph. What do you notice? What would you like to change?
Resilience Personal, Team and Organisational Workshop Series 2 Backup Contact
lifetimeswork Resilience Redefined Resilience = (Bounce Back x Speed) + Energy Recovered + ( Learning x Application ) Resilience Defined Resilience Personal, Team and Organisational
Resilience Personal, Team and Organisational
Resilience Personal, Team and Organisational Workshop Series 3 Copyright of lifetimeswork 2009/2011