Thoughts for 2013 International environment National – the sector Lincoln University future
International Environment GEC Digital Revolution Disruption to established modes of scholarly communication - Open Access 21 st Century pedagogies Delete Generation
National Issues – the sector 456,000 students in 2011 (48,100 international) Now more Kiwis with a tertiary qualification than without one: 50% in 2010, 52% in % of Maori aged 24 years and under participate in tertiary education at Level 4 or higher compared with: 23% for Europeans, 25% for Asians ( Ministry of Education Profiles & Trends 2011: The NZ Tertiary Education Sector)
Lincoln University Issues Financial sustainability Canterbury Earthquakes, Campus Development Plan New senior team and Vice-Chancellor Ministerial Focus, Lincoln Hub Teaching & Learning Strategic Directions Research Strategy (data, scholarly communication) Flexible (blended) learning, rethinking delivery Student experience Lincoln University’s land based brand
Translating the external environment into our strategic focus for Theme: ‘Making the invisible visible’ 1. Research system including data curation (research) 2.Café in LTL – likely to be part of the CDP (student experience) 3.Student retention framework – student experience generally will have a very high profile in 2013 (student experience) 4.Academic quality assurance (academic quality) 5.Open Access e.g. LURA, data, community archive (research) 6.PASS (student experience) 7.CTA Teaching Certificate (Tertiary) (academic quality) 8.Manaakitanga, including Marketing & Communications (student experience) 9.Information Architecture (infrastructure) 10.Replacing Library Management System - usability testing includes search etc (infrastructure)
Readjusting to respond to the University Strategic Directions. A new generation workplace continued: Outcomes focussed/agile Print to digital ($200,000 capital reduction) Service delivery model (reflection) Financial sustainability
The next 2 months : Vice-Chancellors Strategic Directions (next week) Workplace Survey 2012 (next week) Have we improved? What are your plans for the future? (next fortnight) Continuous improvement and institutional direction Small change proposal in Feb/March – realigning the workplace Office relocation (next fortnight)