JAXA Activities in Earth Observation from Space KMA, Seoul June 1-3, 2005 Tomomi Nio Earth Observation Research and application Center (EORC) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
2 Topics 1. JAXA Earth Observation Program - JAXA Long-term Vision - GEOSS Implementation Plan 1. JAXA Earth Observation Program - JAXA Long-term Vision - GEOSS Implementation Plan 2. Operation Status - TRMM - Aqua/AMSR-E - Terra&Aqua/MODIS - Network Interface 3. Future Program - ALOS - GOSAT - GPM - GCOM-W/C
3 1. JAXA Earth Observation Program
4 JAXA long-term vision was released in Apr –20 years plan –Main vision in Earth Observation; To contribute the safe and rich society utilizing space technology. –To make the helpful system for the natural disaster and to develop the system for Asia-Pacific region –To realize the helpful system for earth environmental problem and to use it as the policy planning tool internationally –Reflected the GEOSS 10-year implementation plan
5 海難事故 洪水 森林火災 火山噴火 地震 津波 地上観測網 測位衛星群 超大型移動体通信衛星 全ての被災地住民 災害警報 災害状況 避難経路指示 被災者間通信 家族の位置情報 総合情報センター 災害の予測から避難指示、家族の 位置確認まで直接個人携帯にサー ビス 将来の災害・危機管理情報収集通報システム 静止衛星 小型衛星群 不審船 僻地、海上等 の無人観測局 台風 災害観測 データ収集 個人携帯配信 観測ブイ 超高速通信衛星 被災地上網と接続 地球観測衛星群 高分解能 陸域観測衛星 全球降水 観測衛星 Image of the vision
6 Earth Observation 10-Year Implementation Plan Identification of key observation areas and objective (9 benefits such as reducing loss of life and property from natural and human induced disasters, understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating, and adapting to climate variability and change and so on). Overcome shortcomings of current observation systems (strengthen involvement of the developing countries, improve Earth observation technology, strengthen observation systems). Give guidance for establishing new Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) by strengthen existing observation systems, establishing successor international mechanism. The Earth Observation Summit adopted the 10- year implementation plan on February 16, JAXA EO program
7 Social Benefits and Requirement (GEOSS 10y-IP) 1.Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human induced disasters 2.Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well being 3.Improving management of energy resources 4.Understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and change 5.Improving water resource management through better understanding of the water cycle 6.Improving weather information, forecasting and warning 7.Improving the management and protection of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems 8.Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification 9.Understanding, monitoring and conserving biodiversity The 9 social benefit area 1. JAXA EO program
8 JAXA’s Contribution to GEOSS ~ Disaster Monitoring And Resource Management 【 Optical Sensor 】 MOS-1,ADEOS (87~95) (96~97) 【 Optical & SAR 】 JERS-1 (92~98) 【 Precipitation Radar 】 TRMM/PR (97~) 【 Microwave Sensor 】 MOS-1 (87~95) 【 Optical Sensor 】 MOS-1, ADEOS (87~95) (96~97) 【 Cloud Radar 】 【 Spectrometer 】 ADEOS/ILAS (96~97) JFY ALOS ADEOS-II / ILAS-II GOSAT ADEOS-II / AMSR Aqua / AMSR-E ADEOS-II / GLI 【 Sea Surface Wind Vector, SST 】 Geo-Stationary Earth Observation Mission Disaster Monitoring Constellation Mission GPM / DPR Note: This chart includes NOT authorized plan 【 CO2 】 Global Warming And Global Water Cycle Observation Water Cycle Observation Climate Change Observation Greenhouse Gas Observation GCOM-C/ SGLI GCOM-W/ AMSR 【 Cloud, Aerosol, Vegetation 】 【 Cloud, Aerosol 】 Legend Symbol Planned Project Approved Project After Operation Period 4.1 Disasters 4.2 Health TRMM / PR 4.5 Water 4.4 Climate 4.6 Weather EarthCARE / CPR 4.3 Energy Social Benefit Areas of Drafts GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan 4.7 Ecosystems 4.8 Agriculture 4.9 Biodiversity 1. JAXA EO program
9 2. Operation Status
10 2. Operation Status 1.TRMM (’ ) –After operation period ( 7.5 years old ) –A lot of Results –TRMM Typhoon database is very popular and interesting. 2.Aqua/AMSR-E (’02.5- ) – AMSR-E project is going to shift to the post utilization phase 3.MODIS&AMSR-E NRT Data Release (’04.7-) –EOC has been receiving the MODIS data by direct readout since July 2004.
11 Tropical Cyclone Data Base JAXA EORC Tropical Cyclone Data Base –TRMM Tropical Cyclone Data Base and AMSR/AMSR-E Data Base will be merged. –Tropical Cyclones data observed by TRMM/PR,TMI,VIRS, Aqua/AMSR-E and Midori-II (ADEOS- II)/AMSR will be available on June Operation Status
12 MODIS & AMSR-E NRT Data Coverage:Around JAXA/EOC (Hatoyama station) Release Data – Level 1B (Brightness Temperature / Geometrical Calibrated) – Sea Surface Temperature (SST) – Chlorophyll-a (CHLA) – 5 days Average SST (AMSR-E) How to get data? – Image Gallery 2. Operation Status – Binary Data (5,250yen/Month) Registration users can download the MODIS data in 3 – 5 hours after the receiving and the AMSR- E data in 12 hours after the receiving.
13 Network interfaces with other agencies Japanese agencies; –RESTEC –HIT –NICT –JMA/MSC –JAFIC Foreign agency; –NASA/JPL EOC send the following data to JMA/MSC. –AQUA/AMSR-E : Rate Buffered data, IST, AMSR-E Level 1A –TRMM : PR QL/Level 0, TMI/VIRS real time product, RST –QuikSCAT : Met data 2. Operation Status ALOS Users -GSI -ERSDAC ALOS Data Node -AADN -AEDN -OADN -GISTDA
14 Interface – AMSR-E/AQUA – GSFC (EDOS) JAXA/EOC Transpacific ATM 2Mbps EBnet ATM JAXA/EOC ATM 1Mbps JMA/MSC Wide area Ethernet JAXA/EORC JPL (PO.DAAC) DR 128Kbps JAFIC 2. Operation Status
15 JPL GSFC (SDPF,TSDIS) JAXA/EOC Transpacific ATM 2Mbps EBnet ATM JAXA/EOC Wide area Ethernet JAXA/EORC ATM 1Mbps JMA/MSC ISDN 1.5Mbps NICT Interface –TRMM – 2. Operation Status
16 JPL GSFC (CSAFS) JAXA/EOC Transpacific ATM 2Mbps EBnet ATM JAXA/EOC ATM 1Mbps JMA/MSC DR 128Kbps JAFIC NOAA/NESDIS Interface – QuikSCAT – 2. Operation Status
17 3. Future Program
18 3.Future Program Satellite Phase JFY’05’06‘07‘08‘09‘10‘11 ALOS Operation Preparation △ Sep. L+9M- △ GOSAT Development △ Aug. △ GPM Study&Design △ Feb. △ GCOM -W -C Conceptual Study △ winter △ winter △ EarthCARE Conceptual Study △ *Japanese Financial Year : April to March in next calendar year EORC move to Tsukuba
19 Future Program ALOS Advanced Land Observing Satellite 3. Future Program
20 ALOS Overview JAXA’s High-Resolution Earth Observing Satellite Mission –Cartography (1/25,000) –Regional Environmental Monitoring –Disaster Monitoring –Resources Survey Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM) Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) Data Relay Communication Antenna Star Tracker GPS Antenna Solar Array Paddle 9m 22m Mass: 4000kg Power: 7kW Orbit : Sun Synchronous Altitude: km Repeat Cycle : 46days Launch Date : Sep Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) 3. Future Program
21 ALOS Current Status Post Qualification Review and Mission Development Confirmation Review were held this May. Now we are preparing for the operation doing rehearsal, training, etc. ALOS satellite was carried to the launch site in Tanegashima. ALOS will be launched this September by H-IIA. –The “date” is under negotiation within JAXA. ALOS is very expected to contribute widely to science and application field; –Natural resource management –Disaster monitoring and damage mitigation –Regional development and planning JAXA became a member of the International Charter Future Program
22 Future Program GOSAT Greenhouse gasses Observing SATellite 3. Future Program
23 GOSAT Overview 3. Future Program FSSH-1XANT-1 -2SANT-1 ESH CAM-H1 CS 光学系ユニット GOS 光学系ユニット FSSH-2/3TEDA-LPT2 TEDA-LPT1 PDL Z (地心方向) (進行方向、ロケット機軸方向) X Y FSSH-1XANT-1 -2SANT-1 ESH CAM-H1 CS 光学系ユニット GOS 光学系ユニット FSSH-2/3TEDA-LPT2 TEDA-LPT1 PDL FSSH-1XANT-1 -2SANT-1 ESH CAM-H1 CS 光学系ユニット GOS 光学系ユニット FSSH-2/3TEDA-LPT2 TEDA-LPT1 PDL Z (地心方向) (進行方向、ロケット機軸方向) X Y Z (地心方向) (進行方向、ロケット機軸方向) X Y MASS: Approx. 1650kg Power: 3.3kw – EOL Designed Life Span: 5years Orbit Plan: Altitude 666km Sun-Synchronous Sub-Recurrent Orbit Orbit Inclination: 98deg. Launch: Aug.2008 by H-IIA (TBD) GOS (Greenhouse gasses Observing Sensor) CS (Cloud Sensor) Mission –To observe greenhouse effect gasses globally
24 Future Program GPM Global Precipitation Measurement 3. Future Program
25 From TRMM to GPM NASA, JAXA and NICT International Cooperation Mission 3. Future Program Cooperation(Expected partners) : NOAA(US),NASA(US),ESA(EU), CNES/ISRO(France/India) and others
26 GPM Overview 3. Future Program Mission: Core Satellite –Observation of rainfall with more accurate and higher resolution –Adjustment of data from constellation satellites Constellation Satellites –More frequent observation GPM –Global observation every 3 hours↓ –Earth heating Phenomena –Study of Climate Change –Improvement of forecasting system Core SatelliteConstellation Satellites OrbitSun- asynchronous Sun-synchronous InclinationApprox. 68 deg.Approx. 90 deg. Altitude Approx. 600 k m PeriodApprox. 92 minutes Approx. 100 minutes Mission Instrument DPR* GMI Microwave Radiometer Resolution KuPR:245km KaPR:120km Approx. 800 km Range resolution 250m--- Launch Date2010 (TBD)--- Mission of Life3 years and 2 months --- *DPR=Dual Frequency Radiometer 14GHz KuPR and 35GHz KaPR 2 satellites 8 satellites
27 GMI DPR JAXA GPM Data Flow GCOM-W U.S. ESA International Partners GPM coreTDRS White Sands JAXA AMSR-2 JAXA MWR GPM core (DPR,GMI) ESA MWR CHINA International Partners XXX Data center ・ data collection ( DPR+GMI+MWRs ) ・ 3hr global rain map generation user ( operational and research organization, etc ) 3hr global rain-map Data Pool 3. Future Program Tb(L1c) Tb(L1b) GDaWG: GPM Data Working Group
28 Roles of GDaWG To Investigate and coordinate –Common requirements –Technical interface Regarding data acquisition, processing, sharing (including near real-time), archiving and distribution. –Data format etc. Next GDaWG meeting; –Fall or winter in 2005 (TBD) 3. Future Program
29 GPM Data Exchange 3. Future Program JMA International Flood Alert Network (IFNet) 3hr- Global Rain Map L1c(Tb) (GMI and MWRs) Standard NRT Operational Users Research Users NASAPartner Asian Area
30 Project Status JAXA re-studied the mission requirement. –JAXA standard products are reconsidered. JAXA will have the phase-up review for the development after winter of this year. JAXA, NICT and NASA have the international workshop every year. We are planning next workshop; –5 th GPM International Workshop Date: 7(Mon) – 9 (Wed), November 2005 Place: Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo, Japan <Please join this workshop! After September everyone will be able to register in website which is linked EORC top page.> Target : Asian users We want to know and summarize user requirement again in order to reflect the system development. We hope to GPM data will be used in operational application such as IFNet (International Flood Alert Network). 3. Future Program
31 JAXA GPM/DPR Products ( draft ) Product Level AlgorithmParameters Scene Unit Swath Resolution Product Size HorizontalVertical 1 KuPR AlgorithmReceived Power, Z-factor1 orbit240km5km125m370MB KaPR AlgorithmReceived Power, Z-factor1 orbit120km5km 125m 250m 250MB 2 KuPR Algorithm Surface Cross Section, Rain Type、Bright Band Height, Corrected Z-factor, Rain Rate 1 orbit240km5km125m440MB KaPR Algorithm Surface Cross Section, Rain Type、Bright Band Height, Corrected Z-factor, Rain Rate 1 orbit120km5km125m361MB Dual-frequency Algorithm Rain Rate, Rain Drop-size Distribution(N 0, D 0 ), Rain or Snow, Attenuation 1 orbit240km5km250m400MB DPR/GMI Combined Algorithm Rain Rate1 orbit240km5km250m100MB Surface Rain1 orbit800km7km-16MB 3 Dual-frequency Algorithm Rain Mean, Total Counts, Rain Pixels, Mean of Bright Band Height, etc. 1 month(Global)0.5˚250m170MB DPR/GMI Combined Algorithm Surface Rain Mean, Total Counts, Rain Pixels1 month(Global)0.5˚-3MB Global Precipitation Map Surface Rain Mean, Total Counts, Rain Pixels3 hours(Global)0.5˚-4MB Real Time Surface Rain RateTBD- Blue:1st priority product, Yellow:2nd priority product, Red: research effort based product 3. Future Program
32 Future Program GCOM Global Climate Observation Mission 3. Future Program
33 GCOM Overview JAXA GN (Tracking & S/C Operation System) JAXA EORC (Mission Operation System) Recieving Station (High Latitude Station) GCOM-W GCOM-C HK-TT&C (USB) Mission Data (X-band:TBD) Altitude:699.6km Inclination:98.19deg Local Time: 13:30 Sensor: - AMSR-2 - SeaWinds(TBD) Altitude:798km or 973.2km Inclination:99.36deg Local Time: 10:30 Sensor: - SGLI Data (On-line) 3. Future Program
34 Summary JAXA is challenging to realize the long-term vision and correspond to the GOESS implementation plan. –Risk management system –Environmental observation system JAXA has been studying the future earth observation program such as GPM and GCOM-W. –scientific research and demonstration of operational applications such as numerical weather forecast and disaster prevention program –To keep exchanging opinion, requirement, and data with big operational users such as meteorological agencies.
35 Thank you!