Dáil Briefing 16 th October 2013
2007: Prevention and Early Intervention Programme, funded by DYCA and The Atlantic Philanthropies; Tasked to design, deliver and evaluate services to improve outcomes for children and families in Tallaght West and inform policy and practice; Seven independent evaluations published; 2013: Area Based Response to Child Poverty: integrate proven models into mainstream services.
Restorative Practices are about working WITH people rather than doing things TO or FOR them RP is about offering high levels of support, whilst challenging inappropriate behaviour and encouraging acceptance of responsibility
To create a Restorative Community in Tallaght West The delivery of training in RP to key stakeholders with responsibility for children and young people Accreditation of local trainers, and support to organisations and people seeking to work restoratively
RP training began in 2010; Training provided monthly to all agencies working with children and young people as well as residents and young people themselves; To date (September 2013), just over 1,000 people trained, including 109 young people; 16 local trainers accredited; St. Marks Community School became the 1st RP organisation in Tallaght in October 2012 followed by SDCC Social Work Team September 2013; 5 more RP organisations by December 2013; All Ireland Restorative Practice Strategic Forum established.
An all-Ireland network to promote RP as a key approach to prevention and early intervention within the context of a life cycle approach; To develop the potential for RP to support inclusion within communities and across sectors; To identify potential for collaboration and joint developments; To develop capacity, systems and infrastructures which support the growth and evolution of RP, as well as build their sustainability; To progress and support locally based accreditation and training options; To offer those interested in the strategic development of RP a space for reflecting, crystallising, sharing and deepening understanding.
By the Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Frequent use of Restorative Practice 55% work; 46% School; 41% community. 75% have experienced others using Restorative Practice in work, school and community 87% better management of conflict
43% reduction in disputes with greatest gains made in the workplace Significant improvement in people’s ability to manage conflict with greatest gains made in interagency work and between neighbours Significant improvement in relationships with greatest gains between organisations and their service users
How Has It Worked???
Informal Formal Affirmative language & affective (feelings) statements Formal restorative conference Group or circle Small impromptu restorative conversations Affective (feelings) questions
A range of sectors including education, justice and youth work, have found that the use of RP in their day-to-day business has improved working relationships and assisted in achieving better outcomes for the children and young people they work with; Given the findings relating to improved productivity and reduced work-based conflict, the RP programme can very usefully inform the Government’s public service reform agenda.
Canoeing Circle