“People draw and paint pictures or make carvings of their idea of spirits; or spirits are represented by masks at ceremonies and festivals.” -Introduction to African Religions John S. Mbiti
*recreation of a diagram in Intro. To African Religions, John Mbiti. Pg.70
Dan and We Masks nart.org/facingthe mask/diversity_d anwe.html allery.com/african/ masks_rare.html yama.com/d an/pics..htm
Sande Society The Mende, Vai and Gola peoples of Sierra Leone and Liberia ctions/aonwc/africanart/ larger /function_perform.html cinc.com/gallery/ex hibit.htm
Animal Masks Spirits of the Bush The Ijo of Nigeria and The Guro of the Ivory Coast s..htm /diversity_male.html
Baule Figures art/pages/baou5.htmhttp://perso.wanadoo.fr/afric art/pages/baou5.htm u/~kamuseum/exh ibitions/online/afric a/index8.htm O/nieuwenhuysen/african- art/african-art-collection- statues.htm w.eliteart ofafrica.c om/Sculp ture/Afric an%20Sc ulpture.ht m eBoUsuFigures/BauleBoUsu02.html umich.edu/ ~hartspc/u msdp/UMA /
Nail Fetishes minkondi um/Superstitions.html#Congo
Bakota Guardians artgallery.de/produkte/figur en/p_bakota-f01-h.html
Bibliography Lawson, E. Thomas. Religions of Africa. Harper & Row. New York, NY:1985. Mbiti, John S.. Introduction to African Religions. 2cnd ed.. Heinemann International. Portsmouth, NH:1975. Tshiluila, Shaje A., Buganza, Mulinda Habi. ‘Kongo,’ Grove Art Online, (Oxford University Press, Accessed [ ]) Willett, Frank. African Art: An Introduction. Praeger Publishing. New York, NY:1971. Ravenhill, Phillip L.: ‘Baule,’ Grove Art Online, (Oxford University Press, Accessed [ ])