Facts about Denmark Denmark is a small country of 43,000 sqm og approx. 5 mio inhabitants The five largest towns: –København (our capital) –Århus –Aalborg –Odense –Randers The country is divided into five regions and 98 municipalties
Randers Technical College, Denmark We are from the town of Randers which is situated in Jutland between Århus and Aalborg, close to the E45. We are three guests from Randers: –Niels Rasmussen, Project Manager –Torben Rahbek, Teacher –Anne B. Mortensen, Admin.
Randers Technical College An independent institution offering –Vocational education and training (VET) - including electrician –Technical Upper Secondary School –Academy Profession Degree in Production Technology –Further education as Optician –State certified chiropodist –Adult education: Continuing education and training Approx. 1,500 full time equivalent students and 300 employees
Vocational Education and Training in Denmark We are one of approx. 100 colleges offering VET programmes in Denmark In Denmark, VET is a youth education system, organised to the dual training principle, i.e. periods in school alternates with periods og training in an enterprise There is a choice of between approx. 100 types of VET, gathered in 12 vocational clusters The duration of the VET programmes varies from 1½ to 5½ years
VET in Denmark Elementary school Higher education College VET Basic course Work experience 20 weeksUsually three years
VET programmes - at Randes Technical College Building and construction - Mason, Building painter, Carpenter etc. Body and style - Hairdresser, Cosmetician, Fitness instructor Motor vehicle, aircraft and other means of transportation - Auto mechanic Electricity, management and IT - Electrician Production and development - Smith, Industriel operator, Surface treater, Technical designer, Production operator, -(Wind Turbine Technician) Transport and logistics - Bus and druck drivers, Stock educations
Training to become an electrician - at Randers Technical College We offer training in two different areas: - Installation Electrician (4 years) –Control and regulation (4 ½ years) Approx. 60 weeks at college, the rest as work experience At college approx. 30% of the course work is practical, 70% theoretical At college we have installation workshops, measurement workshops samt soldering- and assembly workshops The education belongs in EQF level 4 We co-operate with Installation companies and industrial enterprises, such as Vestas, Grundfos, Energi Randers, Bombardier So far the electricity department at the college has no experience with international co-operation
Establishing a new VET programme in Denmark The Danish Ministry of Education authorises the establishment of new VET programmes, usually in accordance with a recommendation from a trade committee. When authorising a new programme, financing is also agreed upon. Each VET has an affiliated trade committee with representatives from employers as well as employees.
Actors in VET MoE REU Trade Committee A LTC College X LTC College Y Trade Committee B Trade Committee N Ministry of Education: Authorizes The Council for Vocational Training: Advices and recommends National trade committees: Responsible for the curriculum … LTC College N Local Training Committee: Strengthening the contact Between colleges and the local labour market …
Timeframe for the establishment of new VET courses in Denmark A VET programme such as ”energy assisstant” does not belong naturally to one trade commitee – it is independent of sectors The secretariat to one of the trade committees ”Industriens uddannelser” servicing trade committees in the industry. We are in contact with these committees. If a need which is not covered by existing programmes arises in the labour market, pilot programmes can be created. In this case the companies must make training places available. We apply ourselves to provide a VET programme within two years. Alternatively as a pilot programme.