Presented by Monica Ballay, LASPDG Staff Data Based Decision Making Assessing the Outcomes of Professional Development Events Presented by Monica Ballay, LASPDG Staff
Considerations This webinar is being recorded and will be available for viewing at If you need to ask a question, please use the Chat Pod on bottom right of your screen To download the materials for today, you can click on the files in the file share pod on your screen and save them to your computer
Roll Call At this time, if you have not already done so, please use your chat pod and type your district/LEA that you are representing
People First Language “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.” Simply put, People First Language puts the person before the disability AND describes what a person has, not who a person is. For too long, the use of old labels and identifiers have perpetuated negative stereotypes…..which is the greatest obstacle facing individuals with disabilities! Using PFL is not about being “politically correct”. But about choosing words and identifiers that respect the individual ! In fact, the movement was started by individuals who said “We are not our disabilities” Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from
Objectives: 1) To gain knowledge/skills to create an effective feedback/evaluation form for a training/workshop event 2) To gain knowledge of Guskey’s 5 Critical Level of PD Evaluation
Poll Question: Using the Chat Pod, type a common question used on feedback/evaluation forms for a workshop/training?
Tips on Creating Feedback Form
#1 Make it user-friendly to complete VS
No more than 1-2 pages and 5-10 minutes to complete #2 Keep it short No more than 1-2 pages and 5-10 minutes to complete
#3 Use “closed-ended” Questions
#4 Include some “open-ended” Questions What will you do next with the information received from this workshop? What part of the workshop was most beneficial to your job?
#5 Align questions with goal(s)/objective(s) Workshop Title/Goal: Strategies for Families of students with Autism Objective: To give families strategies to support their child at home on behavior, sensory, and social issues Workshop Evaluation Questions: What role does sensory integration play in the life of a child with Autism? This workshop increased your knowledge of behavior, sensory and social issues for students with Autism? Yes Or No This workshop increased your skills on strategies to support your students with Autism at home? Yes Or No
#6 Include questions about gain of Knowledge & Skill. Workshop Title/Goal: Strategies for Families of students with Autism Objective: To give families strategies to support their child at home on behavior, sensory and social issues Workshop Evaluation Questions: What role does sensory integration play in the life of a child with Autism? This workshop increased your knowledge of behavior, sensory and social issues for students with Autism? Yes Or No This workshop increased your skills on strategies to support your students with Autism at home? Yes Or No *Give pre/post test to measure gain in knowledge & skills
#7 Assess methods of advertising
#8 Assess need of participants
#9 Use data to determine future workshop 72% 23% 44% 26% 8% 56% 36% 8%
#10 Make completion of feedback form part of training time Make time during workshop time for participates to complete evaluation either paper or electronic (survey monkey….)! Workshop Agenda If workshop is 2pm – 4pm…. 3:40 – 3:50 pm Complete Evaluation & Turn In 3:50 – 4:00 pm (Give out door prizes, resources, complete stipends, give certificates)
#11 Compile results and share with stakeholders 72% 23% 44% 26% 8%
Things to consider... Format of survey Paper & Pen Electronic (i.e. Survey monkey, Zoomerang….) Existing Feedback Forms
Poll Question: How well do you as a district and/or school organize, analyze & report data from feedback/evaluation forms on PD events back to appropriate stakeholders? Letter Grade “A” Letter Grade “B” Letter Grade “C” Letter Grade “D” Letter Grade “F”
Don’t forget to organizing, analyzing & reporting data with all stakeholders in a timely manner through multiple sources.
Poll Question: Why give feedback/evaluation forms after conducting a workshop? Select the best fit answer It is required See if participants liked the food Measure gain in knowledge & skill Identify needs of participants
Guskey’s 5 Levels of PD Evaluation Level 1: Participant Reaction Level 2: Participant Learning Level 3: Organizational Support and Learning Level 4: Participant Use of New Knowledge and Skills Level 5: Student Learning Outcomes
Words of Wisdom from Guskey! Guskey’s levels progress from formative (especially levels one and two) to summative evaluation (especially levels four and five). Engage teachers and other stakeholders in the planning of professional development activities and evaluation. Guskey describes the process for "working backwards/starting with the end in mind" from Level 5 "the student learning outcomes that you want to achieve" and through each successive level to "what set of experiences will enable participants to acquire the needed knowledge and skills (Level 1)."
Level 1: Participant Reaction Purpose- Gauge the participants’ reactions about information and needs Technique – Usually Questionnaire Questions – Was presenter knowledgeable? Was your time well spent?
Level 2: Participant Learning Purpose- Examine participants’ level of attained learning Technique – Personal reflection, survey, test Questions – Did participants learn what was intended?
Level 3: Organization Support and Change Purpose- Analyze organization support for skills gained in staff development Technique – Minutes of district meeting, questionnaires, structured interviews Questions – Problems addressed efficiently, sufficient resources such as time?
Level 4: Participant Use of New Knowledge and Skills Purpose- Determine whether participates are using what they learned and using it well Technique – Questionnaires, structured interviews, personal reflections Questions – Are participants implementing their skills and to what degree?
Level 5: Student Learning Outcomes Purpose- Analyze the correlating student learning objectives Technique – classroom grades, tests, direct observation Questions – Did students show improvement in academic, behavior or other areas?
Pre-Planning Template
Poll Question: Should feedback process/tool created as an Afterthought or it is an Integral Part of planning? Afterthought Integral part
Recap Objectives: 1) To gain knowledge and skills to create an effective evaluation/feedback form for a training/workshop event
Recap Objectives: 2) To gain knowledge of Guskey’s 5 Critical Level PD Evaluation
Thank You!! The contents of this activity were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H323A110003. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Questions? Please use your chat pod if you have questions related to this presentation (if time permits, we will answer them, if not please email questions to contacts below) After this webinar, you may email any content-related questions to Monica Ballay You may email any grant-related questions to Melanie Lemoine
We Want Your Feedback! We are going to open the survey on your screen for you to offer feedback regarding this webinar When you are finished, you may exit out of the webinar If you would like to give feedback later, please do so at