ICT? Information technology (IT) is the term used to describe the items of equipment (hardware) and computer programs (software) that allow us to access, retrieve, store, organise, manipulate, and present information by electronic means Communication technology (CT) is the term used to describe telecommunications equipment through which information can be sought and accessed, for example, phones, faxes, modems, and computers’ http://education.massey.ac.nz/lt/NETerm.asp
Information and communication technologies (ICT) in Higher Education: Telephone, video, audiocassette, television, radio Videoconferencing, audioconferencing, audiographics Computer based learning programmes, CD-Rom Internet-based communication tools (chat, e-mail, computer conferencing, groupware) WWW-based resources, interactive materials (WWW-based) learning platforms (WebCT, First Class, FLE, Luvit, Studium, etc.) Virtual training organisation (eg. Virtual Open University; include course- and student management services and tools)
instruction/ Computer assisted learning eLearning 1995 WWW Hypertext Netmeeting 1990 Audiographics Multimedia 1980 Video conferencing Computer mediated communication Computer aided instruction/ Computer assisted learning 1970 Telephone 1800 Study letters
examples how ICT is used in University adult education in Finland: Open university long history of distance and ‘multiform studies’ (audio + videocasettes, study letters, telephone, videoconferencing…) Virtual Open University: http://www.avoin.helsinki.fi/english.shtml University of third age learning about ICT and with ICT (for example, “memory net”) Continuing education http://www.studium.helsinki.fi Labour market training for unemployed university graduates and professionals http://www.apaja.helsinki.fi
How web can be used in HE? integrated to face-to-face learning Text Overheads in web additional material links to Internet-res. email chat discussion forums Text pictures sound Human commu- cation & inter- action Web-based course Self-study materials Interactive tests hypertext & multimedia conferencing systems discussion forums chat, email Web-based only
Levels of www-solutions: LEVEL 4: (also) whole learning environment & course management tools LEVEL 3: (also) structured hypertext documents LEVEL 2: (also) interaction and communication channels LEVEL 1: Distribution channel for linear documents LEARNING OUTCOMES MONEY & RESOURCES
MOTIVES WHY ICT IS APPLIED... ’ODD MOTIVES’: all others are doing it… we have the technology… it’s sexy…! to save money and resources… putting national policy into practice… funding available... ’NOT SO ODD MOTIVES’: the quality of learning and teaching will be higher... enables new pedagogical approaches... more opportunities for interaction… access & outreach... ICT is already a part of reality...
CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT LEARNING & WEB-BASED LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 16.11.2001 CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT LEARNING & WEB-BASED LEARNING ENVIRONMENT active role, self management access and flexibility (time + place) opportunity to share to others tailor-made paths; information resources discussion forums, web-communities discussion forums, interaction & dialogue delayed text-based communication sharing and reflecting experiences making habits of thinking and action explicit (enables sharing and evaluation) opportunity to study at workplace learning in real environments equal roles, distributed expertise Self-direction (need for…) Life situation Experiences Problem based learning Community (importance of...) Communicative learning Reflection Emansipatory learning Expansive learning Work as learning environment Contextual learning environment Expertise (development of..)