The Pile Up project Units of Learning Outcomes for a Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry Wim Vancauwenberghe - BEMAS Brussels, 5 December 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

The Pile Up project Units of Learning Outcomes for a Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry Wim Vancauwenberghe - BEMAS Brussels, 5 December 2013

ROC West-Brabant is a Dutch vocational training centre or organisation (EDU-VET) SBG is the Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH (Germany) NAVET is the Bulgarian National Agency for Vocational Education and Training Kenteq develops and maintains the qualification structure in technology secondary vocational education BEMAS is a non-profit organisation for Maintenance Professionals in Belgium Specialized in Industrial Maintenance Procedures and Maintenance / Repair Welding (Guido Walt) Polish Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute (ITeE-PIB)

The concrete objective of the PILE-UP project is to implement units of learning outcomes in VET to upgrade skilled workers in Process industry, by: 1)transferring an innovative method for the development of learning units; 2)innovating existing profiles for All-Round Process Operators and Maintenance Technicians; 3)generating a common understanding of competence profiles; 4)generating units of learning outcomes based on this common understanding for All-Round Process Operator EQF level 3 and Maintenance Technician EQF level 4; 5)theoretically and practically testing these units of learning outcomes in VET sector and Process Industry; 6)delivering and disseminate project results which can directly be implemented in practice by the sector.

Content What are Learning Outcomes and Units of LO’s? Application of LO’s and ULO’s on Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry How did we create the LO’s and ULO’s? Examples of the LO’s and ULO’s of Maintenance technician in the Chemical industry Assessment tool The bigger picture / what after Pile-UP?

In Europe there are many different educational and training systems. Because of this diversity, it is often difficult to understand and compare the qualifications from other countries. The titles of the various qualifications, despite being the same, can conceal different contents. One way to make the various qualifications transparent, understandable and comparable is to describe them in terms of learning outcomes. Qualification is understood in accordance with the recommendation of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) to mean the formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards. The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) aims to give people greater control over their individual learning experiences and make it more attractive to move between different countries and different learning environments. ECVET aims for better compatibility between the different vocational education and training (VET) systems in place across Europe and their qualifications.

Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process. Usually, qualifications frameworks indicate the overall level of learning outcomes in a qualification. For ECVET purposes the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is used as a reference for levels. Learning outcomes can be used for various purposes such as to establish descriptors of qualifications frameworks, define qualifications, design curricula, assessment, etc. Learning outcomes are set out in various levels of detail depending on their purpose and context. Learning outcomes are developed in the process of designing qualifications. There are different approaches to identifying and describing learning outcomes depending on the qualifications system. Learning outcomes may be acquired through a variety of learning pathways, modes of delivery (school-based, in-company, workplaces etc.), in different learning contexts (formal, non-formal and informal) or settings (i.e. country, education and training system...).

Learning outcomes are described using the terminology and descriptors existing in the different qualifications systems. The European definition of learning outcomes, which uses the terms of knowledge, skills and competence, is the common denominator that fits with the diversity of approaches to describing learning outcomes.

To implement ECVET it is necessary that qualifications are described using learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are grouped to create units. Assessed learning outcomes constitute credit. Credit is the basis for enabling the transfer between learning contexts and for the accumulation of learning outcomes. In ECVET, learning outcomes are used as a basis for credit transfer and accumulation. Learning outcomes are not dependent on the learning process or the learning context in which they have been achieved and therefore it is possible to use them to identify whether what the learner has achieved in one learning setting or context is comparable to what s/he is expected to have achieved in another setting or context.

List of verbs based on Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom 1972) Knowledge

List of verbs based on Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom 1972) Skills

Content What are Learning Outcomes and Units of LO’s? Application of LO’s and ULO’s on Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry How did we create the LO’s and ULO’s? Examples of the LO’s and ULO’s of Maintenance technician in the Chemical industry Assessment tool The bigger picture / what after Pile-UP?

Maintenance in Chemical industry = High reliability achieved with highly multi- skilled maintenance technicians 

Content What are Learning Outcomes and Units of LO’s? Application of LO’s and ULO’s on Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry How did we create the LO’s and ULO’s? Examples of the LO’s and ULO’s of Maintenance technician in the Chemical industry Assessment tool The bigger picture / what after Pile-UP?

Steps to create Units of learning outcomes Compare existing job profiles of all partner countries ↓ Create common job profiles for All-round Process Operator and Maintenance Technician » ↓ Describe Learning outcomes: knowledge, skills and competences related to work tasks » ↓ Create Units of LO: smaller components of qualifications that can be assessed, validated and recognised ↓ Check with companies in the field

Underlying documents for creating the Units of learning outcomes for Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry Base document: Maintenance Technician in the Process Industry (ESF project by Tempera/VOKA) -> Dutch document was translated in English VocTrainMaint a Leonardo LLL project that has developed three curricula for use in a modern, dynamic maintenance sector: - vocational maintenance teachers EQF level 6 - practical working maintenance technician EQF level 5 - practical working maintenance mechanics and electrician EQF level 4 EN Qualification of maintenance personnel Informatiedossier Opleiding World Class Maintenance Technician (by MEC – Maintenance Edication Consortium) A lot of additional input from the specialists working in the Pile up project

Maintenance technician in the Process Industry start profile

Content What are Learning Outcomes and Units of LO’s? Application of LO’s and ULO’s on Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry How did we create the LO’s and ULO’s? Examples of the LO’s and ULO’s of Maintenance technician in the Chemical industry Assessment tool The bigger picture / what after Pile-UP?


More examples of ULO’s and LO’s See PDF-file. Downloadable from the Pile-up website.

ULO structure

Content What are Learning Outcomes and Units of LO’s? Application of LO’s and ULO’s on Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry How did we create the LO’s and ULO’s? Examples of the LO’s and ULO’s of Maintenance technician in the Chemical industry Assessment tool The bigger picture / what after Pile-UP?

Possible Assessment strategies 1.Non-standardised 1.Assessor determins the applicabe ULO’s and LO’s 2.Assessor makes evaluation form containing the applicabe ULO’s and LO’s 3.Company observes the relevant knowledge, skills and competences during in the field execution 4.Conclusion => Same methodology used as for Operator (tested in Polish company)

Possible Assessment strategies – method 1

“Wears personal protective equipment as instructed” -> need for common standard -> with clear success criteria

Possible Assessment strategies 1.Non-standardised 1.Assessor determins the applicabe ULO’s and LO’s 2.Assessor makes evaluation form containing the applicabe ULO’s and LO’s 3.Company observes the relevant knowledge, skills and competences during in the field execution 4.Conclusion 2. S tandardised 1.Predefined test -> Make sure that all components in the ULO’s and LO’s are tested 2.Well defined success criteria -> uniform interpretation / same level 3.Less preparation time for the in company asessor -> time efficient and cost effective 4.Conclusion sheets -> uniform registration of competences -> transparency

Possible Assessment methods 1.Theoretical written or online test with multiple choice questions on the theoretical knowledge 2.Theoretical written test with open questions on the theoretical knowledge 3.(Standardised) Theoretical oral test / interview with open questions on the theoretical knowledge (during execution of a practical test) 4.Observation of the correct skills during a standardised in-basket test 5.Observation of the correct execution of skills during a standardised practical test 6.Standardised observation of skills during a real life execution in the field

Assessement In the Pile-up project a comprehensive manual for the standard assessment tests has been created to test following ULO’s & LO’s: LO Belt drive allignment LO Electric motors replacement in non-hazardous areas LO Belt drive inspection LO Workorder reception & planning For Maintenance Technicians in Chemical industry EQF level 4

7 standardised tests were developed

Example standard assessment test

Example standard assessment test

Example assessment test

Example standard assessment test

Example of knowledge test Its up to YOU now ! Fill in questionaire Score Did you qualify ? Example standard assessment test

Content What are Learning Outcomes and Units of LO’s? Application of LO’s and ULO’s on Maintenance Technician in the Chemical industry How did we create the LO’s and ULO’s? Examples of the LO’s and ULO’s of Maintenance technician in the Chemical industry Assessment tool The bigger picture / what after Pile-UP?

1. further development of LO’s 1.Additional tasks/competences of maintenance technicians 2.Other industries 3.Other functions 4.…

2. Development assessment tools Already available for assessing theoretical knowledge of maintenance technicians: Online test tool with multiple choice questions Is currently being updated and further develop in the VEMT-project (LLP)

The bigger picture / what after Pile-UP? ECVET basics Learning outcomes Unit based Mutual trust

Learning Outcomes Mobility Framework NQF level of qualification Validation assessment recognition Quality assurance legitimacy ECVET credit transfer system Individual Formal learning Non-formal learning Informal learning Lifelong Learning European Skills PassportEuropass Formal education Industries Social partners ESCO Key-competences Transferable Skills EQAVET EQF More4Core VEMT (ValidMaint) Pile-Up + More4Core + VoctrainMaint 3. Pile-up: key enabler for The European Maintenance Skill Passport

Human Capital Mobility and Innovation Stakeholders: - Asset owners - Service companies -Training / education institutions - Individual - Society Asset owner Service provider Employee / professional € € Qualitity performance KEY 3. Pile-up: key enabler for The European Maintenance Skill Passport

Benefits the individual worker : 1. Increased mobility: the uniform interpretation of skills 2. Transparent value of diploma in the field of maintenance 3. Possibility to continuously upgrade and validate skills and competences acquired through experience 4. increased personal safety 3. Pile-up: key enabler for The European Maintenance Skill Passport

Benefits for the employer / third parties : 1. Increased sagety and reduced risks verification if a certain employee or contracted maintenance worker has the required set of skills and competences (LO’s) to execute a certain job or task. 2. Specify training needs task based and exactly described in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. 3. Hire (foreign) maintenance workers without risks thanks to the transparency of well described and assessed LO’s, the capabllities of a certain person are very clear. 3. Pile-up: key enabler for The European Maintenance Skill Passport

For more information: Contact details: Wim Vancauwenberghe