Art of the Progressive Era
How the Other Half Lives: Bandit’s Roost Jacob Riis 1888
How the Other Half Lives: Fives Cents a Spot Jacob Riis 1888
Shop Girls 1900 William Glackens
Snow in New York 1902 Robert Henri
Central Park, Winter 1905 William Glackens
Pennsylvania Excavation 1907 George Bellows
Chimneys (Pittsburgh Collection) 1908 Joseph Stella
Crowd at the Seashore 1910 William Glackens
New York, 1911 George Bellows
McSorley’s Ale House 1912 John Sloan
Brooklyn Bridge 1912 John Marin
Cliff Dwellers 1913 George Bellows
Battle of Lights, Coney Island 1913 Joseph Stella
Evening Star III, 1917 Georgia O’Keefe
The Brooklyn Bridge 1920 Joseph Stella