Job Finding & Marketing Techniques in Supported Employment Michael Evans Vice President European Union of Supported Employment Manager Employment Disability Unit, Dundee, Scotland
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 2 Job Finding & Marketing Techniques Aim To understand the issues and factors that can influence the job finding process To consider a variety of job finding and marketing techniques designed to secure employment vacancies for people with disabilities and other disadvantages in the open labour market
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 3 Job Finding & Marketing Techniques Programme 1.The Dundee Model 2.Identifying the issues 3.Contacting employers 4.Meeting employers 5.Supporting the employer
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 4 Dundee Model Activities Job Clubs Support Team Work Experience Placements Advisory Service Supported Employment Network
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 5 Dundee Model The Process 1)Job preparation 2)Vocational profile 3)Job finding 4)Employer negotiation 5)On/off job support
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 6 Dundee Model Annual Caseload & Results 100+ disabled people into open employment Support of 90 clients already in work Organise 120 work experience placements Place 20 clients into training Attract 350+ referrals Support Network of 25 organisations
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 7 Identify the Issues Understand the barriers Employers People with disabilities Support organisation Identify your business case(s) Acceptable outcomes
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 8 Identifying the Issues Problems Faced by Employers Lack of awareness Disability Discrimination Act Sickness absence Apprehension Health & Safety concerns Inordinate supervision Insufficient skills/experience Poor cv/application form/interviews
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 9 Identify the Issues Potential Business Cases Improved management skills regarding diversity Disabled people perform better Positive impact on the workforce Disabled people less likely to be absent Enhanced corporate reputation Increased customer base Access untapped labour resources
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 10 Identify the Issues Potential Outcomes ⇧ Open employment ⇧ Supported employment ⇧ Voluntary work ⇧ Work experience ⇧ Job taster
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 11 Employment Disability Unit, Dundee 2004 Outcomes - How achieved Speculative letter 6 Advertised letter 10 Advertised telephone call 7 Application form 18 Word of mouth 10 Organised by EDU staff 16 Employment agency 2 Via work experience placement 33 Cold calling 7 Employer contact 10
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 12 Contacting Employers Job Finding Action Plan Vocational profile Identify types of work Prepare cv Agree responsibilities Timescale Monitor Review
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 13 Contacting Employers Methods of Contact Curriculum vitae Application forms Advertised/speculative letters Telephone/cold calling Via Work experience placements Employer networks
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 14 Contacting Employers Marketing Materials Business cards Brochures Website Video Employer testimonials Advertisements Media articles
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 15 Contacting Employers Establishing a Business Network Purpose Membership Activities Benefits Disadvantages
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 16 Meeting Employers What are Employers Looking For? Qualifications and skills Experience and work background Personality Flexibility Helpful, positive attitude Team worker Responsible Enthusiastic Reliable Effective
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 17 Meeting Employers Job Interviews Planning Preparation Presentation Recognise the disability issues Awareness Ability to prepare Presentation Relax the employer Disclosure
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 18 Supporting the Employer Competence within SE Disability awareness training Employment policies Disability legislation Government programmes Labour resources
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 19 Supporting the Employer Work Experience Placements Benefits –Employer –Disabled person –Support organisation Duration The agreement Problems
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 20 Job Finding & Marketing Techniques Points to Consider Job Finding & Marketing Techniques Points to Consider Treat as Job Finding Understand Employers’ Needs Develop Awareness of Influencing Factors Create an Appropriate Support Framework Invest in Staff Training & Development Be Competitive and Business Minded
9 November 2005IASE Conference, Limerick 21 Contact Details Mike Evans Manager Employment Disability Unit Dundee City Council Dundee DD2 3QN Scotland T: F: E: W: