ENGLISH LEARNERS Sacramento County Office of Education Research Study Findings Helpful in the Identification of Actions and Services for English Learners in the LCAP Presented at Curriculum Council Ventura County Office of Education March 27, 2014
Leadership for English Learner Achievement Various catalysts initiated a sense of urgency Title III Accountability status, Program Improvement, API, data analyses, local circumstances used as leverage for change. Culture of high expectations and priorities communicated publically via Board policies, district plans, Supt. And Principal messaging, etc… Internal accountability for implementation Verified via reports, agendized items, observations, walkthroughs… Public recognition of successes (e.g., recent RFEPs, Seal of Biliteracy) Leadership teams meet regularly to discuss the development, implementation and modification of efforts
EL-Focused Practices and Resources Resources provided to focus on EL programs and performance: human, fiscal, time, & organizational structures Clear roles for “EL focused” personnel Counselors assigned specifically to ELs, EL site-coordinators support implementation of practices Designated personnel have oversight of EL assessment and placement processes, produce reports for schools Bilingual aides and community liaisons Time allocated for collaborative planning & EL data review Daily schedules organized around ELD instructional time EL- Parent education centers and personnel Materials/programs/courses to support EL needs
Use of Assessments and Data Use EL data to customize reports, flag students or groups of students (e.g., LTELs), monitor and adjust course/instructional placement Designated staff ensure “clean data” (program/data collaboration) CALPADS used to access student level information (new ELs) Identified staff member/team to review individual EL information, produce reports, review placements, communicate with sites/teachers, etc… Frequent assessment results used to group, regroup and regroup Structured protocols guide data analysis sessions Assessment results used to set goals with students and parents students sign “contracts” for goals Teachers administer the CELDT to ELs
Instruction and Support Students grouped by ELD level for daily instruction on the same school or grade level schedule all students receive language development to enhance their skills Elements of Effective Instruction and SDAIE methods used to deliver lessons monitored via walkthroughs, student shadowing, and evaluations Clear course sequences used for placement (per student needs) adjust and individualize instruction for every student based on needs secondary ELA teachers also assigned to teach ELD new courses designed to address needs (e.g. Academic English Language class)
Coordination and Communication Need for focused attention and coordinated action on behalf of ELs EL counselors /coordinators meet with ELs to plan goals, coursework/programs, discuss test purposes and results –test chats Share information with parents within the first month of school Structured procedures for articulation with feeder schools and incoming students to determine student placement and explain opportunities transitional summer school, university visits, meeting with counselor EL students’ data/progress communicated regularly among appropriate staff (e.g., teacher, counselor, coordinator, advisory period teacher) and in collaborative meeting time. Designated staff ensure frequent, bilingual communication with parents (e.g. community liaisons).
Professional Learning Ensure frequent, collaborative planning time Schedule sufficient time for Professional Development: early release days, during the school day, non-school time, provide coaching and support smaller districts: provide substitutes so teachers can attend training, observe peers or meet with coaches Build capacity through sending staff to trainer-of-trainer sessions Ensure all staff are trained and supported in priority areas some training topics “phased in” by subject or grade span use of technology for professional learning (view together/discuss) Orientations for new teachers/administrators and refreshers for others
Parent Involvement and Participation Make efforts to ensure that parents are kept informed about their child’s progress, goals, and school events as well as opportunities for their own education and involvement Explore parents’ expectations for their child during the initial intake process Provide opportunities to enhance parent education and knowledge about the school systems: distance learning to finish high school coursework ESL classes GED opportunities College entrance exams, how to complete college applications
CCSS and ELD Standards Implementation Recent focus on training for CCSS Math and ELA Focus of Program Improvement Plans Some districts phased in the training by subject or grade span Many districts beginning to implement this school year Some attention to implementation with subgroups of students ELD Standards: Initial professional development/orientation for the ELD Standards is underway Build on existing programs. Some implementation reported (e.g., ELD writing, sentence frames) Next Steps: Explore how to use the ELD standards as the “gateway” to the CCSS, revise report cards
For additional information and direction on specific strategies to support English Learners, please contact the VCOE Curriculum and Instruction Department Dr. Jane Wagmeister, Lynn Friedman, Martha Hernandez, Chrissy Schieferle, Armando Zuniga, Charice Guerra, Judy Bowers, Lisa Walthall (805)