Arapahoe Business Department
Benefits of Business Classes Obvious application of concepts to everyday life A sound background in computers & technology Jump start on core business requirements for college – Accounting, Marketing, Business Law, Finance Business Certificates of Proficiency – Stand out on college applications and resumes
Business Certificates of Proficiency Accounting Marketing Business Technology Business Management
Certificate Requirements Accounting Marketing * Eligible electives include all Business and Marketing courses except BT1 Accounting I (Full year) Personal Finance Advanced Business Technology 2 Marketing (Full year) One of the following: Advanced Marketing Sports & Entertainment Marketing Entrepreneurship One Business or Marketing Elective*
Certificate Requirements Business TechnologyBusiness Management * Eligible electives include all Business and Marketing courses except BT1 Accounting I (Full year) Professional Employment Training Advanced Business Technology 2 One Business or Marketing Elective* Advanced Business Technology 2 Desktop Publishing One Business or Marketing Elective*
DECA An Association of Marketing Students grade Co-curricular marketing club District, State & National competitions Role plays and written manuals School wide events – Homecoming BBQ, DECA Dodgeball and more!
FBLA Future Business Leaders of America Open to all grades District, State and National competitions Over 50+ business competitive events – Accounting, computers, public speaking, team events, and much more! Social activities and community service focus
Computer Classes Class Grade Level DaysCredits 9-12 *Must have taken BT1 or passed Proficiency Exam MWF or TR 3 or MWF or TR 3 or 2 Adv Bus Tech Desktop Publishing
Accounting/Finance Classes ClassGrade LevelDaysCredits Cannot take 2 nd semester without 1 st semester MWF MWF or TR 3 or 2 Personal Finance Accounting I
General Business ClassGrade LevelDaysCredits 9-10 Fall & Spring TR Spring Only MWF3 Business Principles Business Law
Career Planning ClassGrade LevelDaysCredits 9-10TR TR *Must have taken PET and enroll in a related class to your job while in the program N/A5, 7 or 10 Community Employment Experience (CEE) Professional Employment Training (PET) Career Connections
Marketing ClassGrade LevelDaysCredits 10-12TR *Must have taken Marketing MWF Fall *Must have taken Marketing or Business Principles MWF Spring *Must have taken Marketing or Business Principles MWF *Can only apply if you are in a marketing class MWF or TR 3 or 2 Marketing Advanced Marketing DECA Store Sports & Entertain. Marketing Entrepreneurship
Advanced Business Tech 2 No more keyboarding A “MUST HAVE” class to be prepared for college! Project based class Word –Advanced formatting –Tables Excel –Spreadsheet formatting –Mathematical formulas –Advanced charting PowerPoint –Effective design and communication of ideas –Tables and charts
Desktop Publishing Get to use your creative side! Use Microsoft Word and Publisher Create professional publications Brochures, newsletters, business cards, and more
Accounting I Essential for future: – Business Majors – Consumers – Entrepreneurs Learn accounting cycle and the vocabulary of business Computer Application – Quick Books
Personal Finance Class fills fast – great info for college! A “MUST HAVE” class to be prepared to be financially independent Opportunity to earn $1,000 scholarship for college Saving, budgeting, investing, credit cards Buying cars and houses Microsoft Money software to track your finances Planning for your future
Business Principles Economic resources and systems Entrepreneurship and small business Business ownership and operations Leadership and management Consumer rights and responsibilities Write a business plan for a business of your choice
Business Law How courts work – civil & criminal Laws for minors and consumers Contracts Legal implications of business decisions How laws reflect society
Career Connections Explore ways to choose a career based on what you like Learn the skills and abilities you will need for future jobs Research specific careers of interest to you Identify opportunities for after high school
Professional Employment Training (PET) Help identify possible careers Research colleges and training programs Explore workplace dynamics Employment skills Resume, applications, interviews
Community Employment Experience (CEE) Must have taken or be currently enrolled in Professional Employment Training (PET) Must take a class related to your job Receive one hour of credit for every 30 hours of work – 5, 7 or 10 credits – Can only enroll for a total of 2 semesters On-the-job work experience, evaluations and visits
Marketing Role of promotion in business operations Advertising, merchandise display, publicity Promotional mix Product branding, packaging, labeling, and positioning
Advanced Marketing Market research Starting and managing a business Entrepreneurial risks Retail merchandising Create your own product to sell in the DECA store!
Sports & Entertainment Marketing Product and price decisions Market research and outlets Branding, imaging & licensing Sports & entertainment promotion Sports & entertainment planning & careers
Entrepreneurship Challenges and rewards Managing market strategies Business processes Managing finances of a business Expansion of existing clientele
DECA Store Must be enrolled in a marketing course Must complete an application B average student and excellent attendance On-the-job retail training Inventory and cash register balancing Merchandise ordering and display design