How to effectively use email and other electronic communications.
Focus Topics Communication origins and future Ethics - “The human factor” E mail - The modern day business card Text-messaging - The who, when and where? Websites – Everybody's got one…, but what do I need?
Long Distance communication origins… In Africa drumming was used in a rhythmic code method to communicate events and propositions. Fire pits from mountain tops would signal a foreign invasion in ancient China. Humans have always search for tools and methods in which to communicate over long distances.
Global Awareness… Gene Roddenberry's 1967 hand held communicator of the starship “Enterprise” is now a common in today's global society. Humans have achieved global awareness. The future is here. "Time is the fire in which we burn“ - Gene Roddenberry
How Aware Are You? Can you do business internationally? Understand the legalities of internet commerce and communications. Use proper format and tact when composing an email. Take international and cultural considerations into affect as well.
How are YOU coming across! Hostile or disorientated… Do not communicate negative emotions. Always keep a strong business sense.
Your email is Your business cards best friend. E-mail gives your business card a chance to make contact as well as connect with other electronic devices i.e. mobile, SMS, and web. It keeps you in the loop. E-mail is less personal and more time efficient to establish contact vs. a phone call. Keep business and personal social networks separate. Linked-in vs. Facebook
How much is too much? Keep separate accounts for personal, business and online shopping. Keep control over your emails, don’t let them control you. Create subfolders in your email directory. Set up mass email for business updates and offers.
Short Message Service (SMS) Text service has explode since its beginnings in the 1990’s. SMS is used in most corporations. Abbreviations are commonly used in messaging. Be clear, don’t send the wrong message. America’s youth has adopted text as the first choice of communication between friends.
Text Pros and Cons Pros Cons Effective way to communicate up dates without interruption of daily work flow. Message can be sent and received at the sender / receivers convenience. Cons You may receive a message alert in the middle of meeting. You must be aware of your device settings. Abbreviations can cause confusion.
Ethics and Etiquette Cell phones have become a social ear sore for those of a more personal nature. Know others limits as well as your own. Most individuals understand the hustle and bustle of social media. Yet, other individuals and cultures expect genuine quality time; whether in business or personal interactions. No one is off the grid, but respect boundaries.
Websites Websites are your businesses public relations department. What are you trying to communicate about your business? What type of site are you building? Interactive and entertaining, or product driven with easy ordering navigation and secure e-commerce. You want bang for your buck when designing and developing a website.
Format Regardless of the function the site should be pleasant to the eye and easy to navigate. Personal business websites may want to communicate that small business approach, catering to the client. A company that deals with low price advertising and moving merchandise; will focus on getting the shopper the best deal and out the virtual checkout with speed and convenience.
A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words. As a graphic artist, it is your anywhere all access portfolio. Having this tool available to show any potential customer or employer is a must. Without it your potential is diminished significantly in obtaining work.
Keeping up with the Jones Moore’s law defines the rate in which technology advances. It has never been as accelerated as it is today. Up dates for your website will be imperative to it’s operation and navigation. Find dependable designer that will work with you as well as web servers and service representatives.
Review of Topics Be aware of who (etiquette) and how (ethics) you are communicating. Your email is your ambassador. Text messaging when and where? Websites what do I need?
Notes Speaker Notes and Flow Chart Topic: How to effectively use email and other electronic communications Focus: The use of email, text, and websites. How these can improve or hinder your message. Communications Origins: In Africa drumming was used in a Morris code fashion to communicate events and propositions. Fires pits from mountain tops would signal a foreign invasion in ancient China. Humans have always search for tools and methods in which to communicate over long distances. Gene Roddenberry's hand held communicator of the star ship enterprise is now common phenomena in today's world. Humans have achieved global awareness. "Time is the fire in which we burn"- Gene Roddenberry EMAIL: Your email is on your business card, social networks, school, alumni, and faculty directories. How much is too much mail. Where is your email posted. Keep private; private and business; business. Use proper format and tact when composing an email. Take international considerations into effect as well. TEXT MESSAGING: Start off with being interrupted by multiple messages beep my phone. This can be an effective way to communicate with someone with which you are doing business with to keep them up dated without interruption of daily work flow. This message in a personal call is delayed due to casual conversation and possible loss of information all together based on other subjects being discussed of a personal nature. Etiquette! Know others limits as well as your own. Cell phones have become a social ear sore for those of a more personal nature. Some people understand the hustle and bustle of the jet set life. But, some people want genuine quality time when they are with someone; whether in business or pleasure. Cell phones give us nearly instant access with anyone who is equipped with a cell phone. This also makes us nearly always available to everyone with the device. Me time does not exist the way it did 30 years ago. No one is off the grid. Websites: This a area you want bang for your buck. Today's public relations is your website; especially for those business in the graphic markets as well as web shopping. FORMAT: What type of site are you building? Interactive and entertaining, or product driven with easy ordering navigation and security. Regardless of the function the site should be pleasant to the eye and easy to navigate. Personal business websites might want to show that small business catering approach, to where a company that deals with low prices due to overstocked merchandise will focus on getting you the best deal and out the virtual door as expedient as possible. For graphic artist, it is your anywhere all access portfolio. Having this tool available to show any potential customer or employer is a must. Without it your potential is diminished significantly. Keeping up with the Jones's and your updates. Moore's law mean is more technologies more frequently. Systems have been stabilized by market participation. CONCLUSION: