If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else. Yogi Berra
Who are we? 9000 students, 11 buildings Suburban Rochester, Lake Ontario, Irondequoit Bay 90% graduation rate
Art History Biology * Calculus AB * Calculus BC * Chemistry * Chinese Language and Culture Computer Science A* English Language * English Literature * Environmental Science * European History * French Language and Culture * German Language and Culture* Government & Politics: Comp Government & Politics: US * Human Geography Italian Language and Culture Japanese Language and Culture Latin: Vergil Macroeconomics * Microeconomics * Music Theory * Physics B * Physics C Electricity & Magnetism* Physics C Mechanics* Psychology * Spanish Language * Spanish Literature Statistics * Studio Art – 2D Design* Studio Art – 3D Design* Studio Art – Drawing* U.S. History * World History*
Where did we begin? 2006: Webster’s shift to a Professional Learning Community (PLC) New Superintendent Learning by Doing Culture Shift
Assess the effectiveness of strategies Analyze that evidence/data Identify the most powerful teaching strategies Identify and gather evidence/data of student learning The Work of a PLC Implement those strategies Clarify the learning outcomes
Where did we begin? 2006: Webster’s shift to a Professional Learning Community (PLC) New Superintendent Learning by Doing Culture Shift
Where did we begin? 2009: Attendance at AP National Conference Current State? Defining Beliefs
Where did we begin? 2009: Data collection and organization Physical Collection Data Entry Aligning beliefs with data presentation
Growth Mindset Every situation is an opportunity to learn and grow How can I improve? What can I do better? Source: Dweck, C. (2006) Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House Every situation is evaluated Fixed Mindset Will I succeed or fail? Will I look smart or dumb?
What is something new to learn? I CAN! (with time and effort) Will I feel like a winner or loser? I CAN’T (so why try and waste the effort?) Growth Mindset Source: Dweck, C. (2006) Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House Fixed Mindset
Source: Edwards, B. (1999) The new drawing on the right side of the brain, 2 nd edition. New York, NY: Tarcher/Putnam
Source: Dweck, C. (2006) Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House Growth MindsetFixed Mindset Developing yourself Validating yourself
Source: Dweck, C. (2006) Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House Growth MindsetFixed Mindset You are not fulfilling your potential Not smart
Source: Dweck, C. (2006) Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House Growth MindsetFixed Mindset It is what makes you smart or talented Means you are not smart or talented
How did we get here? : AP Summit – All AP teachers and Superintendent Putting a stake in the ground – Clarity of message: ACCESS – Disseminate data of current state (teacher, course, district)
How did we get here? : Shifting the culture – “Implementation dip”
YEAR Enrollment Number of sections Number Of Exams Pass Rate (%) Number of Students Earning 3, 4, WHAT CAN WE EXPECT?? A CASE STUDY IN AP US HISTORY Source: 2010 AP National Conference, Homewood-Flossmoor Community High School District 233
How did we get here? : Shifting the culture – “Implementation dip” – Strategic approach to growth
136 % Growth over 7 years
How did we get here? : Shifting the culture – “Implementation dip” – Strategic approach to growth – Case study: using data to align beliefs and practice
Aligning what we believe and value with what we honor and celebrate Criteria for Honoring Students
Summa Cum Laude – GPA 95% and above, three or more Advanced Placement Exams Magna Cum Laude – GPA 90 and above, two or more Advanced Placement Exams Cum Laude – GPA 85 and above, one or more Advanced Placement Exams Criteria for Honoring Students
Sample Honors ABCDE Summa Cum Laude 3or more AP’s 95+ GPA (3.67 +) Magna Cum Laude 2 or more AP’s GPA ( ) Cum Laude 1 AP GPA ( ) Total number of students receiving honors recognition Total number of students in the graduating class
Where are we now? : – Titan/Warrior Day (Middle Schools) – Titan/Warrior Night (Parents) – AP Review Night (Survivor)…branding
Where are we now? : – Titan/Warrior Day (Middle Schools) – Titan/Warrior Night (Parents) – AP Review Night (Survivor)…branding – AP Boot Camp/Summer Enrichment – SWOT Analysis
The Board of Education is committed to excellence and a growth mindset in education. In a growth mindset all members of the Webster Schools community believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. We are committed to supporting excellent performance in the Webster Schools community. Our mission, vision and core beliefs are the framework from which we make all decisions.
The Board of Education is committed to excellence and a growth mindset in education. In a growth mindset all members of the Webster Schools community believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. We are committed to supporting excellent performance in the Webster Schools community. Our mission, vision and core beliefs are the framework from which we make all decisions.
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