The Apprentice Project Lesson 1 Learning Objective: To understand what the Apprentice Project is about. To learn what a memo is. To create a memo.
Your job is to set up a new sales business You can sell anything you like You need to produce business documents THEY MUST LOOK PROFESSIONAL The Apprentice
What will you sell? Identify your products Where will you sell it? Identify your audience / customers Will people want it? Identify your competition / rivals Keep it professional!
Send me a Memo To start a memo in Word click…. File New Memo’s Professional In the memo you should include: 1.Your company name. 2.Your logo and slogan. 3.Describe what you will sell 4.Who are your rivals 5.Explain how you will be better than your rivals.
The Apprentice Project Lesson 2 Learning Objective: To understand what information should be on a business card. To know how to create a business card.
What are Business Documents? Business use a variety of documents. Letters Business Cards Leaflets Memos Receipts or invoices Presentations Can you think of any more?
Examples of Business Cards
What information should be on a business card? Your details (name and job title) Contact details (phone, fax, , web, text) Logo Slogan.
The Apprentice Project Lesson 3 Learning Objective: To understand what information should be in a business letter. To know how to create a business letter.
Business Letters Professional. Official (be careful what you say). Internal or external communication.
Letter Layout Preprinted letter heading Reference tells the company who wrote it & what it is about Date when the letter was written. The month is usually in word form. Addressee & Address typed in open punctuation style without comas or full stops Salutation greeting. Dear Sir or Dear Madam if you don’t know their name (never Dear Sir or Madame if your not sure) Dear Mr Rashid or Ms Roberts if you know their name. Dear Tracy or Dear Bob if you are on first name terms. Subject Heading Gives the main subject of the letter. Should be emphasised (Bold or Underline) Paragraphs At least two paragraphs. Clear line between each. No indent Complimentary Closing Yours faithfully when you don’t know the name. Yours sincerely when you do. Signatory Author of the letter typed 5 or 6 lines below closing. Job Title on next line Enclosures A list of other documents included with the letter All parts of the letter begin against the left margin
Create a Business Letter 1.You need to create a letter to fire a member of staff. 2.You can decide who to fire and why you are firing them. 3.Your focus is the layout of the letter.
The Apprentice Project Lesson 4 Learning Objective: To learn how to create a business presentation.
Presentation of your Work You need to show your business documents by creating a presentation. Use print-screens / screen-shots to show the documents you have created. You will present your work to the class when your presentation is complete.
Marks for the Presentation Professionalism Effort Attainment Use of ICT skills