Status Report External Communication Task Group Eric Zimmerman Antwerp, BE, 12 May 2004 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
Status Summary Projects Membership Drive Member Survey It can be assumed that we will increase membership when we increase content delivery. CRIS Implementation TG!!! Membership Card Foreign Relations Conferences and Events Strategic Partners EARMA Working Group on Research Information Management; Eric asked to be WG Leader Post-Conference (June 2004, Romania) CRIS Course - With Geert
Progress Achievements and progress since last status update was given Migration of TG Sites Need still to work on uniform design I-Tor platform Beginning of euroCRIS Web database Membership Directory Blog Design Best Practice Database Design EuroCrisNews Publication
Progress Things that have made progress possible NIEK Cooperation of TG and Board members and NIEK
To Think About Delays and problems since last status update was given “Birth Pains” Tighter cooperation needed among TG members and between TG’s Membership involvement lacking Membership involvement lacking Communication Channel(s) Confusion regarding use of multiple channels Proposal to adopt single infrastructure for membership and TG groups (I.e
To Think About Delays and problems since last status update was given Budgeting Corporate Imaging (Printing and Graphics) Posters General euroCRIS CERIF Generic CRISyyyy Conferences Brochures Letterhead Logo Membership Cards Board Member Business Cards Web Site (I.e. professional graphic work)
Web Issues & Action Items General Design Issues Procedures Data entry, rights, permissions, design decisions, etc… Contingency plan for eventually migrating server Navigation, Frames, Menu Items, etc… It is agreed to move away from frames and to insert main menu items on each page There needs to be a public and private space There should be a single logon to control rights throughout the site There should be four levels of security World, Members, TG Members, Board Implementation undeway Writing to various forms (I.e. blog, newsletter, best practice database, membership form, CRISyyyy alerts, etc…)
Content We need membership input Best Practice database Blog Newsletter Brussels September Seminar Series Seminar2004 on OA Issues With Seminar Coordinator (Anne Asserson) CRIS06 Site To be prepared in short order CRIS2004 Site With Conference TG Chair (Annemarie Nase) Source Code copied in part from CRIS2002 Web Issues & Action Items
The “CRIS Portal” (Design & Implementation) euroCRIS Information System (The euroCRIS Web Database a la Niek) This is the “links” section, and includes many components: Membership (Expertise) Database design Blog & Newsletter Best Practices Database Design This implementation must be developed according to the agreed upon format as represented in the ppt. This system is almost ready for testing. It is critical that ALL CERIF implementations and initiatives be entered immediately. This section should then be referenced from the CERIF page as a query to the database. Web Issues & Action Items
The “portal” concept as appears in the ppt must be developed within the database (links) concept. The types of information resources must be incorporated into the euroCRIS taxonomy / descriptors. Digital Library This currently appears as links and as reference material. The Reference material section should be moved into the database and appear as the CRIS Related Digital Library CRIS Conference Papers must be referenced under the publication section Web Issues & Action Items
Contacts Database (I.e. past conference participants, ECN subscribers, CRIS2006 Alerts, etc…) There should be a distributed approach to data entry There should be a distributed approach to data pushing We need to agree on the euroCRIS descriptors - a euroCRIS Taxonomy This is a CERIF / Best Practice TG action item We need a Website Committee ExCom, CERIF, CRIS TG, Secretariat Web Issues & Action Items
Action Items EuroCrisNews Publication Scope and Frequency Will be limited to euroCRIS news Will be published once every two months Editorial Assistance This will be pursued, but left as is for the time being
Goals for Next Review New TG Head Early election for this post Nominees solicited Date of next status update September euroCRIS seminar Goals for next review Re-engineering of website Increased informational content From membership