IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Project office: Lastovska.


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Presentation transcript:

IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Tel: Main project partner This project is implemented by a SQA-led consortium Opening Ceremony Dubrovnik Hotel, 30 March 2010 Strengthening Institutional Framework for the development of the VET Occupational Standards/Qualifications & Curricula Opening Ceremony Dubrovnik Hotel, 30 March 2010 Strengthening Institutional Framework for the development of the VET Occupational Standards/Qualifications & Curricula Juergen Weiss, Team Leader, Key Expert for Social Dialog Development Thierry Rosenzweig, Key Expert for Capacity Building Robert Checksfield, Key Expert for Development of Qualifications & Curricula

Project ref. no: EuropeAid/ /D/SER/HR Beneficiary organisation: Agency for Vocational Education and Training Date of contract signature:2009/11/27 Project ManagerNino Buić Commencement date:2010/01/27 Contractor’s name, address, telephone & fax numbers and e mail address: Scottish Qualification Authority 58 Robertson Street Glasgow G2 8DQ U.K. Implementation period24 months Name of contact person (contractor): Mike Hewitt Contract no:IPA c0 1 Name of Team Leader:Juergen Weiss Total contracted amount (Euro):EUR ,00 Project offices and Team Leader’s address, telephone number and address: Agency for Vocational Education and Training Lastovska 8, HR Zagreb Croatia Tel: General Project Information

Overall objective The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows: - To ensure continuous improvement of the VET system in Croatia related to the transferability and recognition of competences and qualifications in compliance with the needs of economy / the VET Copenhagen Process so as to support system transparency and mobility as well as employability of Croatian citizens.

Purpose To strengthen and consolidate the results of the VET curricular reform accomplished under the EU CARDS VET programme and ensure coherence of provision with respect to the process of redefining competence-based VET qualifications and curricula in full conformity with the long- term priorities of the economy at the regional/national level and the development of CROQF/National Curriculum; To widen access to good-practice examples and empower practitioners at all levels of the VET system/economy for performing relevant tasks they are called on to undertake

Project results Component 1 – Improving the role of the Sector Councils and the methodology for qualification / curricula development 1.1: The VET SCs procedures as well as the methodology for the VET qualification / curriculum development, including specific roles of the Occupational Expert Groups (OEGs) / Qualification Writing Groups (QWGs) and Curricula Expert Groups (CEGs), are streamlined and harmonised in line with the accumulated experiences/good-practice examples, the CROQF and other elements of the VET European dimension. 1.2: Overall mechanisms for ensuring regular revisions of appropriateness of relevant methodologies/service standards and responsiveness with respect to the diverse and changing needs of the VET system/economy are improved.

Component 2 – Further capacity building of relevant practitioners / key stakeholders 2.1: The capacity building resources for an efficient dissemination of the knowledge, skills and know-how related to the revised methodology for the VET qualification / curriculum development and delivery of relevant services are introduced. 2.2: Relevant knowledge and skills of the AVET staff (Department for the Development of Occupational Standards and Qualifications) as well as the pilot- group of relevant practitioners (representatives of the key stakeholders attached to the VET SCs and the OEGs / QWGs and CEGs) are enhanced and relevant capacity building methodology is tested. 2.3: Wider dissemination of relevant methodology for the VET qualification / curriculum development is ensured.

Component 3 – Further work on selected occupational families 3.1: Effective and all-encompassing co-ordination mechanisms related to the further practical work on the development of occupational standards and qualifications / curricula are established.

Project Partner – Agency for Vocational Education and Trainings Additional Beneficiaries: - VET Sector Councils

NamePosition Jüergen Weiss, PhDTeam Leader Key Expert for Social Dialog Development - Training Programmes Expert Thierry RosenzweigKey Expert for Capacity Building Robert ChecksfieldKey Expert for Development of Qualifications & Curricula Branka KrizmanićOffice manager Iskra Devčić - TorbicaAssistent Manager for PR and Dissemination Hrvoje GežinIT Support Interpreter Project experts and support staff Project Co-ordinator Nino BuićProject Manager AVET, Head of Section for Implementation of Projects

InstitutionPositionName Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship (MELE) Head of Department for preparation and implementation of EU programmes and projects Head of Operating Structure Katarina Ivanković Knežević AVET DEFCOProject ManagerChristina Tkalec Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU funds (CODEF) CROQF OT memberAna Šimunić Agency for Vocational Education andTtrainingHead of Department for lifelong learning and EU funds management Member of Operating Team Mihaela Dubravac Šigir (chairperson) Ministry of Science, Education and SportsBC Project ManagerMarinela Krešo Agency for Adult EducationDeputy Director Member of Operating Team Jelena Letica Croatian Employment Service (CES)Head of Department for Preparation for Employment Mirjana Zečirević Croatian Association of Employers (CAE)Advisor for International Cooperation and EU Relations Jelena Katić Operating Team (OT)High school principal President of Association for High School Principals Suzana Hitrec Operating Team (OT)Head of Department for higher education development Luka Juroš Education and Teacher Training Agency (ETTA)CROQF OT memberMaja Ljubić Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CCTC)Deputy Head of Department for Education CROQF OT member Mirela Lekić European Union Delegation (EUD)Task ManagerVedrana Ligutić (observer) Project Steering Committee – 13 members

Monitoring & Coordination Arrangements Inception Report Monthly Progress Reports Interim report Final Report Formal reports Electronic and hard copies of training materials Mission and technical reports of the short-term experts

Promotion and Dissemination Project web site Project newsletters Project information (brochures, leaflets and posters) Press releases Press conferences Project materials (seminar and workshop programmes) Business cards, etc.

Project activities Establish Working Group, involving AVET staff, key line institutions (MoSES, MoELE, AAE, ETTA) and representatives of the economy (CEA, CCE, CCCT) and deliver a plan for the comprehensive evaluation of the SCs’ role as well as an evaluation of methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula Organise tailor-made study-visit to an EU member state (VET agency or similar line institution which coordinates the work of the SCs or similar body) for the staff of the AVET, selected members of the SCs and other key experts in order to examine/verify different solutions concerning the operational models of SCs or similar body and potential revision of the methodology for qualification / curricula development Conduct comprehensive evaluation of the SCs’ role as well as an evaluation of methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula and present the results of the evaluations to the Working Group and discuss the recommendations Deliver more detailed definition and description of the role/tasks of the SC defined within the framework of the CARDS VET programme with respect to their inputs at all levels of the VET system Pursuant to the inputs provided by the Work Group and consultations with the key stakeholders, deliver concrete modifications of the process / methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula defined within the framework of the CARDS VET programme, including the tasks of the OEGs / QWGs as well corresponding CEGs. Project activities and Planned outcomes Component 1 – Improving the role of the Sector Councils and the methodology for qualification / curricula development

Deliver modifications of the process / methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications in line with the results of the evaluation and the CROQF / European Qualification Framework (EQF), including the specific issues of Croatian / European descriptors, credit transfer system, vertical/horizontal mobility and pathways Identify and produce a document which defines basic mechanisms and institutional responsibilities for the provision of inputs by the economy, i.e. regular analysis of the economy’s needs for specific occupations based on the mid-term priorities of each economic sector On the basis of the existing materials produced under the EC CARDS VET 2003 project, draft relevant generic guidelines and materials - manual (both in English and Croatian language) for the VET SC and Working Group (development of occupational standards and qualifications; curricula development) describing in clear terms the tasks, responsibilities, communication linkages, relevant tools etc. – guidelines and materials are to be more comprehensive in its content as compared to the ones delivered under CARDS VET 2003 project in full compliance with the modified methodology as well as the revised priorities of the AVET and the MoSES (most notably, further work on the CROQF and national curriculum) Design basic quality assurance mechanisms for the development of occupational standards and qualifications / curricula development covering both strategic as well as a day-to-day monitoring issues, including national database for qualifications (within the existing VET Information System and/or other relevant ICT solutions). Project activities and Planned outcomes Component 1 – Improving the role of the Sector Councils and the methodology for qualification / curricula development

Minimum expected outcomes of the Component 1 Working group established by the 5th month of the project implementation and the plan for the comprehensive evaluations drafted and agreed (1.1.1.); A 5 working day study-visit for at least 20 experts (staff members of the AVET, selected members of the SCs and other key experts) is organised (1.1.2); The evaluation of the SCs’ role as well as the evaluation of methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula conducted (1.1.3.); Set of recommendations/modifications on the revised role of VET SCs delivered (1.1.4.); Set of recommendations/modifications on the methodology for the VET qualification / curriculum development, including specific roles of the OEGs / QWGs and CEGs (1.1.5.); Project activities and Planned outcomes Component 1 – Improving the role of the Sector Councils and the methodology for qualification / curricula development

Set of modifications in line with the results of the evaluation and the CROQF / European Qualification Framework (EQF) delivered, including the specific issues of Croatian / European descriptors, credit transfer system, vertical/horizontal mobility and pathways ); Document produced which proposes mechanisms and institutional responsibilities in order to facilitate economy inputs (1.2.1.); Generic guidelines and materials – manual for the VET sector councils and working groups drafted in English and Croatian languages, approved and at least 1000 copies in Croatian language published (1.2.2.); Quality assurance mechanisms proposed and agreed (1.2.3.). Project activities and Planned outcomes Component 1 – Improving the role of the Sector Councils and the methodology for qualification / curricula development

In line with the results of the Component 1 of the project, develop a uniform training needs analysis (TNA) method in order to receive comparative data as to the training of key stakeholders on the development of occupational standards and qualifications / curricula (with given stakeholders and institutions, communication, quality assurance etc.) and carry out the TNA in close communication with the AVET Based on the outcomes of the TNA, draft a mid-term training plan of key stakeholders (according to the good-practice examples in the EU member states) Based on the outcomes of the TNA, develop flexible training modules that make future adjustments possible following further reviews of the VET SCs and methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula Develop manuals, case studies and other relevant course material (both in English and Croatian language) for training sessions on the revised VET SCs and the methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula In close communication with the AVET’s Department for the Development of Occupational Standard and Qualifications, select relevant members of the AVET and/or key stakeholders and conduct Training-of- Trainers on the revised VET SCs and the methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula. Project activities and Planned outcomes Component 2 – Further capacity building of relevant practitioners / key stakeholders

In close communication with the staff from relevant departments of the AVET, organise pilot-delivery of training of the SCs’ members and (if relevant) other key stakeholders’ representatives (relevant training is to be delivered by the Trainers trained under activity ) On the basis of the aforementioned TNA, identify the AVET’ needs as regards the further strengthening of the Department for the Development of Occupational Standard and Qualifications and strengthening its capacities to collect and analyze all relevant data and deliver tailor-made training to the key staff members Develop and implement a dissemination plan (web page, targeted presentation at the cross-county level, materials - both in English and Croatian language) for the introduction of the revised methodology for the development of occupational standards and qualifications / curricula and produce relevant materials Design and produce a brochure on the methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications for the VET schools and other stakeholders at the regional/local level Organise dissemination events at the cross-county level and present the methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula to a wider group of stakeholders at the regional/local level

Minimum expected outcomes of the Component 2 (relevant activity number in brackets): Feedback on the proposed TNA methodology/plan received through at least 3 meetings with the key stakeholders and the TNA carried out, with at least 30 representatives of the stakeholders involved in the TNA (2.1.1.); The mid-term training plan of key stakeholders drafted (2.1.2.); At least 6 flexible training modules with duration of min. 3 days designed (2.1.3), Different training manual drafted (both in English and Croatian language), agreed and published in Croatian language (at least 500 copies) (2.1.4.); At least 4 ToT training modules with a duration of a min. 3 days designed and delivered to a group of at least 15 participants-future Trainers (2.1.5);

At least 4 one day pilot-training activities for the SCs’ members and other relevant stakeholders (minimum of 30 people per training) delivered by the group of Trainers (2.2.1); Created recommendations for strengthening the Department for the Development of Occupational Standard and Qualifications as well as for greater capacity of collecting and analyzing all relevant data and implemented AVET employees training – at least 4 module with a duration of a min. 2 days for at least 15 staff members(2.2.2.); The dissemination plan for the introduction of the revised methodology for the development of occupational standards and qualifications / curricula development is drafted and the specialized web-page on the project’s results is designed and updated (2.3.1); A brochure on the methodology for development of occupational standards and qualifications as well as the VET curricula is produced and published in Croatian language, at least 1000 copies (2.3.2.); At least 4 dissemination events at the cross-county level for the social partners and the VET schools are organised (2.3.3.).

Component 3 – Further work on selected occupational families/curricula Create a two-year Action Plan for the development of occupational standards, qualifications and curricula, based on the results of the Component 1, results of the Council for CROQF and the Council for National Curricula Support AVET in gathering of the inputs by the VET SCs and economy representatives (evaluation of the economy’s needs for specific occupations, qualifications and competencies based on the mid-term priorities of each economic sector) Support the Department for the Development of Occupational Standards and Qualifications and the Department for the Development of Curricula within AVET in implementing and coordinating the delivery of occupational standards, qualifications and curricula including general support in the organisation of the OEGs / QWGs and CEGs co- ordination meetings Develop methodology (both in English and Croatian language) and minimum standards (specific inputs/outputs) for OEGs/ QWGs / CEGs coordinators that will have the key role in the development of occupational standards, qualifications and curricula and organise basic training for them Launch, monitor and supervise targeted contribution of OEGs/ QWGs / CEGs coordinators and delivery of agreed outputs on the basis of the working groups’ inputs in line with the previously agreed Action Plan.

Minimum expected outputs of the Component 3 (relevant activity number in brackets): Action plan (bi-annual) for the development of occupational standards and qualifications / curricula drafted (3.1.1.); Relevant inputs by the VET SCs and economy representatives delivered (3.1.2.); 26 occupational standards, qualifications and curricula (2 per each VET sector) developed under the supervision of the key expert – to be duly reconsidered during the Inception Phase (3.1.3); Methodology for the co-ordination of the OEGs / QWGs and CEGs delivered, tested and ready for active usage (3.1.4). Maximum 30 potential OEGs/ QWGs / CEGs coordinators selected and trained for the implementation of relevant tasks and at least 1 extensive briefing held every two months with the appointed OEGs/ QWGs / CEGs coordinators (group and, where applicable, individual sessions) on the milestones/deliverables related to the co-ordination of the OEGs / QWGs and CEGs (3.1.5);

Involvement of Non – Key experts JSTE Component 1,2,3 SSTE Component 1,2,3 Inception Implementation Final Phase Total Local coordinators

Synergy with other IPA projects Further Development of the Croatian Qualification Framework (CROQF) Access to Education by Students with Disabilities VET Quality Assurance Development Local Partnerships for Employment Phase 3 Employment of People with Disabilities Youth in the Labour Market

Thank you for your attention!!