Beowulf By: Jacob Embry
Greatest Battles Beowulf had several great battles, from Grendel, to his mother, to the dragon. There are separate reasons for each battle that made them great.
Grendel When Beowulf went to battle with Grendel he went totally un-armed. He believed in a fair fight and knew that Grendel didn’t have any weapons. The end of the battle was Beowulf yanking Grendel’s arm off.
Grendel’s Mother After the death of her son, Grendel’s mother attacked. Beowulf being the epic hero that he is, went to her underwater lair. He went into battle with her, the battle ended with him cutting her head off. He then walked over to Grendel's dying corpse and while Grendel takes his last few breathes Beowulf cuts his head off as well.
The Dragon After many years of being king, the elderly Beowulf goes to battle with a dragon. The great king, Beowulf who is then about 70 or 80 takes several of his greatest warriors and tells them to wait and see if he needs help before they attack. After battling with the Dragon for quite some time to no avail. Only one warrior, Wiglaf comes in to help Beowulf as the rest of the warriors run.
The Dragon Cont. Together Wiglaf and Beowulf slayed the dragon, but not before the dragon had hit Beowulf with his poison. As Beowulf is dying he tells Wiglaf he needs to see the Dragons Hoard. As well as his funeral plans. He wishes to be placed in “Beowulf’s Barrow” next to the sea on a hill.
Epic Hero? Beowulf was definitely an epic hero. He had all the qualifications of being an epic hero. Strength, Wisdom, Bravery. Anyway you look at it Beowulf is an epic hero.