Dr. Sheryl Davenport Executive Director, EC/ECSE
Classroom Standards Teacher QualityAssessment & Evaluation Parental Engagement 10:1 pupil teacher ratio per Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services 92% of teachers were certified During , 1,890 preschool children screened using DIAL-3 Head Start and Parents As Teachers have advisory councils Health, Nutrition and Safety standards as outlined by Head Start includes 7 targeted professional development days Project Construct Assessment Checklist administered in October, January & April AFT Innovation Grant working group has a parent representative On-site facilities inspections conducted by Grace Hill quality assurance and compliance staff Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) observations of Head Start teachers Early Childhood Outcomes percent of children in ECSE who demonstrated improvement – targets met per DESE Classroom teachers have parent volunteers PIIP Center at Vashon is licensed and accredited Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale – R – classroom observations Devereaux Early Childhood Assessment administered annually St. Louis Public Schools2
3 Data Target # General Education preschool classrooms 97 in 45 schools133 in 45 schools134 in 45 schools # of 3 – 5 year old students 1,6002,206 (actual 3-5) 1,641 (actual enrolled in kg 8/2012) 2,095 (actual 3-5 as of 9/1-25/12) Curriculum utilizedProject Construct (DESE approved curriculum with supplements in reading, math and science) Project Construct Reading Street Project Construct Reading Street Professional Development ECERS-R Environmental tool (Teachers & Paraprofessionals) Project Construct training-21 ECRES-R Social Emotional Support – LUME Institute AFT Innovation Grant CPR certification CLASS – Head Start Project Construct – 42 trained ECRES-R DECA CLASS CPR certification Project Construct Training – 86 teachers and ECTAs trained AFT Innovation Grant supported ORAL LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT
ECSE and EC professional development in-service workshops are aligned. * This number is tied to special education eligibility and increases throughout the year. St. Louis Public Schools4 Data Target # of Early Childhood Special Education children in Head Start and private day care centers around the City * # of ECSE classrooms in SLPS21 22 # of SLPS schools ECSE Total Enrollment *
Available Early Childhood Seats Actual Enrollment (students in seats) Available Seats as of 9/25/2012 Magnet -18 ECSE - 32 General EC - 36 Total - 86 Over 2000 families passed through the EC office between May and September. St. Louis Public Schools5
Screenings for 3-5 year olds are performed using the Dial-3 across three domains: motor, concepts, & language. ASQ is utilized to screen 6 weeks – 3 years old * Screening 3-5 year olds for DESE reimbursement is priority. 0-3 screenings begin in October. St. Louis Public Schools6 Data Target # of Birth to 3 year old children screened 5250* # of 3-5 year old children screened Professional Development PAT Teen Training Ages & Stages Questionnaire Training Individualized training based on certification needs New Foundational Curriculum Training Visit Tracker Training (PAT approved tracking/reporting system) SIDS training New Foundational Curriculum
Opening Sumner and Roosevelt PIIP Centers on October 1, 2012 PIIP Enrollment at Vashon – 11 Anticipated enrollment at Roosevelt -16 Recruiting at Sumner is on-going St. Louis Public Schools7
Staff Early Childhood classrooms with qualified teachers and offer supports such as St. Louis Plan mentor teachers specifically trained in preschool outcomes – SLPS Plan mentors attend EC professional development including Project Construct training Currently at the state level, 4 instruments will be piloted in in advance of statewide recommendations for – Mason School is piloting Teaching Strategies GOLD Continue on-going randomized observations by the Accountability Office to ensure instruction is optimized and resources are used effectively – On- going Seek funding sources to provide the necessary additional resources to ensure that classrooms sustain constant learning opportunities – Draft document has been developed to seek endowment funding to sustain preschool, PIIP and PAT. Continue efforts to provide opportunities to engage families in early childhood activities and guidance – On-going including upcoming PAT Book Fair, Block Fest and Head Start Policy Council meetings. St. Louis Public Schools8